Description of Ivan - a peasant son. Ivan's appearance

Description of Ivan - a peasant son. Ivan's appearance
Description of Ivan - a peasant son. Ivan's appearance

Probably, there is no person in Russia who has not heard a Russian folk tale at least once in his life. Favorite folk stories are passed down from generation to generation, accustoming people from childhood to oral folk art. It was fairy tales that influenced the creation of many cartoons, films and performances. The main characters not only personify the general picture of the world, but also teach, and also clearly show the listener the positive and negative sides of their character. So, in the famous Russian legend about Miracle Yuda, the description of Ivan the peasant son shows that even the youngest and underestimated child can easily turn into a real hero.

The image of Ivan in Russian legends

Many lovers of folk art may notice that the name Ivan is the most common in Russian epics and legends. In fantasy folk storiesthe image of Ivan personifies fearlessness and courage, because he undoubtedly kills all enemies. Often this name is associated with an ordinary village boy who, despite his simplicity, achieves great success.

Sometimes the image of Ivan has a certain indicator of laziness and dementia. However, in all fairy tales, Ivan acts as a positive hero who changes for the better and reveals himself in a completely different way. If we consider the description of Ivan - a peasant son, then we can see that from the very beginning the hero seemed rather weak, since they did not want to take him with them, but brave and stubborn. He was not stopped by fear of the monster, and a sense of duty to his homeland made the young peasant go into battle.

Summary of the tale

To compile an accurate description of Ivan the peasant son and Miracle Yud, you need to turn to the most popular legend. The story is fantastic in nature, but very real human bravery. The folk tale begins with a description of the life of ordinary peasants who worked tirelessly in the fields until trouble came to the kingdom.

The monster, which the world has never seen, began to attack and destroy cities and villages. And in one of the families, two brothers decided to go and defend their state, they did not want to take their younger brother Ivan, but the guy did not retreat and asked for it to go on a campaign. Having reached the place of battle, the brothers made a h alt and agreed to take turns on duty. On the very first night, the first brother was going to be on duty, but fell asleep, and Ivan had to fight the monster on his own.

description of Ivan's characterpeasant son
description of Ivan's characterpeasant son

On the second night, the second brother stayed on duty and also dozed off, and Ivan again fought with Chud-yud alone. The more the young man chopped off the heads, the more they became every day. On the third night, it was Ivan himself's turn. But the monster had so many heads that the guy could not cope alone. He called his older brothers for help, but they were in no hurry - they slept until Ivan threw his hat.

We defeated the three brothers of Chudo-Yudo and decided to return home already. But the younger brother felt something was wrong and decided to return to the place of the battle and, having crossed the river, he saw the realm of the monster. Approaching the place of residence of Chuda-Yuda, Ivan heard that the mother and wives of an unprecedented creature lived there, who were preparing an insidious plan to destroy the brothers. After carefully listening to all the insidious ideas, Ivan returned to the brothers, and they went home. The younger brother helped to bypass all the traps of monsters and return home safely. It should be noted that if it were not for Ivan, the peasant son (we will consider the description of the hero in detail in this article), then the brothers would have fallen from the clutches of the monster at the beginning of the tale.

Hero's family

Considering the general picture of Ivan's life, it should be noted that he grew up in an ordinary peasant family with his father and mother and two older brothers. Surprisingly, the names of the elder brothers are not indicated in the legend itself, which distinguishes Ivan from the general folk story. The clarification of the guy's social status is well traced: Ivan is a peasant son. The description of the protagonist from the very beginning shows that the young man was not rich materially, but very rich internally.

descriptionIvan the peasant son and the miracle of Yudo
descriptionIvan the peasant son and the miracle of Yudo

It was fearlessness and the desire to help his family that pushed Ivan to go camping with his brothers. Parents did not hold back their sons, realizing that if nothing was done, everyone could die.


Strange as it sounds, but when they arrived at the battlefield, the elder brothers acted very improvidently. Having distributed the nights of duty, on the very first night the first brother falls asleep, showing himself from an irresponsible side, but not Ivan, who did not close his eyes all night. Even when he saw that his older brother was sleeping, the young man did not wake him up, but undertook to fight the monster alone. This shows the deep respect the younger has for the older.

Tracking the description of Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yud, one can see the courage, bravery and desire to defeat the enemy in the first, as well as the deceit and strength of the second. But even after defeating him, Ivan did not reproach his brother for indiscretion, showing dedication in any situation.

On the second night, the middle brother did exactly the same as the older brother. Instead of standing guard, he simply fell asleep, forgetting what had happened the first night. Ivan himself had to fight on the second night, even though the monster had even more heads than before, he was not afraid and again entered the battle.

