If you have been studying Russian for a long time, you might have noticed how much of it is occupied by complex sentences. And the ability to competently deal with their syntax just shows the level of education of a person. In order to cope with this task, it is enough to learn how to determine the type of a complex sentence (and they are compound, complex, non-union and complex with different types of connection). However, the first two types are the main ones. And due to the fact that this is easiest to do by conjunctions that connect parts of a complex sentence, you just need to check the list of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Just with him you can read in this article.

Types of compound sentences
Before dealing with the list of coordinating conjunctions and the list of subordinating conjunctions, you need to understand what types of compound sentences exist.
- In complex allied sentences, the semantic parts are equal, that is, none of them is dependent on the other. Example. The sun was shining outside and life was great.
- In complex allied sentences, the semantic parts are unequal, that is, one of them is dependent on the other. Example. I stepped out of the stuffy living room to breathe in some fresh morning air.
- Unionless complex sentences are connected only by intonation and meaning, without the help of unions. Example. Finally, I heard a thin, buzzing sound that seemed to grow with every second.
- In complex sentences with different types of connection, at least two of the above types of connection are combined. Example. I smiled when my subordinate's son entered the room, because he liked me.
List of coordinating conjunctions
Neither…nor, too, also, yes (with the meaning of the union "and"), and, either… or, not that… not that, either, or, and that… and that, that… that, yes (with the meaning "but"), but, but, however, besides, the same, but.
List of subordinating conjunctions
When, how, only, while, barely, only, barely, as soon as, meanwhile, because, because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because, since, so that (so that), in order to, in order to, in order, once, if (if), when, if, if, if, if, when, if, at least, let, for nothing, despite the fact that, despite the fact that, although (at least), so, as if, as if (as), exactly, as if, as if (as if).

Now, in order to determine the type of a complex union proposal (by the way, these two types are abbreviated SSP and SPP), it is enough to use this list.