In everyday life, sometimes you have to operate with concepts from the scientific sphere. Such, for example, is the word "apex". This is a term found in many areas of life. It will be interesting to know what it means and how to apply it correctly.
This word came into the Russian language not so long ago. Apex is Latin for top. The word itself is not used, since it is not clear which peak is meant. Therefore, a specific direction should be added: in mathematics, in physics, in manicure and other areas. Despite such a spread in the scope of the term, its essence is reduced to its original meaning.
In mathematics
In short, for a mathematician, the apex is the farthest point. An example is a geometric figure such as a cone or a pyramid. Its top, lying against the base, is the apex.

In a triangle, this is the angle opposite the base. In mechanics, too, there is such a concept. It characterizes the motion of a rigid body. It is often applied to a gyroscope in problems aboutEarth orbit.
Sky Apex
Astronomy also has this term. It characterizes the most distant point when moving. It can be the orbit of the Sun or some satellite of the Earth. The velocity direction vector of such a celestial body is directed towards a certain point. It is also called the apex.

A point on the celestial sphere is what an apex is. It is near the Sun and is located in the constellation Hercules. The sun moves towards it relative to the stars. There are annual, century and other apexes.
In biology
Botanical apex - the tip of the shoot. It is also called the cone of growth due to the fact that this accurately characterizes its function. It contains the so-called apical meristem. It is responsible for the formation of new cells of a growing organism (plant).
There is also an apex at the root. There is no clearly developed system for classifying the botanical apex due to very different indicators not only among different plants, but also in one plant at different times of its development.
However, it is known that at the root it is all smooth, and at the shoot only the cone is smooth. There are three types of apex:
- Single cell meristem, like ferns.
- Multicellular initials in one layer, like gymnosperms.
- Multicellular initials in more than one layer, like flowering ones.

Clam shells usually have a sharp top. Its highest point is the apex.
In dentistry
Toptooth root, that is, the place where the canal and the hard top of the tooth are connected, is called the apex. This is an important area, since the successful treatment of pulpitis and tooth filling depends on its correct definition.
When the apex is perforated, infected tissue, medicines and filling material get outside the tooth. Prevention of such situations is possible due to the use of special equipment and the professionalism of the doctor.
Earlier in the practice of canal filling, it was considered common for the filling material to go beyond the apex. But this is currently an invalid error. After it, the patient has pain, complications, he can even lose a tooth. Therefore, now among dentists a lot of attention is paid to different methods of treating the apex zone. This direction is developing and improving.
Apex for a manicurist
In the architecture of artificial nails, the apex is a defining concept. It converges the transverse and longitudinal arches of the nail. To create a properly modeled nail, it is necessary to apply some knowledge about architectural arches. The apex bears the brunt of the load, it must withstand all normal hand movements and not break.

The application of acrylates on a natural nail in order to increase its length is accompanied by the definition of the so-called stress zone. This is the place where the nail experiences maximum stress. This is where the material should be thickest.
To make the nails look beautiful, to the cuticle and side ridges materialcomes to naught. Thus, two arches are formed: one is longitudinal, which is visible when looking at the nail from the side, the second is transverse, which is visible when viewed from the end of the nail. Their intersection is the apex.
For motorists
When driving a car, vague descriptions are not enough, because they can be understood in different ways. To determine the trajectory of movement, the term "apex" is used (the point of the trajectory closest to the inner edge of the road). Often this word is mentioned during races. Why is this point so interesting? It gives the shortest distance when cornering. Passing a car through it is called touching. In this case, the likelihood of developing a higher speed than in a different cornering increases.
In another way, you can call this point the top, or apex, of the turn. Everyone represents what racing is. Fractions of a second sometimes play a decisive role. Therefore, the commentator reports whether the racer fit into the apex.

There are also long turns, which are also called the apex, and all due to the fact that they almost do not slow down.
Apex in titles
There are many companies that have chosen to use "apex" instead of "top". For example, there is a well-known in Kemerovo radio "Apex". It is recognized by the inhabitants of the region as the most popular among others and rightfully bears the name of the people. In addition to entertainment programs, Apex radio broadcasts news of the region and relevant information for the residents of Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo.
There is an online store with the samethe name where you can buy auto parts around the clock. There are also offline stores. The Apex network is spread all over Moscow.
This is the name of both the design bureau in Moscow and the company engaged in independent expertise. Her authority includes assessing damage in an accident or analyzing the value of real estate.
A manufacturing company specializing in door fittings, a laboratory equipment supplier, a medical device manufacturer, and many other companies and associations have chosen the beautiful word "apex" for their name.
City in USA
In the state of North Carolina there is a small town with a population of just over forty thousand people. It is named Apex in honor of the highest point of the local railway.

He is quite young, educated in 1873. But despite this, it has an interesting history. It includes several fires, sometimes with the evacuation of residents. But the city has always been rebuilt and is now on the list of the best places to live in the country.
Summing up this review, we can note the development of the native language, which came with a word that accurately characterizes the concept of a peak or highest point. This is apex, a term among scientists, professional slang and a word from the lexicon of motorists.
Judging by the fact that it is increasingly being chosen for names, it will soon be easy for anyone to explain its meaning.