Which US state is the largest in terms of area and population?

Which US state is the largest in terms of area and population?
Which US state is the largest in terms of area and population?

The country of opportunities, where many immigrants from the post-Soviet space aspire, and not only. In the United States, migrants from different countries are "bursting" in search of a better life. But, as a rule, they find nothing there except poverty. The form of government of the United States of America is a federation. In the article we will talk about which US state is the largest in terms of area and discuss life in a multinational country.

Territorial structure of the United States of America

The division of the state zone into several partially independent territories is a bit like the Russian Federation. There are 50 states in the land of opportunity, each additionally divided into districts.

City municipalities govern cities, and villages can be divided into townships. As you know, the United States owns several islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They do not fall into the states, but stand out separately. Capital of the United StatesThe city of Washington is under a special right, is a special entity under the control of local authorities.

What is a state and what rights does it have?

This is part of the United States of America. In simple terms, it is like a piece in a mosaic that is necessary to complete the whole picture. And scientifically, a state is a state unit of a territory that has some complete power within itself and is able to make important decisions.

But in relations with other states, even the largest US state has no international rights. All power in this matter passes to the federal authorities, that is, Washington.

Despite sovereignty and freedom to make critical decisions, all states are subject to the US Constitution. Each of the 50 states has its own motto and flag.

America's values
America's values

Where does the name come from?

The very word state appeared when the first settlers settled in America. Or rather, in the colonial era (somewhere in 1648). Separate colonies were called states, the word came into use in 1776 with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

And at the moment, 46 out of 50 administrative centers have the word "state" in their name. It is written before the name, for example State Texas or State of Utah.

Interesting fact. Although California bills itself as a state, the Republic of California is written on its flag. And now let's find out the history of the names of the states themselves:

  1. Twenty-six of them come from Indianwords.
  2. The Eskimo language gave the name to Alaska.
  3. And one of the islands of America (Hawaii) is named because of the people who lived on it and spoke the Hawaiian language.
  4. Eleven states remember the colonial era and their names come from English words. Spanish rule left a legacy of six named states, while the French only three.
  5. Rhode Island is borrowed from the Dutch language, and Washington is closely related to American history.
The Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty

Which is the largest state in the US?

So, the undisputed leader in this merciless race is Alaska. The same territory that used to be under the protectors of the Russian Empire and was transferred to America. But Alaska is not populated by migrants in search of a better life, the population mainly consists of indigenous people. These are Eskimos with Indians, "seasoned" with Russians and Aleuts. The largest US state by area has about 1,718,000 km22. The standard of living in the state is very high.

GDP per unit of population is about 60 thousand dollars. This figure is second only to Delaware with a GDP of 65 thousand dollars. Each US state has its own capital city. The capital of Alaska is the city of Juneau, where more than 34 thousand people live. And in the largest city of Anchorage - more than 290 thousand.

We figured out Alaska, it's time to move on to other territories of America. For convenience, the TOP 5 states after Alaska were compiled, which answers the question: "What is the largest US state in terms of territory?".

State of Alaska
State of Alaska

State Of Texas

Texas is almost three times smaller than Alaska. Civilization came to the state along with the colonialists, which were the Spaniards. And in 1845, it was decided to make Texas part of the United States of America.

The rivers that are located on the territory of the administrative unit flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Texas has something to be proud of - under its land there are large deposits of hydrocarbons. And besides this, the district is famous for its attractions, which are very attractive to tourists. However, they "peck" not only on this, there are many museums and very beautiful cities in Texas.

In the history of the state managed to visit the Republic and twice to be part of the United States. Here are the top numbers for the state of Texas (numbers rounded):

  1. Territory: 700,000 km2;
  2. GDP per capita: $43,000;
  3. Founded: December 29, 1845;
  4. About 27,000,000 people live.

Texas is the largest US state after Alaska. And the largest city is called Houston (like the American space station). And who does not remember the phrase that has become winged all over the world: "Houston, Houston, we have problems."

Flag of Texas
Flag of Texas


The state is famous for its high standard of living, innovative society and new technologies. Also, California has a large number of dollar millionaires and is the most populated state in the entire US.

Here is the famous Hollywood, the so-called"Star Factory". There are a lot of resorts in cities where both locals and citizens of other countries come to relax.

Three cities are the most popular among tourists:

  • San Diego;
  • San Francisco;
  • Sacramento.

And the melody of the Kar-Man band immediately sounds in my head: "This is San Francisco, a disco city, a thousand lights." In general, this is a diverse city. Tourism and information technology are developing here at the same time.

And below are the state's key figures:

  1. Territory: 424,000 km2;
  2. GDP per capita: $45,000;
  3. Founded: September 9, 1850;
  4. About 39,000,000 people live.

California is home to Silicon Valley, which can be called the engine of computer progress.

california and bear
california and bear


Before the colonization of America, "motley" tribes of Indians lived here. But with the advent of a civilized society, the indigenous people were massively destroyed and evicted. As a result, in 1889, Montana officially became a state in the United States.

However, Montana has another name - "Treasure State". Montana deserved such an imposing name because large deposits of valuable minerals are located on its territory. Thanks to the diligence of local authorities, there are many untouched places in the state.

In Montana you can see wonderful waterfalls, dense forests where no human foot has entered andbeautiful mountains, the tops of which are covered with a glacier. There are also traces of the civilization that inhabited America before colonization, as well as historical monuments of the 19th century.

All you need to know about the state:

  1. Territory: 380,000 km2;
  2. GDP per capita: $32,000;
  3. Founded: November 8, 1889;
  4. About 1,000,000 people live.

Tourists who want to visit one of the largest states in the US are recommended by locals to visit the Yellowstone Wildlife Refuge and see the majestic bison.

Flag of Montana
Flag of Montana

State of New MexicoEstado de Nuevo México

No wonder the state is called New Mexico. This is a fairly accurate definition of this territory. As a result of the war between countries, America seized the land of Mexico. And in 1912 it was declared an official territory of the United States.

And there was something to fight for, in New Mexico there are dense forests and futuristic canyons. An interesting fact, they often "flash" in Hollywood movies and in the Windows operating system on pre-installed wallpapers.

The colonialists decided not to expel the Indians, and therefore they still live here. True, the living conditions here cannot be called normal, their living takes place on reservations. But, despite this, they managed to preserve the memory of their ancestors and transferred their traditions and customs through the centuries. Everything you need to know about one of the largest US states by area:

  1. Territory: 315,000 km2;
  2. GDP per capita: $35,000;
  3. Founded: January 6, 1912;
  4. About 2,100,000 people live.

Due to the beauty of the area, New Mexico is sometimes called the "land of charm". In 1803, Emperor Napoleon of France sold some of the land to the American government.


It's no surprise that Hollywood films are full of great plans and beautiful places that are pleasing to the eye. Another state with untouched nature and magnificent landscape.

Below are the parameters of one of the largest US states:

  1. Territory: 295,000 km2;
  2. GDP per capita: $36,000;
  3. Founded: February 14, 1912;
  4. About 6,800,000 people live.

Arizona is home to the world-famous Grand Canyon and arid deserts, which are used as an extraterrestrial landscape in filming. And in Colorado County there is a crater into which a meteorite fell. About 1 million 450 thousand people live in the state capital, Phoenix. The city is famous for its museums and subtropical climate.

state canyons
state canyons


Those who want to start their lives from the beginning come to the USA. And they have exactly 50 chances - by the number of states in America. You can start with the largest, that is, Alaska, and end with the small Utah county.
