In the history of Russian literature, the work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov - a student and successor of the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - occupies a special place. The description of nature and landscapes runs like a red thread through all his work. Lermontov's landscape lyrics are amazing. You will learn about what is reflected in it in our article.

General view
Nature is the soul in Lermontov's poetry. It is in her that the young poet finds the highest values: perfection and freedom. Poetic reflections, as well as painting, are full of nature. The poem "Izmail Bey" begins in the first part with the lines: "Greetings to you, gray-haired Caucasus!"
The author writes that the lyrical hero of the Caucasus is not a stranger, that the mountains carried him from infancy, and he was accustomed to these skies from an early age. He notices the beauty and severity of the mountains, compares clouds and shadows with ghosts. The young talent, as a poet, is helped by his talent as an artist.
Lermontov's landscape lyrics embody peace, favorite pictures of the motherland, as well as eternally cold clouds. In addition, the nature of the poet reflects the innerthe mood of the lyrical hero, his desire for a common ideal. Thanks to our article, schoolchildren will be able to write an essay "Lermontov's Landscape Lyrics".

1837 February
Not an easy time for Mikhail Yurievich. Pushkin died the day before. The young poet, under the impression of the tragic death of the talent of Russia and just a friend, writes the poem "The Death of a Poet". He was arrested for his work. In complete solitude among the bare walls, the poet mentally again turns to nature. He writes about a yellowing field, a living breeze, a green forest, a garden, plum trees, a cold spring, and so on.
Landscape in the lyrics of Lermontov M. Yu. reflects the search for peace and harmony, but these are just moments. In reality, the poet is in anxiety and sadness, because he is surrounded by vulgarity and deceit, the stupid fuss of secular society. All this leads to the fact that he writes a loud poem, drenched in bitterness, pain and anger, addressed to the executioners of freedom.
In nature, Lermontov escapes from the cruelty and insensitivity of the human world, he finds consolation in it, because it is full of movement, light and freedom. Lermontov's landscape lyrics are full of various experiences and emotions. The poet's poems are proof of this.

Favorite and unloved region
Tarkhany is the place where little Misha grew up. He called his land a corner dear to the heart, which reflected the image of rural and peasant Russia. The landscape lyrics of Lermontov were also reflected in the description of the small Motherland, wherethere is the expanse of fields, the aching sadness of lost villages.
The poet did not like official and ceremonial Petersburg. Nikolaev Russia and blue uniforms pursued him all the time. In May 1840, Lermontov again went into exile. The farewell took place at the Karamzins' house, and the carriage was already waiting outside. A participant in those events wrote in his memoirs that Lermontov stood at the window and sadly looked at the sky, through which clouds floated.
So Mikhail Yuryevich wrote the poem "Clouds". In this work, the author first compares his personality with heavenly clouds. He calls himself and them exiles from the sweet north. Then he asks who is driving them? Maybe fate, malice or envy of enemies? What crime did they commit? Or is it a betrayal of friends? But later he comes to the conclusion that they are tired of barren fields, passions and suffering. They are free. After all, they have no homeland, which means they have no exile. Nature is not an ideal, but man, tormented by passions, is above her. Amazing landscape lyrics. Lermontov M. Yu. I would never trade my suffering and love for the freedom of cold clouds.

About the Caucasus
Lermontov is called the singer of the Caucasus. The romantic heroes of the poet are attracted by the thirst for a storm, dark rocks and majestic mountains. All this is related to their rebellious soul. And this means that it is in such a world that free people can live.
Landscape in the poem "Mtsyri"
The monastic novice Mtsyri strives away from the stuffy and cramped cells to the wonderful world of anxieties, battles and experiences. To the world where rocks hide inclouds where a person is free like an eagle. Mtsyri notices around the lush green fields, fog and snow, in which the gray-haired Caucasus shines like a diamond.

It is in these places that the lyrical hero feels that his heart is light. The proud spirit of Mtsyri is the truth of a romantic hero, he is in tune with nature. This can be seen in the lines where Mtsyri says that he, like a brother of poetry, is ready to embrace the storm. He follows the events with the eyes of a cloud, and with his hands he can catch lightning. When Mtsyri is defeated, he has no way to return to his homeland. At this time, nature becomes alien and hostile to him.
About nature in A Hero of Our Time
The North Caucasus remembered Lermontov not only as a romantic, but also as a realist writer. In the novel A Hero of Our Time, the landscape is concrete and precise. The reader sees the scene clearly. The description of nature in the novel is not just a background, it is consonant with the experiences of the characters. Here thoughts about the beautiful, high destiny of man are born. Communication with nature reveals the best sides of Pechorin's soul. He notices how pure and fresh the air of the Caucasus is, compares it with the innocent kiss of a child. The hero talks about how fun it is to live on such a land. But from the light and peace of nature, Pechorin is still drawn to human passions.
Lermontov spent the last months of his life in Pyatigorsk. With him was an album donated once by the poet Odoevsky. The poems that lay on the pages of this notebook belong to the heights of literature and poetry. They have bitterness and loneliness, as well as a presentimentnear death. In these lines one can see the poet's soul throwing, where he is looking for peace and freedom in the harmony of the Universe.
Summarize. Lermontov's landscape lyrics are varied. The description of nature in his works performs different functions, creates romantic or realistic pictures, and also reveals the hero's stay between reality and sleep. Through the landscape, the poet turns to his homeland, to various philosophical issues, and also creates an image of Russia, which is very significant for the poet.
If a student at school was asked to write the essay "Lermontov's Landscape Lyrics", then do not despair, our article will help you. Good luck!