If you do not know what the inside is, then this article will definitely come in handy. This is a multi-valued word. It has five interpretations. They can be found in the dictionary. This is a native Russian word, which originally meant "inside". But now the interpretation of this word has become much wider.
The lexical meaning of the word
The explanatory dictionary indicates what the inside is. Here are the lexical meanings of this word:
- Internal organs. It used to be called the abdominal cavity with all the vital organs. The word is no longer used in this sense. Example: my whole inside seemed to freeze and shrink into a tight knot.
- The inside of something. Refers to a variety of subjects. Example: the inside of the handbag was empty, the thieves pulled out all the valuables.
- The essence of something. Psychologists probably know what the gut is. They can recognize the essence of a person even by his gestures. Example: I can see right through his insides, he is a mean person.
- Inner world or soul. Example: no need to get into my gut, there are some things that you should not know.
- flairor intuition. This is the name given to the ability of a person to foresee the possible outcome of events. The word in this meaning is widely used in colloquial speech. Example: I feel in my gut that gossip will soon begin in the village.

Selection of synonyms for the word
Having figured out what the inside is, it's worth moving on to the selection of synonyms.
- Innards. The soldier's entrails are severely damaged and surgery is required.
- Instinct. My instincts tell me to get out of here as fast as possible.
- Subsoil. I checked the bowels of my wallet, but, unfortunately, they were almost empty.
- The point. You can't get the gist of the conversation, so please don't get involved.
- The womb. There was such unbearable pain in the womb that the patient involuntarily prayed for death.
- Essence. The essence of a person is that he leaves a trace behind himself, and not just sunk into oblivion.

Such synonyms for "inside" can be picked up. It's better to use a dictionary. So you can find the right option much faster.