In the recent past, every modern parent went to school, wrote tests and took exams. Time passes, and innovations appear in the education system. Unified State Examination, OGE, VPR are sonorous abbreviations that today's schoolchildren hear every day. If your child is in elementary school, then you will definitely have to find out what CDF is at school, this will begin state tests already in the fourth grade. The OGE is taken by students of the ninth grade, and at the end of the secondary educational institution, the USE awaits everyone. But first things first, let's figure out what awaits elementary school graduates.

What is CDF at school
Russian schoolchildren first wrote a VPR in the Russian language in 2015, and in subsequent years, tests in mathematics and the world around were added. All-Russian test work (VPR) is the final test work in various subjects. VPR was introduced for a systematic assessment of the level of schooleducation throughout the country. These works are developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and evaluate not only students, but also the quality of education in different schools.
If you compare the VPR with the USE, you can see both the similarities and the difference. Both types of tests assess the level of knowledge of the student, but the VPR is not a state final certification, and all students move to the next grade, regardless of the results.
Students write VLOOKUP for the first time at the end of fourth grade and then every school year until graduation. And this is a good rehearsal before passing the unified state exam at the end of training.

Why we need VLOOKUP
What is CDF at school, we figured it out. The second question to be answered is: "For what and who needs it?"
Of course, the results of test papers are indicative for students and their parents. They determine the level of preparation of the child and the quality of the educational services provided by a particular school.
Results are important for educators to assess the quality of their work and compare with the indicators of the whole country. The analysis of the results of the VPR at school makes it possible to evaluate and adjust the methods of teaching and presenting information.
It is difficult to come up with a more objective method of assessing teachers by the administration of educational institutions. VLOOKUP gives you the opportunity to do this with an open mind.
In addition, "weak" schools come under special control of the education departments of the municipal, regional and federal levels, measures are being developed for themsupport.
Thus, VFRs provide an opportunity to bring education across the country to a single standard and maximize the level of education in each school.

How CDF is conducted in primary grades
For the conduct of VPR, a school order is issued, which regulates the procedure for conducting work. This document defines the main parameters of the procedure:
- members of the VPR organization;
- responsible persons and inspectors;
- determining the timing of how long the CD should be kept at the school, and the persons responsible for preservation;
- procedure and evaluation and other important points;
The main duty of parents is to ensure the presence of the child at the test. As part of the VPR in elementary school, parents and students are introduced to the general requirements for tests and the final results.
VLOOKUP for fourth grades are held on the same dates throughout the country. The assignments were developed by federal level specialists and are identical for all schools.
The criteria for evaluating works are also the same:
- willingness to continue learning;
- willingness to put knowledge into practice.
All-Russian test work is carried out on special forms, where instead of the student's last name and first name, a four-digit code is indicated. This measure allows you to exclude a biased attitude towards a particular student on the part of the teacher during the test. Evaluation of works is carried out according to the specified criteria received along with the assignment.
Before starting work, instructions are given, then the students proceed directly to the control, for which they are given one lesson - 45 minutes of time. The use of additional materials (books, atlases, dictionaries, calculators) during work is not allowed. You can only use drafts, but entries on them are not taken into account when checking.
What is CDF at school and why they are carried out, we figured it out, now let's talk about CDF in individual subjects.

What subjects are VLOOKUP
At the end of the fourth grade, every Russian student must write a CD in three subjects:
- Russian;
- math;
- world around.
There are no answer numbers in the papers, as in the test, all tasks provide for an independent answer. The VPR includes tasks that touch on the most important topics in the preparation of elementary school children.
VLOOKUP in Russian
The Russian language test in the fourth grade consists of two parts, and two lessons are given for it on different days. The first part includes a dictation and two tasks for it, the second part consists of twelve tasks, nine of them according to the proposed text. In total, there are fifteen tasks in the test, two of which are of increased complexity.
The maximum number of points a student can receive is 38.
Points are converted into grades according to the following scale:
- from 0 to 13 points - 2;
- from 14 to 23 points - 3;
- 24 to 32 points –4;
- from 33 to 38 points - 5.

Test work in mathematics is carried out in one lesson and offers eleven tasks. When performing, some of the tasks require only an answer, some involve a drawing, and the rest require both a solution and an answer. The maximum number of points a student can receive is 18.
Points are converted into grades according to the following scale:
- from 0 to 5 points - 2;
- from 6 to 9 points - 3;
- from 10 to 12 points - 4;
- from 13 to 18 points - 5.
VLOOKUP around the world

Test work on the world around, as well as work on mathematics, is carried out in one lesson and includes ten tasks, three of which belong to an advanced level. Some of the tasks require the choice of the correct image, some - a short answer, some - a detailed answer. The maximum number of points a student can receive is 31.
Points are converted into grades according to the following scale:
- from 0 to 7 points - 2;
- from 8 to 17 points - 3;
- from 18 to 25 points - 4;
- 26 to 31 points - 5.

How to prepare your child for CDF
Special preparation for CDF at school is not required. The knowledge that the child received over the course of four years of study is quite enough. The score for the VPR is not the final score for all years and does not play a role infurther educational activities of the child.
Experienced teachers are optimistic about such work, do not seek to "train" students a month before the appointed date, but systematically, efficiently and interestingly teach the subject, which allows them to achieve good results. It is unprofessional on the part of the teacher to create an aura of high importance and nervousness around the CM, this has a negative effect on the psyche of the students, and the results may be below the real level of knowledge.
In order for your child to excel in CDF at the end of elementary school, you can follow the following tips from experienced teachers:
- For good results of dictation in Russian, it will be useful to develop the child's ability to write under the dictation of different people. For four years, the child gets used to the voice of his teacher, his intonation and timbre.
- To prepare for the CDF, you can use the task bank, which is available on educational resources, and additionally study at home.
- It is necessary to increase the level of general erudition of the child, read books and encyclopedias.
- Do not create additional stress for the child around CM, be calm, do not make excessive demands.
- Don't try to “shove” all the knowledge of the last month into the child's head, this will lead to an overstrain.
All students, starting from the fourth grade, are waiting for the annual VPR at school. Deciphering this sonorous abbreviation is not so scary. Like any other test, it requires the assimilation of the material covered and the ability to apply it in practice. Refers tosuch tests need to be calm and parents, and students, and teachers. Monitoring the level of knowledge of students and subsequent corrective measures allow raising the overall level of education in the country.