Filthy is Interpretation of the word

Filthy is Interpretation of the word
Filthy is Interpretation of the word

If you can not correctly determine the meaning of the word "nasty", we recommend that you read this article. It indicates what interpretation this word can have. It is an adjective. Refers to the masculine gender. With the help of Efremova's dictionary, we will indicate what meanings the word "filthy" can have.

Used for sewage or rubbish

This is how you can characterize, for example, a waste container or a tank contaminated by them. For example, a filthy bucket is a container for leftovers.

  • This filthy bucket should have been washed a long time ago.
  • Filthy (dirty) trash can
    Filthy (dirty) trash can
  • There was some kind of green concoction in the filthy tub.

Terrible in quality or disgusting

This value is portable. It indicates the poor quality of the product, its unsightly appearance.

  • How can you trade these rotten tomatoes?
  • The fur coat looked so bad that no one wanted to buy it.

Poisonous or one that is not suitable for consumption infood

Some mushrooms cannot be eaten. They are unsuitable. The same applies to other products.

  • This rotten mushroom you should never cook.
  • Some rotten berries can seriously harm your he alth, so don't even try them.

Pagan, adherent of non-Christian beliefs

Note that this value is obsolete. People who were not adherents of Christianity were called filthy. They worshiped idols.

  • In ancient times, filthy people worshiped the forces of nature.
  • Before, the authorities fought against the filthy Gentiles.
  • Pagan rituals that are considered filthy
    Pagan rituals that are considered filthy

Impure or forbidden by beliefs

This word also has a religious connotation. He points to certain things that are forbidden by custom.

  • These filthy rituals need to be eradicated forever.
  • There are people in our society who adhere to filthy beliefs.

As you can see, the adjective "foul" has several interpretations. Choose exactly the one that fits the context.
