
Francis Skaryna: biography, personal life, books, interesting facts from life

Francisk Skaryna is a well-known Belarusian pioneer printer and educator. Over a 40-year career, he tried his hand at medicine, philosophy, and horticulture. He became the first person who took up the translation of the Bible into the East Slavic language, understandable to his people. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the biography of this man and the books that he published. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Vera Khoruzhaya: biography and photos

In the capital of Belarus, Minsk, there is a street named after the heroine of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars - Vera Zakharovna Khoruzhey. An ordinary Belarusian woman died for the freedom of her native country and her people. She was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union after her death. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What is a Ladder System: Definition, Meaning and Application

Ladder right in historiography is one of the systems of succession to the throne in monarchies. Most often, this term is used in relation to medieval Russia during the period of feudal fragmentation. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Alexander Peresvet. Heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo

Alexander Peresvet: the life of the hero of Russia. A detailed description of the famous Battle of Kulikovo and the duel of Peresvet with Chelubey. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Vasily 2 Dark: years of reign, biography

The years of the reign of Vasily the Dark fell on the largest internecine war in the history of the Moscow principality. He was blinded, but he was able to maintain power and prevent the state from falling apart. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Daria S altykova: date and place of birth, life of a landowner, criminal history

The life story of Darya S altykova continues to terrify today. She brutally killed several dozen serfs subject to her. The order to conduct a thorough investigation came on behalf of Empress Catherine II herself. But things progressed very slowly. Nevertheless, today this trial would be called indicative, which determined the most important guidelines for the domestic policy of the Russian Empire at the end of the eighteenth century. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Albert Popkov: biography. History of the Odnoklassniki.ru project

Albert Popkov: biography. The emergence of "Odnoklassniki" and their development. New projects of the programmer. Growth of Odnoklassniki. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The name of the ships and its historical meaning

The article tells how throughout the history of the fleet names were given to different ships, and what meaning these names carried in different eras. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The significance of the adoption of the GOELRO plan for the country's economy

The significance of the adoption of the GOELRO plan (state electrification of Russia) lies in the fact that it became an important stage not only in the economic, but also in the political life of the Soviet Union. It was one of the largest projects to restore the destroyed economy and economy. Its development began at a time when the Civil War continued, in view of the need to urgently establish economic life in the state. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Crime and punishment according to the laws of Hammurabi with examples of articles: table. The system of crimes and punishments according to the laws of Hammurabi

The unique ruler of Babylon, Hammurabi, became the author of the Code of Laws. In fact, every crime and punishment according to the laws of Hammurabi was painted in detail on a table made of clay. After all, it was on such clay tablets that articles of prescriptions were published. In the XVIII century BC. e. a historical monument appeared - the laws of King Hammurabi. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Vyatka province: history and modernity

Vyatka province - a territorial entity in the former Russian Empire with the center in the city of Vyatka. The lands of this region were not always part of one territorial entity, but they were always interconnected economically. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Octavian Augustus: Biography of the Roman Emperor

The article tells about the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus, whose reign marked the end of a 500-year era of republican rule and the beginning of a period of dictatorship. A brief overview of the main events of his life is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Start and end dates of the Albigensian Wars. Were the Albigensian Wars different from the Crusades?

The Albigensian wars were initiated by the papacy. These were the campaigns of the knights of the northern part of France to the southern lands to suppress the Albigensians, who were recognized as heretics. By the end of the wars, the French king joined them. The Albigensians were defeated, the southern lands became part of the French kingdom, the original southern French civilization was destroyed. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

What does the flag of Moscow mean? Symbols and their history

This article tells about the origin of the coat of arms of Moscow and its history. Its hidden symbols and meanings are also explained. Here you will find the answer to the question of why the coat of arms is so necessary at all and what meaning it carries in modern times. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Omar Bradley: biography, personal life

