The majority of words in Russian have different meanings, which are sometimes completely opposite. It depends on the specific context and application. To find out the meaning of the word "master", like many others, you need to use the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language.

Ozhegov's Dictionary
He is one of the main collections, where a very large number of words are given along with all their meanings. As well as examples of usage.
Master is a person from the upper strata of society. This is the one who has real power over people dependent on him (slaves, serfs). This title is often used for someone who has the power to dispose of something. It is in this context that such expressions as "master of the situation" or "master of his fate" are quite often used.
Besides, mister is just one of the polite ways of addressing. In pre-revolutionary Russia, this was very common. Often found in letters, literature of those timescorresponding abbreviation "Mr." Also used when referring to someone. Usually used with a rank or surname.
Ushakov's Dictionary
Identical values can be found in it. But there are some interesting additions.
Journalists often used this word and still use it in an ironic sense. In this case, the master is someone who does not deserve any respect. Sometimes the word in this meaning is also used in colloquial speech.
By the way, in the pre-revolutionary period, this word in the plural - "gentlemen" - was used as an appeal to several people. Moreover, only men or men together with women could be in the group.

Meaning of phraseology
When is the age-old idiom "servant of two masters" used, the meaning of which takes its roots in the Bible? So they say about a person who tries to serve two or more people at the same time. This is done in order to obtain large material benefits. This is usually said about self-serving and two-faced people.
The Bible speaks of the impossibility of having all the blessings on earth and in heaven at the same time. We alth is a blessing that can easily subjugate a person. It is important to be able to manage it - to be its master, not a slave. In order to gain all the blessings in heaven, it is necessary to stop constantly thinking about earthly riches and devote yourself to life with God. In the Gospel of Luke, one can read the statement that the true master is God. Serving himis the real we alth and goal of every believer. And it is impossible to serve both the Lord and Mammon (money, property), that is, two masters.
The Evangelical Apostles Matthew and Luke also explain that one cannot serve two masters at the same time. Since it will not be possible to treat both of them equally well, just as it will not be possible to diligently treat the tasks being performed.

This approach inspired the play of the same name by Carlo Goldoni. This story is about how the cunning and not too honest servant Truffaldino served two masters in order to obtain double benefits.