Christmas quiz for adults will help you not get bored on a festive night. Not everyone celebrates this amazing holiday in restaurants, many prefer to stay at home, invite friends.
Various games, quizzes, pranks, jokes, outdoor games will allow you to spend the old year and meet the new one in an interesting, unusual way.
We offer a variety of New Year's questions for a quiz with answers. You can spend them for your guests on a festive night.

Small company quiz
For a small number of adults and children, you can pick up comic questions and do a little warm-up before games and competitions:
- Which New Year's grandfather wears a red fur coat, boyar hat, has a full white beard, always smiles? (Domestic Grandfather Frost).
- Which Santa Claus is distinguished by a white beard, a red hat with a pom-pom, puts on beautiful swimming trunks on a tanned body, wears sunglasses, owns a surfboard? (Australian Santa Claus).
- In which country the New Year is celebrated together with the Cattle Breeding Day. Santa Claus comes to the children, who is dressed ascattle breeder - he wears a fox hat on his head, a long whip in his hands, a snuffbox and a flint and flint on his side? (In Mongolia).
- In which feature film was the phrase: "Given the installation to celebrate a fun new year"? (In the movie Carnival Night).
- This Russian city is considered the geographical homeland of the Russian Father Frost? (Great Ustyug).
- Where gifts are given not by Santa Claus, called Bobo Natale, but by the good fairy Befana, wearing a red cap and crystal slippers? (In Italy).
- This Santa Claus has the original name - Joulupukki? (Finnish grandfather).
- What is the name of the Spanish Santa Claus? (His name is Tagi Noel).
- Where do locals create a New Year's bouquet of bamboo, pine, plum, add fern leaves, tangerine to it? (In Japan, China or Thailand).
- Where do New Year's round dances still lead around a palm tree? (Japan, China, Ghana).
- How did they celebrate the New Year holidays in Russia? (They led joint round dances).
- Who moved the celebration of the New Year from September 1 to January 1? (Peter the Great).

Comic version of the quiz
New Year's quiz for adults can be held in a comic form:
- Where was the Christmas tree born? (In the forest).
- What is the name of the ancient ritual dance around the Christmas tree? (Round dance).
- What is the name of the female creature that entertains the Christmas tree with its songs? (Snowstorm).
- A grey, suspicious person who constantly trots past a smallChristmas trees. (Wolf).
- A natural phenomenon that causes an increased drop in population. (Ice).
- New Year's ball, which is suitable for hiding your own "I". (Masquerade).
- Who is called the winter drummer? (Frost).
- This drink is used by guests of the New Year's holiday. (Champagne).
- New Year's dish, which is "dressed" in a fur coat. (Herring under a fur coat).
- Great Christmas lighter. (Fireworks).

The Finest Hour option
New Year's quiz with answers can be held in the form of a "finest hour". Before the start of the competition, all participants in the quiz are given a set of numbers from one to ten. The names of countries are written on the tablet: Mexico, Australia, Panama, Cuba, Sweden, Myanmar, Norway, Brazil, China, Ireland. The host of the game asks guests questions about the New Year traditions of these countries. Each team must have the same number of players.
1. Where is live fish used as decoration on the New Year's table? (In Ireland).
2. Where do most of the residents go to bed on New Year's Eve around 00.10? (In Australia. Residents of this country wake up around 5-6 am).
3. Where do people pour water on each other on New Year's Eve, and without mutual resentment? (In Myanmar. The holiday in this country coincides with the water festival, and dousing is a wish for happiness and he alth in the New Year).
4. Where is the New Year celebrated with the cries of people, the sounds of sirens, the rumble of cars? (In Panama).
5. Where kids are requiredhang up a bird feeder, put a bowl of oatmeal in the stable so that the gnomes can eat? (In Norway).
6. Where before the New Year people always fill all the dishes with water, and after the clock strikes twelve, they organize a real flood by pouring water out of the windows? (Such a custom exists in Cuba.)
This New Year's quiz for children and adults allows you to set the guests in a positive way. It can be offered to guests just before the New Year holiday.

Don't get bored with the quiz
New Year's quizzes with answers, comic contests, all this allows you to tune in a positive way, feel the atmosphere of the holiday. Asking original questions to your guests will really get you into the Christmas rush:
- Where is the arrival of the New Year celebrated with a cannon shot, in an instant they kiss a loved one? (In Brazil).
- In this country, New Year's street processions are accompanied by the lighting of thousands of lanterns, lighting the way to a new life. (In China).
- Here, before the New Year, original dolls appear, which symbolize the old year, and at midnight they shatter into small pieces. (In Mexico).

