The English language is full of rules for the special use of words in a sentence. But not only learning grammar can be difficult, but also new vocabulary, especially if it's an irregular verb wear. Beginners to learn a language are often confused in choosing its correct form. Often this happens if there are several grammatical tenses in a sentence. If it is built in the simple present tense, then the verb must be chosen one, and if in the past, then the other. The subtleties of the use of grammar rules are connected here with irregular verbs.
Meaning of phrase
Irregular verbs are words that do not follow the generally accepted rules of tense change. Let's explain in more detail. If an ordinary verb in the past tense takes on the ending -ed, then the irregular verb does not obey this feature. Also in the past tense. The purpose of such a rule is to indicate an action in the past,which happened before the others. This is possible with the help of auxiliary and third forms of irregular verbs.

List of irregular verbs
There is a special table for memorizing irregular verbs. You can get acquainted with the exception words in any English textbook or dictionary on the back page. The arrangement structure is as follows: the first column indicates the verb in the present tense. In the second - in the simple past tense, and in the third - in the perfect or prepast. A separate column is the translation of the presented verbs. Sometimes next to the word, or a separate list, a transcription of the verb can be given. It is necessary to check this column in order to pronounce the word correctly and not accidentally memorize it in the wrong version. The verbs in the table are structured alphabetically, from A to Z.

Interpretation of the word
The verb wear is incorrect. Its meanings are as follows:
- wearing, dressing, wearing out, wearing out;
- dress, clothes, wear;
- be dressed, look like, punch;
There is also a technical meaning of the word:
- weir;
- dam, dam;
- dam, make a dam;
- fire, blur.
In addition to common meanings, there are slang expressions and dialectical meanings. In order to learn more about words and their indirect meaning, you can use the speciala separate dictionary for jargon. It contains information about the meaning used in different parts of the English-speaking world. The book also shows an example of the correct use of a particular word. Wear, as an irregular verb, also has other translations:
- emphasizing a person's clothing;
- in Irish slang for kissing someone;
- cool, cool headphones for your phone.

Wear: Irregular verb form
The expression to wear is an infinitive, that is, this form is used in the present tense. In the past, the word is transformed into wore, and in the perfect - worn. In the table, the words will be presented as follows: in the first column - the verb wear, in the second - wore and worn - in the third. All of these forms, including wore and worn, are irregular verbs.
Their appearance depends on the time in which the narration takes place in the sentence. When choosing the form of the irregular verb wear, a mandatory action is to check the entire text for the correctness of its use.
The most used irregular verbs will be remembered through practice. An equally effective way to hone your knowledge is to listen to foreign songs or watch foreign films. At the same time, not only the understanding and skill of listening to speech improves, but also the forms of verbs are memorized. Unfortunately, remembering all of them is not easy, not being in a conversational environment, but you need to work on them.