Ivan peasant son description of the hero
Ivan peasant son description of the hero


On the third night it was Ivan's time to watch the monster. And at midnight, Miracle Yudo seemed even stronger and angrier. The battle between them continued for a long time. Difficult wasbattle, and Ivan felt that he alone could not cope. He cut off the heads of the monster, and there were even more of them. Ivan began to call the brothers for help, but none of them answered, they were fast asleep. The young man took off his mittens and began to throw them into the house where the elders were resting. But they didn't respond. Then Ivan threw down his hat, and only then did he break the sound sleep of the brothers, and they came to his aid and together defeated the monster together.

It should be noted that none of the older brothers showed gratitude to Ivan and did not go on duty with him. And he, in turn, asked the brothers for help, only realizing that if he did not cope, then everyone would die. This gives a clear example of what Ivan was - a peasant son. The description of his actions characterizes the hero as a kind and quick-witted guy who did not think about himself at the time of the battle, but was worried about the fate of people in his city. He did not accuse his brothers of betrayal and irresponsibility, but shared the joy of victory with them.

what was Ivan the peasant son description
what was Ivan the peasant son description


Victory over the evil monster seemed final. But Ivan understood that somewhere beyond the river there is a kingdom of a villain. When the brothers were going home, the young man asked for time to go to the battlefield and find a handkerchief. This shows what Ivan was like - a peasant son. The description of the hero says that he was far from being a stupid person and, despite his young age, he could think and analyze the situation. Having gone to the realm of the monster, Ivan turned out to be right.

description of the appearance of Ivan the peasant son
description of the appearance of Ivan the peasant son

The monster hadtwo wives and a mother who planned revenge on the hated brothers. Hearing all the planned dirty tricks, Ivan returned to his brothers and did not say a word. They went home, and along the way, the younger brother in every possible way took them away from all adversity, preventing the insidious avengers from destroying them. This shows that Ivan is quite modest and did not show that he had foreseen everything in advance. They calmly reached home and became heroes.

Even a brief description of Ivan - a peasant son shows the whole picture of a kind and not conceited guy. He acted solely in the interests of the life of his family and his people, without expecting praise and approval.

Description of Ivan the peasant son

Looking at the overall picture of the tale, you can see how Ivan grows in the eyes of the audience. At the beginning of the tale, he appears as the youngest. By this, the author wanted to emphasize the youth of the protagonist, who "asked for it" with his brothers, which means that the age of the hero did not fit the standard of a Russian man capable of battle. Later in the tale, the sensitivity of a young guy who saw that his older brother fell asleep is noted. The description of the character of Ivan, the peasant son, makes it clear that the guy, despite his age, knew how to make independent decisions. He did not wake up any of the brothers, but he himself rushed into battle.

description of Ivan the peasant son
description of Ivan the peasant son

The main character demonstrates that it is not necessary to be big and strong to be brave and courageous. The hero clearly shows respect for the elders, who have been respected and revered at all times. Ivan did not accept the actbrothers for betrayal, but respected the irresponsibility of elders.

After the last fight, Ivan shows ingenuity and sharpness of mind. He decides to check if the fight is really over, and goes to the realm of the monster. Thanks to this, he once again saves the brothers and does not require praise and recognition, which shows the modesty of the protagonist and his desire to help free of charge. The description of Ivan the peasant son from the fairy tale serves not only as an exciting story, but also as an indicator of a real man. The hero is endowed with an incredible amount of positive aspects that are inherent in a person at all times.

Ivan's appearance

Thanks to the famous fairy tale, it is possible to present a detailed description of Ivan, the peasant son, but not his appearance. After all, the legend allows the listener to imagine the main character himself and build a hypothesis about his appearance. Since Ivan is the youngest son, it can be assumed that this is a guy of short stature or a young man in the very dawn of his strength.

description of Ivan the peasant son from a fairy tale
description of Ivan the peasant son from a fairy tale

The brothers are sent from their father's home, which means there is no specialized clothing for the war. Therefore, most likely, Ivan was dressed in an ordinary peasant shirt, trousers and bast shoes. According to the legend, Ivan has a hat on his head. Artists depict the main character in their own way, exactly the same as the listener of delightful folk art. Therefore, the description of the appearance of Ivan, the peasant son, does not have an unambiguous image.


Folk tales have always been an example of behavior, forming in eacha person a general picture of the world and actions. That is why fairy tales are so important for every person, whether it is a small child or an adult listener. The description of Ivan, a peasant son, gives people a great example of what character traits a person should have in order to be able to easily turn from a simple peasant into a real hero, despite his age and social status.
