"obscene" is about social rudeness

"obscene" is about social rudeness
"obscene" is about social rudeness

People's memory is very strong. Even if some words are not used in official documents and are considered taboo for fiction for some time, they persist. In its original form, the definition of "obscene" has reached the 21st century. This is an impartial characteristic for any person, which indicates his low moral qualities, inability to behave in society or overly frank, offensive actions to others.

Where did it come from?

As the original, philologists point to the word "pohab", which is divided into two acceptable interpretations:

  • foolish;
  • fool.

What's going on? If a person is obscene, this is an indication of his specific type of thinking. The mind is not sharp enough to assimilate the norms of behavior in society or the appropriateness of certain actions in a given situation. The researchers also claim a common basis with a “habalka” or “sassy”.

Obscene canname the face
Obscene canname the face

What does it mean?

The affairs of the past centuries are of little interest to the contemporary. Much more important is what synonyms "obscene" has these days. And there are many original options:

  • obscene, shameless;
  • shameful, shameful;
  • roughly sexy.

Absolutely every meaning belongs to colloquial speech. Only the first implies everything that causes shame in others, sincere embarrassment. In the second case, they mean hurt honor when there is a desire to get into a fight or challenge to a duel for what happened.

The third transcript is often confused with the first. However, the difference between Pushkin's indecent poems, dressed in an elegant style, and unambiguous sentences in some port bar is obvious. "obscene" is a word with a strictly negative connotation, which denotes the highest degree of intolerance of society towards words, actions, ideas.

The assessment of obscenity depends on the era in which the assessor lives
The assessment of obscenity depends on the era in which the assessor lives

When used?

Occasionally there is a contradiction built on etiquette. It is considered stupid to point out rudeness openly. Because of what, the term is not accepted in secular society. This is reduced vocabulary, from which they often go to direct insults or to a fight. Although in the case of using the word to evaluate a third person, it will only emphasize the sincere indignation of the speaker.

You won't find "obscene" in business documents. This is bad manners. The concept does not apply in businesscommunication, so as not to offend the interlocutor. But there is no need to exclude it from the lexicon: for extreme situations, when dealing with rude people, if you want to keep external decorum, the definition will be as appropriate as possible!