Answer only "yes" and "no"
New Year's quiz can be held in the form of a bluff club. Guests are asked questions to which they must answer yes or no:
- Do you believe that in Italy for seeing off the oldand New Year's Eve in homes open doors when the arrows tend to midnight? (Yes).
- Do you believe that the inhabitants of the African village on New Year's holidays arrange races with a chicken egg in their mouth? (Yes, the winner is the one who reaches the finish line first without breaking the eggshell.)
- Do you believe that in Hungary on New Year's Eve it is not customary to serve any bird on the table so that happiness does not “fly away” from the house? (Yes).
- Do you believe that in London on New Year's Eve people should go to Trafalgar Square to bathe in the fountain in their clothes? (No).
- Is it true that in Denmark they buy inexpensive dishes in order to break them on New Year's Eve? (Yes).
- Is it true that in Russia on New Year's Eve there must be champagne and tangerines on the table? (Yes).
- Once, during the reign of Peter the Great, our country celebrated the New Year not on January 1, but on September 1, is that true? (Yes).
New Year's quizzes for children is a great way to introduce them to the traditions and customs of different peoples and countries. Together with their parents, the children look for answers to questions, learn about interesting facts related to the New Year holidays. In addition, the New Year's quiz for kids with "yes" and "no" answers is a great way to entertain guests.

Family quiz
New Year's quiz is compiled by parents and the children themselves, because everyone expects only the most positive impressions from this holiday. For example, you cando a family quiz:
- What was the name of the ice sled used by Soviet children? (Icicles).
- Who is Babbo Natale, Per-Noel, Yolupukki? (All these are Santa Clauses).
- What, besides Santa Claus, is wearing a fur coat? (Salad "herring under a fur coat").
- Where are the New Year holidays associated with throwing away old furniture? (In Italy).
- Where did the very first New Year glass toys appear? (In Sweden).
- Where did Senka, Sonya, Sanka end up in winter? (In a snowdrift).
Christmas quiz for kids and adults with answers is a great way to get into the holiday spirit.

Another version of the quiz
The next New Year's Eve quiz is a great way to have fun on holiday night. We offer unusual and entertaining questions that can be offered to both children and adults:
- Name a winter fun. (Snowball fight).
- What does not form on plastic windows? (Patterns).
- Which country was the first to decorate Christmas trees on New Year's holidays? (Germany).
- Where is it customary to kiss on New Year's holidays? (In the United States of America).
- Dress code for the New Year holiday. (Carnival costume).
- Where was the Snow Maiden born? (In Kostroma).
- What is called the antipode of the New Year holiday in Russia? (Old New Year).
- What tradition was canceled by the Soviet government? ((Christmas tree decoration).
- Before Peter I, this holiday was celebrated on September 1? (New Year).
- Try to continue the phrase: "Every New Year we go to …" with our friends. (To the bath).
New Year's quiz is a wonderful option for joint creativity of children and adults, a way to organize joint leisure.
Contest "The most daring Santa Claus"
In addition to quizzes, it is quite possible to offer guests unusual contests on New Year's Eve.
Among the guests, several participants are chosen, they are put on white beards. They have to color the toys that are cut out of cardboard. In order for the toy to be placed later on the Christmas tree, it has a special loop. Next, Santa Clauses, along with their New Year's toys, go to the center of the living room, they are blindfolded, untwisted, after which the players must hang their toys on the New Year tree without turning off the path.
The winner of the game is the "Santa Claus" who will be the first to hang his homemade toy on the Christmas tree.
Lottery Contest
In the apartment where the New Year's party is planned, you need to hang a beautiful bag. Guests who come to the house bring a souvenir or a gift with them, put it in a bag. After all the guests have gathered in the room, you can proceed to the auction. Each guest reads poems to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, sings a song, and in return receives a gift from a magic bag.
Competition "Balloons"
Magnificent balls are organized in Vienna for the New Year holidays. In Warsaw, at midnight, residents burst balloons, receiving an original salute. Let's try to combine these customs.
You can invite from three tofive couples. The balloons are inflated in advance, then given to the dancing couples by placing the balloons between the dancers.
The couples move to the music. After the music ends, they stop and hug each other. The winner of the competition is the couple whose balloon bursts the fastest.
In conclusion
New Year around the world is considered a family holiday. In order for it to remain in the hearts of everyone who gathered around the decorated Christmas tree for a long time, it is necessary to think over contests and events that help to tune in to a joyful mood.
Do you want this holiday to remain in the memory of your guests? For example, you can offer your guests a New Year's Drawing contest. Players with their hands tied must draw the symbol of the previous year. The winner is the player whose drawing is the most realistic and original.
New Year holidays are celebrated differently in every country. For example, if in Italy it is customary to throw old pieces of furniture out of the apartment on New Year's Eve, then in Russia people try to give each other unusual New Year's gifts. And in addition to the festive table, the obligatory elements of which are tangerines and champagne, it is customary in our country to hold many interesting quizzes and contests.