Studying school Russian. Sections of the Russian language

Studying school Russian. Sections of the Russian language
Studying school Russian. Sections of the Russian language

Each section of the language is the study of certain linguistic phenomena and linguistic concepts. Together they form a system. What sections are distinguished in Russian? There are only five main ones. This is the study of linguistic units directly. There are also sections of speech in the Russian language, in which the basis for consideration is the culture of speech and its stylistic features. There are also optional parts. But they are no less significant. Consider them and how they are interconnected.

Russian language: sections of the Russian language

The school course is structured in such a way that already in the primary grades, students study all the main parts. They know that in Russian there are such sections as phonetics, lexicology, morphemics, morphology and syntax. Then they get to know each of them in more depth, learn the basic concepts.

Learning Russian
Learning Russian


The first section, from which the study of the systematic course of the Russian language actually begins. The subject of phonetics are the sounds of speech. Students will learn what a unit of language is. Get acquainted with the main groups of speech sounds, positional alternations, the concept of a strong and weak position, the basics of syllable division.


Studies the basic minimal unit of a language that has a meaning - a morpheme. In the Russian language course, students will learn what it is. They get acquainted with the following morphemes: prefix, root (carries a lexical meaning), suffix, ending, postfix. Find out their meaning in the composition of the word. There are derivational and formative morphemes. Learn to understand what makes them different.


This section of the Russian language is closely related to the previous one. Word formation is the study of how words are formed. Teaches the conscious choice of certain morphemes. It does not always stand out as an independent section of the Russian language, adjoining morphemic.

Sections of the Russian language
Sections of the Russian language

Vocabulary and phraseology

The most interesting thing for students is when studying the Russian language, the section of the Russian language called lexicology. The most extensive material is presented precisely in terms of vocabulary. During the study of this section, students get acquainted with the concept of the word. They also form an idea of the main groups of vocabulary. Phraseology is closely related to lexicology. This is the science of stable combinations of words. Colorful and rich lexical material is very popular with students and attracts their attention.


Probably the most difficult section. The main concept studied in the morphology course is the part of speech. In Russian, the section of the Russian language "Morphology" is difficult to understand because the system of parts of speech, despite the existing classification, is stillhas been challenging since then.

For students it is sometimes difficult to assign this or that word to a certain group. Traditionally, three groups of parts of speech are distinguished: independent, service and special. The latter include interjections, onomatopoeia, modal words.

Russian language
Russian language

In addition to getting to know the parts of speech, students study the phenomena of transitivity in their system. Assimilate the basic grammatical categories of each word class.


The largest section of the Russian language. Closely related to morphology. In general, these two sections are traditionally combined into one, called grammar. The fact is that the study of syntax will only be productive and successful when students learn to define a word as a part of speech in context. The basic syntactic units are the phrase and the sentence.

Optional Sections

These include spelling and punctuation. The first of them is closely connected with phonetics and morphemics. Only knowledge of sounding speech will help the correct spelling of words, which is what spelling does. Punctuation of the Russian language, as a section of the Russian language, is the correct placement of punctuation marks. It is closely related to morphology and syntax.
