Pedagogical College in Kamensk-Uralsky: the talent of teachers and the enthusiasm of youth

Pedagogical College in Kamensk-Uralsky: the talent of teachers and the enthusiasm of youth
Pedagogical College in Kamensk-Uralsky: the talent of teachers and the enthusiasm of youth

You need to study the profession to which the soul lies. Then the work will be a joy, and the career will be successful. It is better to choose the future speci alty and place of study in advance. Perhaps someone decides to connect their fate with educational activities, wants to work with children. Then it makes sense to enter the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College - one of the best educational institutions in the Sverdlovsk region and the Urals. Here the experience, knowledge, wisdom of teachers and the creative potential of young people are united. That is why the study goes well, and student leisure activities are bright and exciting. Prestigious college address: st. Builders, 13.


College Chronicle

History of GBPOU SO "Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College"started in the last century. In the mid-70s, a subdivision of the Sverdlovsk Music and Pedagogical School No. 2 was opened in a small provincial town. The educational institution began to function independently in 1980, after another 4 years, in addition to music teachers, it began to train primary school teachers.

The school was renamed the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College in the mid-90s. Under vocational education programs (with extended training), students received advanced qualifications. Then new speci alties appeared: "Mathematics", "Russian language and literature", "Foreign language". Later, other areas of training were added.

Graduates of the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College 2018
Graduates of the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College 2018

For more than forty years of work, the college has trained many teachers, educators, social workers.

Institutional day today

Currently, teachers of the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College are training specialists on the basis of grades 11 and 9. Studying students are guaranteed a quality education and excellent conditions:

  • comfortable hostel;
  • monthly stipend;
  • delicious and he althy meals;
  • deferment from military service in the Russian army;
  • opportunity for further study at universities;
  • employment assistance.

Youth is happy to do research work.

Volunteers from the library "Good Deeds Squad" (students from "Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College)
Volunteers from the library "Good Deeds Squad" (students from "Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College)

Brightness and positiveness are brought to the life of students by interesting events: various olympiads, professional skills competitions, volunteer events for kindergarten students and veterans of the Second World War, seminars and scientific and practical conferences, all kinds of sports days. Meaningful pedagogical practice in kindergartens, children's camps, schools, social institutions leaves an unforgettable impression in the hearts of future teachers.

New set

Admission of students for the new academic year has been announced in three areas:

  1. Preschool education.
  2. Correctional pedagogy in primary education.
  3. Social work.
Future teachers are trained here
Future teachers are trained here

Applicants who have completed grade 9 can choose any of the speci alties. They will study for 3 years 10 years, the form of education is daytime.

Applicants who have completed 11th grade can get the profession of an educator or a social worker at the correspondence department of the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College. Training time - 3 years 10 months. It is worth noting that the qualification "Teacher of primary classes and primary classes of correctional and developmental education" can only be obtained at the full-time department of the college.

Those who want to enter the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College will need a few things: school certificate, vaccination and medical (086u) documents, passport (2 copies), photo 3x4cm (4 pcs.), certificate from the Department of Internal Affairs. The application is written in the selection committee, there are no entrance tests. Detailed information is on the website of the institution.

Profession - teacher
Profession - teacher

Open Days

The college administration works a lot with applicants. Every month, every 3rd Saturday, at 14:00, for students in grades 8-11, open days are held.

Children are told about teachers, about school days and extracurricular activities of students, about the possibilities of admission and the mode of operation of the educational institution. Future students receive answers to their questions, for example, according to the schedule of part-time students of the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College. After all, some students will have to combine study with work. During the meeting, the children are also told about the conditions of training: the availability of a computer room, satellite communications, concert and sports halls, a canteen, an information and methodological center, and a library that is unique in its capabilities. Video materials demonstrated during the meetings make the story of college life more visual. Further, the dance group "Apelsinki" performs for the schoolchildren, the students organize game master classes of various content for the guests: sports, thematic, psychological and developing. Also, the participants of the Open Doors Day are introduced to the works of the creative association of students "Needlewoman" and are given a tour of the college.


There are many former graduates among the employees of the Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College. They know what the enthusiasm of the volunteer movement and the joy of the first pedagogical success are. Teachers sincerely share their experience with current students and believe that their graduates will becomesuccessful in life by highly qualified specialists.