Ranking of Moscow schools by districts

Ranking of Moscow schools by districts
Ranking of Moscow schools by districts

All parents try to send their child to a good school. At the same time, the criteria for choosing an educational institution vary significantly. For some, this is a school where they studied themselves, for others - a prestigious lyceum with security, a swimming pool and in-depth studies of certain subjects, most often a foreign language. To facilitate the choice, a rating of Moscow schools was compiled. Parents will be able to compare educational institutions and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Annual school rankings

All educational institutions of the capital are under scrutiny. When compiling the rating, the specialists of the Department of Education do not take into account the material base of the school, the number of sections and circles in the school, the presence of a swimming pool and other characteristics of the school. The rating of Moscow schools (top 300) is based primarily on the results of the educational process at the school. It is not the grades that children receive throughout the year that are taken into account, but the test results in the ninth grade according to the OEG, in the eleventh grade according to the Unified State Examination, the results of students at regional and all-Russian olympiads. In the lower grades, they test the knowledge of children obtained inschool.

rating of Moscow schools
rating of Moscow schools

Experts started compiling the annual rating in 2011. As a result, some educational institutions have stepped up their activities. Some managed to significantly improve the level of education for several years. In order to advance in the ranking, it is not necessary to have a large material base. It is enough to correctly distribute all the resources in the school and activate the educational process.

Evaluation criteria for the best schools in Moscow

First of all, the level of knowledge of students of a particular educational institution is taken into account. The rating, as already mentioned, does not take into account the equipment of the school and the availability of modern elevators. The main criterion is the results of the guys in the exam and olympiads. Also, the rating of the best Moscow schools is influenced by students who are registered with the police or are considered disadvantaged. If a child gets into an unpleasant situation, this is the fault of the educational institution.

rating of Moscow schools top 300
rating of Moscow schools top 300

Additional points in the rating of Moscow schools bring active children. These are the guys who take part in various cultural events of the capital. The all-round development of a small personality is of great importance. Additionally, the presence of circles that focus on any profile, or he alth, sports sections are taken into account.

The rating of educational institutions primarily depends on the director and teachers who put all their efforts into students. The list proves that the best schoolsare located not only in the center of Moscow, but are dispersed throughout the region. For example, the rating of Moscow schools by districts raises the authority of educational institutions of the Southern, Western, Southwestern districts.


Compilation of the ranking has led to the fact that some schools have significantly raised their positions in recent years. Every educational institution strives to be the best. However, the list of the top ten does not change compared to previous years. The best educational institutions have a number of advantages.

First of all, this is a strong teaching staff that produces students with the highest results in control and knowledge slices. For the past few years, the leading position has been occupied by the school of the Central District "Kurchakovsky School". This institution accepts children from 6 years old. Already in elementary school, they begin to win prizes at city olympiads.

rating of schools in the moscow region based on the results of the exam
rating of schools in the moscow region based on the results of the exam

Lyceum №1535 remains invariably in high positions. The Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of Moscow State University shows itself excellently. School No. 57 invariably remains in the third position. The Department of Education puts the official ranking of Moscow schools on public display. On the official website, parents can find a list of the best educational institutions in the capital.


Each school strives to get high positions in the rankings. And it's not just about prestige. Educational institutions that are recognized as the best receive monetary rewards. The money is allocated from the city budget and canbe spent on improving school classrooms, purchasing methodological literature or equipment for specialized classes.

Educational institutions that take the first 170 places are rewarded. Part of the amount received from the city goes to teachers' bonuses. Such motivation contributes to even greater diligence of teachers. They strive to do quality work so that next year the school will again be in the ranking of the best.

Ranking of schools in the Moscow region based on the results of the USE

Every school passes compulsory state examinations. It is on the results of these tests that the specialists who make up the rating of Moscow schools rely. All educational institutions have different levels of performance indicators. Lyceum No. 1535 takes the first place in the Russian language. The best experts in mathematics study at gymnasium No. 1514. In the North-Eastern District, gymnasium No. 1518 has the best indicators in social science and history. A high rating according to the results of the Unified State Examination in Physics is occupied by school No. 368 "Elk Island". In biology, school No. 597 is in the first place. School No. 1694 "Yasenevo" is located in the Southwestern District, which showed the best results in chemistry. Lyceum No. 1795 "Losinoostrovsky" became the best in literature.

rating of Moscow schools department of education
rating of Moscow schools department of education

Data provided for the last year. However, practice shows that the leaders remain unchanged.

Best School Ranking Winner

The rating of schools in the Moscow region according to the Unified State Examination has been headed by the state budgetary institution - Lyceum No. 1535 for several years now. Top results schoolshowed at the Unified State Examination and State Academic Examination in English and Russian, computer science and geography. Also a good USE score in French. The school has 28 winners at All-Russian and Moscow Olympiads, as well as 7 winners of city Olympiads in history, social studies, chemistry and English. Each subject has its own circle. Several sections are working.

ranking of schools in the moscow region on the exam
ranking of schools in the moscow region on the exam

Children from grades 7 to 11 study at the school, the number of students reaches 1200 people. The curriculum of the Lyceum is based on Oxford University and is aimed at improving knowledge of the English language. Diversified classes are being formed. There is also training with a focus on medical areas. According to statistics, most of the graduates of this school are students of medical universities in Moscow.

Second place in the list of the best schools in Moscow

School based on Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov occupies the second line of the rating of the capital's educational institutions. The education system of the school focuses on university programs. The institution has its own hostel for the reception of non-resident applicants who want to continue their studies at the university. There is a canteen that provides six meals a day. The medical center monitors the he alth of students. There are all kinds of circles and sections on tourism, sports, a cinema club and a dance studio. Enrollment starts from grade 7 based on student test results.

rating of the best Moscow schools
rating of the best Moscow schools

Most of the graduates continue their studies at the University. Lomonosov. Many children are laureates of scientific conferences and winners of olympiads in mathematics, computer science and physics.

Third place in the rating of Moscow schools

State budgetary educational institution Education Center No. 57 "Fifty-seventh school" is one of the three leading schools in Moscow. The institution specializes in working with gifted children. It is quite difficult to pass the entrance exams. Every year, the school recruits 300 children for preparatory courses, but no one gives a guarantee that the student will enter the 1st grade. There are circles and sections, great attention is paid to mathematics. At school, many students are winners of the All-Russian and Moscow Olympiads in exact sciences and English.

rating of Moscow schools by districts
rating of Moscow schools by districts

Students who graduate often go on to study abroad at many British and American higher education institutions. Most applicants enter the information technology profile.

What does school ranking give?

Educational institutions that take part in such events are not afraid to show their shortcomings. The process of checking schools is completely open. To participate, you do not need to prepare, conduct demonstrative lessons. Such a rating of Moscow schools shows which educational institutions make a huge contribution to the learning process. In addition, such a list helps parents to make a choice.

Ranking will help other schools to activatetheir educational process and improve performance. Institutions that occupy leading positions strive not to stop there and improve their activities.
