How often in society between different groups (scientists and believers) there was a dispute that the world was created by artificial intelligence. Bell's theorem is proof of this. Only recently have researchers been able to achieve "ideal conditions" to recreate the experimental analysis. It shows that God exists, but not in that "format", not in the souls of people. Mathematical methods can already prove that our planet, like the Universe, was created by someone, and this someone is the boundary matter.
Basics of the theorem: what does the interpretation say?
Bell's theorem shows that people's minds are not separate from each other, and they are all part of an infinite field. For example, you have a metal box in your hands, and inside it is a vacuum. It contains a weight sensor. Thanks to the emptiness, the device allows you to determine the most imperceptible changes in weight gain or loss. Next, the device measures the weight of the electron inside the cavity. The data is fixed. All that the device can "see" is the presence of a singleelectron. But as the sensor moves, counts, the mass inside the box (vacuum weight) changes.
After removing the sensor, according to the method of calculating the weight (minus the weight of the sensor), the indicators are not the same - the difference is a micro value before and after fixing the data by the device. What does this indicate and what influenced the increase in weight in the box after the device has been in it? This was an extremely cruel question for classical physicists, who are used to solving everything with formulas and single correct answers.
Interpretation of thought is a law in a fuzzy quantum world
In simple terms, Bell's theorem proves that everything in our world has a hidden energy. If the sensor is initially focused on finding and fixing a proton, the box will create a proton. That is, in a vacuum, what the device or some other artificial intelligence thinks about will be born.

As John Bell said about the theorem, "a unified field will create a particle inside a vacuum, relying on the intention of the experimenter."
The type of particles is determined by entering one or another sensor. To create a proton, you need an appropriate device, and for an electron - the same way. This phenomenon has been compared to human memory - you remember a specific fragment from the past when you strain your brain and want to recreate a specific moment from nowhere. If you try to remember the first day of school, you first have to think about it and set the particles to work so that they form a picture in your mind.
What questions does the theorem solve, what is its message and what is it used for?
When the era of the quantum has not yet come, it was believed that the behavior of matter and objects is predictable. It all came down to Newton's law: the free movement of a body in empty space will approach the point of impact with a constant speed. In this case, the trajectory will not change - strictly in a straight line. The experiments were carried out for a long time, any errors are the result of the incorrect work of the scientist. There was no other explanation for this.
Calculation was considered a tool of provability, but then the researchers noticed some pattern in the feedback of numbers.
Determinism and the abolition of rules in the physical world

Determinism in classical physics is a postulate that is as precise as the law of conservation of energy. From this, a regularity arose that there is no place for any accidents and unforeseen circumstances in this science. However, later new facts began to be revealed:
- At the beginning of the 20th century, quantum mechanical theory was developed to explain things that classical physics could not define.
- Quantum mechanics in all experiments left behind a trail of accidents, inaccuracies.
- The formulas of classical science made it possible to accurately calculate the result. Quantum mechanics and physics gave only the answer of probability relative to the magnitude or size of matter.
For example, consider two simple comparisons, which show how a particle behaves according to the "classical" model andBell's theorem:
- Classic model. At time t=1, the particle will be in a specific location x=1. According to the classical model, minor deviations from the norm will be calculated, which directly depend on the speed of the particle.
- D. Bell model. At time t=1, the particle will be in the range of location x=1 and x=1.1. Probability p will be 0.8. Quantum physics explains the particle's relative position in time by assuming location, taking into account the element of chance in physical processes.
When Bell's theorem was presented to physicists, they were divided into two camps. Some relied on the fidelity of determinism - there can be no randomness in physics. Others believed that those same accidents appear when compiling quantum mechanical formulas. The latter is a consequence of the imperfection of science, which can have random events.
Einstein's position and dogmas of determinism

Einstein adhered to this position: all accidents and inaccuracies are a consequence of the imperfection of the science of quanta. However, John Bell's theorem destroyed the dogmas of the perfection of exact calculations. The scientist himself said that in nature there is a place for such incomprehensible things that cannot be calculated using one formula. As a result, researchers and physicists divided science into two worlds:
- Classical approach: the state of an element or object in a physical system represents its further future, where behavior can be predicted.
- Quantum approaches: a physical system has several answers, options that are appropriate to apply in one case or another.
In quantum mechanics, Bell's theorem predicts the probability of movement of subjects, and the classical model only indicates the direction of movement. But no one said that a particle cannot change the path, the speed. Therefore, it has been proven and taken as an axiom: the classics say that the particle will be at point B after point A, and quantum mechanics says that after point B the particle can return to point A, go to the next point, stop, and more.
Thirty years of controversy and the birth of Bell's inequality

While physicists were dividing theorems, guessing how particles behave, John Bell created a unique inequality formula. It is needed in order to "reconcile" all scientists and predetermine the behavior of particles in matter:
- If the inequality holds, then classical physics and "determinists" are right.
- If the inequality is violated, then the "accidents" are right.
In 1964, the experiment was almost perfected, and scientists who repeated it every time got a violation of inequality. This indicated that any physical model according to D. Bell would violate the canons of physics, which means that the hidden parameters referred to by the "determinists" to justify the meaning of the result, which was not clear to them, did not exist.

