What is viola: meanings of the word

What is viola: meanings of the word
What is viola: meanings of the word

Russian is a multifaceted powerful language, where one word has two, three and sometimes even four different meanings. At the word " alto" each person has his own specific images in his head. You should know if they correspond to the actual definition of the word. Therefore, in this article we will analyze two questions: "What is alt and what is its meaning?"

The first and main meaning of the word

Despite several meanings, they all have one thing in common - musicality.

The first and, perhaps, the main meaning of " alto" sounds like this:

a musical instrument of a string-bow type, which is similar to the same device as a violin

Viola - musical instrument
Viola - musical instrument

However, the viola has a number of differences:

  1. The size is more voluminous.
  2. Sounds in low register.
  3. The strings are tuned a fifth lower than the strings of a violin.
  4. Notes for viola are most often written in the corresponding key for it, less often inviolin.

Interesting fact: the viola is the oldest of all currently existing bowed instruments. The moment of his birth falls at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. The earliest and best samples belong to the developments of the great master of Italy - Stradivari.

Like the violin, the viola has four strings one fifth below:

  • note C is responsible for the first string;
  • for the second - s alt;
  • third in a row - re;
  • ends the row with the note la.
Stringed viola instrument
Stringed viola instrument

Initially, strings were made from animal sinew, but nowadays they can also be made of steel with a metal coating.

The progenitor of the viola is the viola for the hand, or in other words, the viola da braccio. Like the current viola, its ancestor was held on the left shoulder.

Unlike the violin, the timbre of the instrument is more deaf, velvety, soft and therefore very expressive.

Unfortunately, until now, the viola has been used very rarely as a solo artist. Prior to that, he served as filling in the middle voices in quartets and symphony orchestras between violin and cello parts.

Traditionally, this instrument was not taught from childhood. Such performers became already in adulthood, moving from violin to viola (for example, when entering schools, colleges or conservatories).

The musical geniuses Mozart, Paganini and Oistrakh could play both instruments together.

Currently existtalented instrumental violists: Yuri Kramarov, Kim Kashkashyan, Yuri Bashmet, Gerard Kosse, Vladimir Bakaleinikov, Rudolf Barshai, Tabea Zimmerman and others.

What is alt: value number 2

As it turned out, the word "viola" has musical origins, so the second definition will also be related to art.

Alto is the second highest human vocal voice apart from soprano and its sub-types (coloratura, lyric, dramatic).

Alto voice
Alto voice

Alto have either low female voices or high male voices. Virtually synonymous for viola in music are:

  • contr alto - female;
  • tenor- altino - male.

Contr alto is a very rare voice, but its timbre is unmistakable: velvety, matte, rich and rich.

Best female alto singers ever:

Marian Anderson;

Marian Anderson
Marian Anderson
  • Eva Podleshch;
  • Kathleen Ferrier;
  • Izabella Yurieva;
  • Elizaveta Antonova;
  • Sigrid Onegin and many other talented opera and pop singers.

What is viola: the third term

One more meaning refers already to the theme of the composition of ensembles and the choir.

Alto - a part in a vocal group (duet, trio, quartet, quintet, etc.), which is performed by low children's or female (mezzo-soprano, contr alto) voices

Alto in the choir
Alto in the choir

From the end of the 18th century in Italy andIn France, the female solo part gets a different name - mezzo-soprano, while in the choirs themselves the word and meaning of the alto remains the same.

This part, like an individual voice, is characterized, first of all, by a dense and fundamental timbre. Despite the fact that most often the alto part occupies the middle place in a four-part warehouse and performs the function of harmonic enrichment, it is also given solo fragments or even full-fledged numbers.

Low female voices are great and highly valued in Russian folk vocal art - folklore.

Where else applies

The meaning of the word " alto" also refers to the variety of wind instruments - flugelhorn or alto horn, as well as to saxhorn, basset horn, cor anglais and trombone.

cor anglais
cor anglais

Another stringed instrument to which the word "viola" can be applied is the domra. It acquired its modern look at the end of the 19th century, when Vasily Andreev reconstructed the Vyatka balalaika. On the basis of the last instrument, masters Paserbsky, Fomin, Karkin and Nalimov decided to create a family of orchestral domras that are part of the Andreev Great Russian Orchestra.

Domra instrument
Domra instrument


Based on the terms described above, when studying the question: "What is a viola?", it could be seen that there is no single answer. The rich Russian language really makes you think about which of the meanings a person wants to know. However, all terms share two common features:belonging to music and low timbre of sound.
