Since ancient times, the reprisal against criminals was carried out by the death pen alty. For this, the services of the so-called executioners were used. These are professional hired killers who receive an agreed payment for their work. Now capital punishment has been abolished in many countries, but the word "executioner" is still used today. To whom this term applies and what is its designation, let's take a closer look.
What do we know about executioners?
For the majority, this word is associated with the Middle Ages, when the Inquisition interrogated witnesses and "God's judgment" with torture, various tortures. To carry out the execution, special people were hired - these are executioners. They were strictly forbidden to engage in other activities and generally appear in public places. They lived with people like them, and they looked for wives among the daughters of the same "specialists".
The profession of an executioner was not as simple as it seemed at first glance. Men who can cut off a head on the first try are the executioners whose services are most valued and paid accordingly.

According to the explanatory dictionary
Whatthe meaning of the word "executioner"? Sources explain differently. There are several options:
- A person who carries out the death sentence - by hanging, beheading, and also committing serious bodily harm according to the order of the authorities.
- Tormentor. A cruel person who restricts the freedom of others.
Synonyms for the word "executioner" are "kat", "punisher", "murderer", "hangman", "torturer", etc.
Linguist Maximilian Vasmer in his book on linguistics pointed out that the "executioner" is a derivative of the Turkish pala - "sword", "dagger".

Summing up, we note that the executioner is a hired specialist in carrying out the death pen alty. Nowadays, in a figurative sense, the word is used to refer to a person who is distinguished by inhumanity and the desire to oppress other people.