Destruction of Einstein's theories or relative exposure?
Note thatBell's theorem is a follower of probability theory, which has a statistical isolation. This means that any answer will be of an approximate nature, which allows us to consider it correct only because there is more data for it. For example, what color birds are more in the world - black or white?

The inequality will look like this:
N(b) < N(h), where N(b) is the number of white crows, N(h) is the number of black crows.
Next, let's walk around the neighborhood, count the birds, write down the results. That is, what is more, then it is true. Relative statistics allows you to prove the probability of a larger number as being true. Of course, the selection can be wrong. If you decide to find out what kind of people are more on earth, swarthy or white, then you will have to walk not only in Moscow, but also fly to America. The result will be different in both cases - the inequality regarding the statistical data is violated.
After hundreds of experiments, the result was always broken - it was already indecent to be a radical "determinist". All studies showed violations, the data was considered clean by the experiments.
Bell's non-locality theorem: the impact of measurements and the EPR paradox

In 1982, the controversy was finally brought to an end at the University of Paris. Alain Aspect's group conducted many experiments in ideal conditions that proved the non-locality of the world:
- Forthe basis of the study is a light source.
- He was placed in the middle of the room, and every 30 seconds he sent two photons in different directions.
- The created pair of particles was identical. But after the movement begins, quantum entanglement appears.
- Quantum bound photons move away from each other, changing their physical state when trying to measure one of them.
- Accordingly, if one photon is disturbed, the second one immediately changes in the same way.
- On both sides of the room are boxes for receiving photons. The indicator lights flash red or green when a particle enters.
- Color is not predetermined, it is random. However, there is a pattern - what color will light up on the left, so it will be on the right.
The box with indicators captures some state of the photon. No matter how far the indicators are from the source, even at the edge of the galaxy, they will both flash the same color. Another time, physicists decided to complicate the task and place boxes with three doors. When opening the same on both sides, the color of the lamps was identical. Otherwise, only half of the experiments showed a color difference. The classics called this an accident that can happen everywhere in nature - the hidden parameters are unknown, therefore there is nothing to study. But in the field of physics, Bell's theorem is far from one theory "torn to smithereens."
Proof of the existence of God and the philosophy of the quantum world

The main philosophical doctrineis the concept of "hypercosmic God". This is an invisible being that is outside of time and space. And no matter how hard a person tries to get closer to the knowledge of the world, he will remain as far away as in a hundred centuries in the presence of evidence, formulas, new discoveries about the secrets of the creation of the world. There is a logical basis for this in terms of distances and probability in action.

Based on theorems about the quantum world, the scientist Templeton put forward a postulate, which consisted in the following ideology:
- Philosophy and physics will always go side by side, even if the concepts of the world do not intersect.
- An intangible entity refers to another dimension that changes in the same way as the dimension of the material world. Remember Bell's words when it was about the identical behavior of particles located in different parts of the world?
- Knowledge cannot be absolute or beyond scientific horizons. It will always be hidden, but not have hidden facts (the same ones that Bell dispelled).
Thus, scientists gave a mathematical explanation of the existence of God. Bell's theorem was built on confusion, but clear and synchronous, with a pattern that could not be explained only by the classics of physics.
Relativity calculation and quantum physics theorems
If we take as a basis the concept of faith in God and the physical world created by man, we can write guesses, because there are no facts about either, as follows:
- X must be X: the contradiction cannot be eliminated.
- If we figurecall it round, then we denote X=circle.
- Then we denote X by a square, that is, X is no longer a circle, which is true according to the laws of physics and geometry (mathematics).
- Not X - not a circle: true, but X and not X at the same time - a lie according to the law of contradiction.
- Red and invisible object - X=spectrum of light waves reflected from the object, but corresponding to the red color Y.
- The object is seen by eyes X and not Y - the probability of truth is high.
- Conclusion: if X and not Y=can be true (probability theorem). Therefore, the presence of God=possible truth, which is 100%.
The probability of a 100% existence of God is a relative value that cannot be proved or disputed. But if Einstein could refute this formula, then he would have to abandon the theory of relativity, on which Bell's theory is based. Without destroying the concepts of one thought, it is impossible to abandon the second. Although in the above studies, Bell was able to do without Einstein's bridgehead, who, even abandoning his postulates, could never refute the philosophy of mathematical theories of John Bell.