Omar Nelson Bradley (Eng. Omar Nelson Bradley; February 12, 1893, Clark, Missouri - April 8, 1981, New York,) - American military leader, army general (September 20, 1950), one of the main commanders of the US Army in North Africa and Europe during World War II. After the war, he served as Chief of the General Staff of the Army; in 1949 became the first chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Traveler Robert Scott and his famous expeditions

Robert Scott is an English polar explorer and discoverer who devoted a significant part of his life to the exploration of Antarctica and the South Pole. This material is dedicated to him and his four companions, who returned from the South Pole in the spring of 1912 and died of hunger, extreme cold and physical exhaustion. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Children of Perun: Rodnovers and Ynglings

The host of gods in the ancient Russian tradition (as it is commonly called, the pagan pantheon) in general terms corresponds to other similar pantheons of pagans of various peoples, personifying natural phenomena and the influence of the elements. It is headed by the formidable and omnipotent Perun, and people are traditionally perceived as "children of Perun". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

USSR Minister of Defense: who led the Soviet Army

After the victory that our people won in the Great Patriotic War, the leadership of the Soviet Union developed a number of measures to transfer the country to a peaceful course. They were necessary to ensure the restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war and the conversion of the industry of production. In addition, a reform of public administration bodies was also carried out. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

USSR Army. The size of the army of the former USSR

The USSR Army was one of the most powerful and authoritative military forces in the world. After the defeat of the most dangerous enemy of the 20th century - Hitler - this statement became an axiom. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna Romanova

Olga Nikolaevna Romanova - daughter of Nicholas II, the eldest child in the family. Like all members of the imperial family, she was shot in the basement of a house in Yekaterinburg in the summer of 1918. The young princess lived a short but eventful life. Contemporaries warmly remembered the girl, noting her kindness, modesty and friendliness. What is known about the life of the young princess? In this article we will tell in detail about her biography. Photos of Olga Nikolaevna can also be seen below. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Henry VI: biography, achievements and interesting facts

The article tells about the tragic fate of the last English king of the Lancaster family, Henry VI, who became a hostage of the events known as the Wars of the Scarlet and White Roses. A brief outline of the history of his life is given. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

American gangsters, their activities and influence

The confrontation between mafia structures and the law has been firmly established in the public life of modern society for the second century. This is especially true for countries such as America and Italy. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR - the unity of the branches of power

The material offers an overview of the history, government powers and ways of the functional organization of the highest government body of the Soviet country. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ptolemy's system. Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy

The Ptolemaic system is a geocentric system of the world, according to which the central place in the Universe is occupied by the planet Earth, which remains motionless. The Moon, the Sun, all the stars and planets are already gathering around it. First formulated in ancient Greece. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Hollywood Rebel Star Michael Parks

Popular American actor Michael Parks was blacklisted by Hollywood in the 1970s because of his political beliefs and harsh statements. For several years he disappeared from the big screen. Years later, the role of the dashing Texas Ranger in Quentin Tarantino's From Dusk Till Dawn became a new round in Parks' acting career and brought him worldwide fame. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Kshesinskaya Matilda: famous Russian ballerina

After the revolution, the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya was known to the main population of Soviet Russia only by the fact that in her mansion on Kronversky Prospekt at one time lived, worked and delivered speeches from the balcony of the palace, made in the northern modern style, V. I. Lenin. Recently, she has been remembered more and more often: there are books about a legendary woman whose biography resembles rather an adventurous novel. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Pages of World History: Emirate of Cordoba

The Middle Ages - the era of conquests, the struggle of Islam and Christianity, the formation and collapse of many states. A special place in these events is occupied by the history of the Arab Caliphate and, as a separate block, the foundation, evolution and collapse of the Cordoba Emirate-Caliphate. Important for the military and political results of the emirate are its rulers - emirs and their connections with European rulers. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

History of the Colosseum: date of foundation, construction, architectural style. The most famous sights of the world

The history of the Colosseum dates back to the 1st century AD. e. It is full of bright events and facts. This grandiose building has survived to our time almost in its original form. About the Colosseum itself, its rich history, interesting facts and events will be discussed in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Historical memory. Problems of the historical memory of Russia

In the modern world, the problem of historical memory is especially relevant. After all, without the experience of the past, a person is not able to recognize what will be possible for him and what will not. Only knowing the history of the development of their people, people are able to determine what will be useful for society in the future. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Merovingians - who are they?

