Remember the old Soviet movie "We'll Live Till Monday"? From the lips of one of the main characters, the phrase sounded: “Happiness is when you are understood,” which became the leitmotif of the film about love, about the most important and deep, which is sometimes so difficult to see, stop, touch on the shoulder and look straight into the eyes … But our story is not about this, although the leitmotif remains the same: happiness is when you are understood. We will talk about such a fairly new phenomenon as a "s alty" language. Let's take a closer look.

"S alty" tongue - what is it?
The world of children's fantasies is infinitely bright and unique. Some dreams disappear without a trace as soon as we grow up, others remain. They grow with us, change, grow wiser, take on new colors and sometimes become part of the real world, not the imaginary one. Why is it happeningjust so, and not otherwise - a question that cannot be answered. Our inner world is subject to other laws. They are at the bottom of the endless ocean. We can admire them through the thickness of the turquoise crystal clear water. We can take a full chest of air, dive in the hope of getting at least one of them, but as a result, we can only touch them for a moment, because it is too deep and there is not enough oxygen….
One of these "infantile" inventions is a kind of non-existent, magical language spoken by the "chosen ones" - you and your close friends, and everyone else, mostly adults, stand on the sidelines and wonder what is going on speech. And then all the doors open in the child's imagination - you can say and invent anything - secrets will forever remain secrets, and this "magic" world will not be subject to anyone. Even if not all, many in childhood fantasized about this topic at least once. Proof of this is the large number of "attached" in social networks to the group "S alty Tongue". This association is specially created for those who know or want to learn how to speak the "s alty", or as it is also called "brick" language.

What is the "s alt"?
"S alty" language is that children's idea that one day became a reality. On the one hand, if you happen to hear the word "sodnosoklassassnisicas" somewhere, it will be difficult for you to understand what or whom it is about, but withon the other hand, everything is easy and simple: in the word, after each vowel, the letter "c" is added and plus the same vowel. Now go back a little and read the mysterious word again. Happened? That's right, it's a "classmate".

Hard? Hardly, the only thing is unusual. Usually the study of any language begins with letters and sounds. In this case, the chapter titled "S alty Language, Alphabet" can be skipped. The main thing here is to follow the original scheme "vowel + C + vowel". And as you know from the school curriculum, there are only 10 vowels in the Russian language. Thus, it turns out that you use the letter combinations ASA, ESE, YOSYO, ISI, OSO, USU, YSY, ESE, YUSYU, YASYA after the corresponding letters - "isigras" (game), "dosom" (house), "yasya" (I). Those who like the idea itself, who want to return to childhood or just have fun, need to master the "s alty" language. You won’t have to learn it for a long time, and you are guaranteed a great pastime. As they say, any language requires practice. Therefore, study, try, and maybe one day you will create your own unique “s alty” language, or “brick”, or “plastic”, or … Although it already exists, and there are people chosen, loved by you, and who love you, who already understand your unique language, and you understand them, and no one from the outside is able to hear you, because this is your world, the world that belongs only to you and your family and friends….