Circus school in Moscow: basic information and admission rules

Circus school in Moscow: basic information and admission rules
Circus school in Moscow: basic information and admission rules

If you want a holiday, go to the circus. Such an entertainment facility is available in any large modern city. Artists delight the audience with complex acrobatic numbers, magic tricks, performances with animals and other amazing tricks. Many people believe that only people born in families of circus dynasties can get into the circus arena. In fact, this is a big misconception. In order to become a circus performer, it is necessary to graduate from a circus school in Moscow. To date, this is the only specialized educational institution in our entire country.

Is circus art a calling?

Circus school in Moscow
Circus school in Moscow

To the audience, the circus seems like a solid holiday and magic. In fact, each number is the result of hard training, nerves and pain. The work of circus artists is associated with great danger. Even experienced craftsmen in the midst of their careers sometimes get seriously injured.

At its core, any genre of circus art is a symbiosis of complex sports and acting. How much an artist willsuccessful, depends largely on his self-control, artistry, ability to communicate with the public. Many representatives of circus dynasties argue that it is worth coming to work in this area only by vocation. If the dream of your life is a circus, it makes sense to think about how to get into a circus school in Moscow.

You can enter this educational institution after finishing nine or eleven grades of any comprehensive school. Applicants should understand that, due to the specifics of the profession, entrance examinations consist not only of examinations of the general education program. It is necessary to have at least basic choreographic or sports training. At the school today there is a circus section, admission to which will be introduced from the age of 5. There are similar institutions of additional education in many other Russian cities.

Applicants involved in acrobatics, ballet, rhythmic gymnastics, dancing and some other sports have good chances to become circus artists. All these disciplines are quite complex, and it is believed that you can succeed in them if you start teaching a child no later than 7 years old. Parents who dream of a circus career for their child should understand that intense training can negatively affect academic performance in the general education curriculum.

History of the only circus school in Russia

Circus school in moscow history
Circus school in moscow history

In the autumn of 1927, the People's Commissariat of Education of the USSR issued a resolution, according to which it was ordered to organize inthe capital of the state is an institution for the training of circus performers. The training was conducted in the format of courses lasting three years. Gradually, the educational institution developed, and after some time it was reorganized into a technical school. Together with the new name, the circus school in Moscow received a building with a full-fledged arena. Quite quickly, the educational institution earned a good reputation for itself. The school changed its name several times. In 1987, the educational institution was once again renamed. The assigned name has survived to this day - the State School of Circus and Variety Art. M. N. Rumyantsev. Today, the educational institution is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture.

Modern everyday life of the circus school

Since 1961, the circus school in Moscow has been training pop artists, speech and original genres. Today, this educational institution remains the only one of its kind in our country. Only here you can get a professional circus education. Every year a large number of applicants from all over the country dream of becoming students of the GUTSEI. The school is also famous for its teaching staff. Circus and variety disciplines are taught to the younger generation by famous artists, as well as simply talented graduates of colleges and other cultural educational institutions.

Majors and Curriculum

Circus school in moscow requirements
Circus school in moscow requirements

GUTSEI trains circus artists of various genres. The most popular directions: acrobatics,tightrope walking, clowning, juggling, original pop genre. Also at the school you can get the speci alty of an assistant, assistant animal trainer, entertainer, dresser or make-up artist. Applicants are advised to choose the most interesting speci alty for themselves even before passing the entrance examinations. The admissions committee usually evaluates the data of each person wishing to enter precisely in accordance with the requirements and specifics of the chosen profession.

During the training, students acquire highly specialized knowledge and skills related to the profile speci alty. The study of the world and Russian heritage of the circus is for all students who entered the circus school in Moscow. The scientific activity of the educational institution includes the study and classification of new programs. In addition, students of all speci alties study circus pedagogy, the basics of safety and circus genres.

How to enter the GUTSEI?

Circus school in Moscow photo
Circus school in Moscow photo

If you dream of being in a circus arena, it makes sense to visit a circus school in Moscow before submitting documents. The address of the educational institution: Moscow, 5th street of the Yamskoye field, house 24. With responsible applicants who applied to the school in advance, an interview is conducted. Even 2-3 months before the entrance examinations, you can take preparatory courses at an educational institution, the cost of which will be only 1,500 rubles.

The circus school in Moscow has quite stringent admission requirements. The training of circus performers involves serious and dangerousphysical stress. For this reason, even upon admission, each applicant must prove that he has no he alth problems. When applying for admission to the study application, medical certificates are attached to it. Required minimum: X-ray of the spine, extracts from the psycho-neurological and tuberculosis dispensary (that the owner of the document is not registered). A certificate from the supervising physician is also required.

Entrance tests

Circus school in moscow reviews
Circus school in moscow reviews

Admission is based on the results of entrance examinations held in three rounds. The first examination includes an assessment of the personal and physiological data of the contestant, as well as his abilities within the chosen profession. The second stage is the passage of a medical commission. The third exam is the most difficult, during which applicants demonstrate their skills in choreography, acrobatics, and show their artistry. Particular attention is paid to the ability to improvise and the student's imagination.

Each applicant must understand that he did not come to an ordinary casting of a modeling agency, but to a circus school in Moscow. Photos in interesting images and the ability to recite a memorized piece of text will not help here. A real artist must interact with the audience without fear and excitement, and also be able to instantly find a way out of any unexpected situations on stage.

After the exam in the speci alty, applicants are waiting for tests in general education subjects. Graduates of the 9th grade write a dictation and take an oral exam in Russian andliterature. After grade 11, the student will need to write an essay.

Famous GUTSEI graduates

Dozens of artists, famous throughout the world, once graduated from the circus school in Moscow. The history of this educational institution in high-profile surnames sounds impressive: M. Rumyantsev, O. Popov, A. Marchevsky, L. Yengibarov are all GUTSEI graduates. Graduated from the circus school and such talented artists as E. Kamburova, Zh. Bichevskaya, G. Khazanov and E. Shifrin. According to the most conservative estimates, over the years the educational institution has trained at least five thousand specialists in all areas of circus and variety art.

Reviews about the circus school

Circus school in Moscow address
Circus school in Moscow address

GUTSEI is an educational institution awarded with many high awards. The circus school in Moscow has positive reviews at the world level. Today, not only residents of many cities of Russia, but also applicants from other countries strive to enter this educational institution. A diploma of graduation from a circus school makes it possible to get a job in the speci alty received. If you believe the statistics, only a small percentage of graduates are not employed within the framework of their profession. GUTSEI is an educational institution that has no analogues in our country. Everyone who dreams of a circus and variety career should try to enter it.