The "long-haired kings" became the first dynasty in the history of France. The Merovingians from pagan times until their fall wore long hair - a mandatory attribute of the monarch. Their subjects believed that the kings had a special magical power that personified the well-being of the entire Frankish people. Cutting off hair in those days directly meant the loss of all power. An example of the latter is Chlodoald, who later became known as Saint Claude. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Battle of Midway Atoll - description, history and consequences

The Battle of Midway Atoll was a turning point in the confrontation between the United States and Japan in the Pacific. The Japanese fleet, which lost four heavy aircraft carriers, almost two and a half hundred aircraft and the best pilots, has now completely lost the ability to operate effectively without coastal aviation cover. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

October armed uprising in Petrograd: causes, course of events, results

Some authoritative historians regard the armed uprising in Petrograd as the beginning of the Civil War in Russia, which created exceptionally favorable ideological, political, social and geopolitical conditions for the further formation and strengthening of the Bolshevik regime. It was then that the communist ideology, the dictatorship of the proletariat, finally won, the main trends that had previously led Russia along the Western path of development changed. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Consequences of World War 1: economic, political, social. human losses

The First World War of 1914-1918 radically changed the face and fate of old Europe. It was this bloody, destructive and unparalleled at the time of the end of the conflict that finally determined the end of the old order that developed after the Napoleonic conquests, and became an important factor in the outbreak of the Second World War. What were the consequences of World War 1?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Mary Todd Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln's Crown of Thorns

There are countless books written about Abraham Lincoln. Biographers and historians have long divided the fields of study: Lincoln's legal career, his presidency, his depressions, his Christianity, members of his government… There is even a separate book that describes the hundred best books about Lincoln. Of course, there will also be a whole library of works about the president's family, the main character of which was his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Versailles conference: date, participants, conditions, results

The great bloody war of the first half of the twentieth century has long been called the world war for a reason. The scale of intense military disasters, the number of armed forces killed and maimed - everything was striking in its scope. The dead alone numbered in the millions. Both the winners and the losers have spent a huge amount of material resources and undermined their financial systems (except for the United States, but this is more an exception than a rule). Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Zaporizhzhya Sich is the Cossack Republic

Zaporizhzhya Sich is a fortified cell of the non-registered Zaporizhzhya army (grassroots) from the second half of the 16th to the end of the 18th century. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Junta - what is it, what are the features of this regime?

Often people in everyday life or in the media hear the word "Junta". What it is? What does this concept mean? Let's try to figure it out. This term is associated with Latin America. We are talking about the imperious regime of the "junta". In translation, the mentioned word means “united” or “connected”. The power of the junta is a type of authoritarian political regime, a military-bureaucratic dictatorship established as a result of a military coup and managing the state in a dictatorial way, as well as with the help of terror. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Myths of Ancient Greece: Daedalus and Icarus. Summary of the legend, pictures

Myth we now call something fantastic, fictional, something that did not exist in real historical reality. An example is the work "Daedalus and Icarus". Our word "myth" comes from the ancient Greek word "mythos". Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ivan the Terrible: genius or villain? The results of the reign of Ivan the Terrible

Ivan IV the Terrible is the son of Elena Glinskaya and Grand Duke Vasily III. He entered the history of Russia as a very controversial personality. Historians are still wondering who Ivan the Terrible is - a genius or a villain?. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01

Ancient temples of Greece - history frozen in stone. The main types of temples in ancient Greece

Without a doubt, the art and architecture of the ancient Greeks had a serious influence on the next generations. Their majestic beauty and harmony became a model, as well as a source of inspiration for later historical eras. The ancient temples of Greece are monuments of Hellenic culture and art. Last modified: 2025-01-23 12:01