What is an exam, features of its conduct

What is an exam, features of its conduct
What is an exam, features of its conduct

You can never predict in advance how things will turn out on an exam in mathematics or in any other discipline. With a full guarantee, you can only predict that it will have to be handed over. If you show up for an exam with the material you have learned, and your memory does not drop from the unnerving situation, the chances of passing it successfully are as high as possible. Remember that self-control in this case is no less important than knowledge.

What is an exam?

Everyone has to deal with this concept more than once, so it's worth trying to figure out what it means.

So what is an exam? This is the main criterion for assessing the knowledge gained in the learning process, as well as the diligence and performance of the student. Sometimes it may seem that you were flunked in the exam, undeservedly underestimated the mark. Don't worry. Surely these situations are more than overlapped by cases when you successfully cheated or mumbled something under your breath, in complete panic forgetting not only the answer, but also your own name, and the result turned out to be quite decent.

Answer to the test
Answer to the test

Any exam is:

  • checking how youworked for six months, a year or another reporting period;
  • figuring out what you learned how well;
  • rehearsal or warm-up before other, more serious tests (graduation, entrance, diploma, etc.)

Exam may be conducted:

  • in writing or orally;
  • for the whole group at the same time or for each student individually;
  • according to the course of seminars;
  • according to the course of foreign languages;
  • according to the course of the main or auxiliary disciplines, in which seminars were conducted or only lectures were given.

You will have to retake an exam that you did not pass at the institute at a later date. The date is usually set by the instructor. At the same time, no one will change the deadlines for taking other exams. You hand over the resulting tail outside the regulations and no later than two weeks from the beginning of the new semester. Otherwise, a full-time student will lose the right to receive a scholarship.

It is very important to find out in advance how the exam will take place, all its features and incomprehensible moments. Do not neglect such information.

What is the math exam (USE)?

This method of testing knowledge is waiting for every student. Mathematics exam is included in the list of compulsory disciplines for obtaining a certificate. It consists of two sections: geometry and algebra. The first part of the written work for the USE exam contains simple tasks of the basic level. The answer to each of them earns the student one point. The first part consists of twentyassignments. It is advisable to complete them all.

Exam preparation
Exam preparation

The second part presents 19 more difficult tasks, 12 of which require a short answer and 7 tasks - a detailed solution. The score varies significantly. For the completion of each of the first twelve tasks, one point is counted, from tasks 13 to 15 - two points each, the correct answer to questions 16 and 17 brings the student three points, 18 and 19 - four points maximum.

For an excellent result, good preparation in mathematics is required. There is a certain scale that translates primary scores into test scores. So, for example, 20 primary points give the final USE result in mathematics 82 points, and the maximum result can be obtained by solving all tasks for 32 primary points.

To successfully pass the exam, you need to know:

  • theory;
  • proofs of theorems;
  • meaning of the basic axioms;
  • formulas.

It is also important to be able to draw conclusions, quickly calculate in your mind, analyze incoming information and think for yourself.

How is an exam different from a test?

There are not many differences. Firstly, the exam is graded, but the credit is not. You either passed it or flunked it. Secondly, having failed one exam, you calmly go to take the next one, and without passing at least one test, you are not allowed to the session at all.

Exam calculator
Exam calculator

If you passed the test on the first run, and the teacher has no complaints against you, you can continue to prepare for the session. If you don'tmanaged to accomplish such a feat, then a repetition of the execution awaits you. If you do not pass the test by the beginning of the exams, then you will not be allowed to take them.

Exam etiquette and its observance

A student going to one of the most important events of his life should not be late. What is an exam, really? This is a great opportunity to learn punctuality. The correct decision is to arrive ten minutes before the start, even if you are going to take the last one. Why?

Firstly, if you wait for the start of the execution at home, it will relax you, and next to the audience, on the contrary, it will allow you to mobilize.

Second, by repeating the material on the day of the exam at home, you will be convinced that you do not know anything, and you will feel an excruciating need to pull and repeat more, and as a result, you will be late for the exam.

Thirdly, you simply run the risk that the train will leave without you. The teacher will quickly take the exam from the few who showed up at the very beginning, wait the prescribed ten minutes and go home, and you will show up in an hour or two, only to make sure that there is no one else in the audience.

Conducting an exam
Conducting an exam

The student should be dressed simply, modestly and a little formally. It is best to choose jackets, trousers, mid-length skirts, blouses. This will win over the teacher with your serious and respectful air.

Young people should shave off their weekly stubble, because not everyone is enthusiastic about bearded men. Onions, too, should not be eaten before the exam, like garlic and other odorous foods. Girls don'tIt is recommended to abuse makeup and jewelry. The piercing should be removed for a while from all places accessible to the review.

You should also not come to the exam in sportswear, with tennis rackets, balls, beach towels and other attributes of a pleasant stay.

In general, the appearance should be impeccable, and the face, clothes, thoughts should be put in order. If you already know what an exam is (the USE or any other), you are unlikely to allow yourself to come and take it in an inappropriate way. Even if you are trembling, it should not be reflected in the appearance.

The Secret of Exam Preparation

There is a recipe by which any student can, with little to no effort and no special events, to form a fairly strong preliminary idea of the subject.

To do this, after the end of the lecture, carefully study the section of the textbook devoted to the same problem. Try to delve into the topic, understand everything that is written there. Re-read the section before the next lecture. This will not require any incredible effort from you, but will allow you to master the material with high quality.
