The legumes are one of the largest families of dicots. They are distributed throughout the land of the globe accessible to flowering plants and are represented by a wide variety of forms, from huge trees to lianas and tiny species growing in the desert. Representatives of legumes can live both at an altitude of 5 thousand meters, and in the Far North or in hot waterless sands.
General characteristics
Leguminous crops, the list of which includes about 18 thousand species, are widely used as food by animals and people.

Their root system consists of small tubers, which are formed from tissue that appears when nitrogen-fixing bacteria enter the root. They are able to fix nitrogen, thanks to which not only the plant itself, but also the soil receives nutrition.
The fruits of leguminous plants, like themselves, are very diverse. They can reach about one and a half meters in length. These plants are an important layer of flora, representing about 10% of flowering species. The most popular and common legumes are soy, vetch,beans, lentils, sainfoin, chickpeas, broad peas, peas, lupins, broad beans and common peanuts.
This product should be included in the list of legumes in the first place, as it is one of the most common and is grown in most regions of the world. Soybeans are a popular food product valued for their high plant-based protein and fat content. This also makes soybean a valuable ingredient in animal feed.
This is one of the main legumes. Vetch is used both in the diet of people and for animal feed. It is used as forage in the form of hay, silage, grass meal or crushed grains.

Fruits of leguminous plants, especially beans, contain many amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, protein and carotene. This is already a good reason for the regular consumption of this plant. Beans are used as a separate product and for the manufacture of canned vegetables. Studies of the properties of legumes have shown that this type of legume is a wonderful natural medicine that stimulates the elimination of many diseases.
This subspecies combines all the benefits of the legume family, primarily due to the large amount of protein, minerals and vital amino acids. In addition, lentils are the champion in their class in terms of the amount of folic acid. Used for processing into cereals and as animal feed.
This is a herb of the legume family. It is used as animal feed both in the form of seeds and green mass, which is not inferior in nutritional value to alfalfa. Sainfoin is highly valued as a honey crop.
Chickpeas are one of the most widespread legumes worldwide. The list of food products that are produced on its basis is quite extensive. Since ancient times, this species has been distributed in the countries of Western and Central Asia, Africa, North America and the Mediterranean.

In particular, this product is used for food and feed purposes.
Chickpea beans are used as food in fried or boiled form, and they are also used to prepare preserves, soups, side dishes, pies, desserts and many national dishes. Here you can make an extensive list. Legumes, due to their high protein and fiber content, but low fat content, are often used in vegetarian and dietary diets.
Food peas
It is clear from the name of the culture how this subspecies is used. It is used as green fodder or for making silage. Feed pea beans are a very valuable product for animal feed.
This is a cereal legume known throughout Europe since time immemorial. Among vegetable crops, pea beans are the richest natural source of meat-like protein due to their high content of amino acids, sugar, vitamins, starch and fiber. Green and yellow peas are used for directeating, preserving and preparing cereals.

This plant takes pride of place among forage crops and is also included in the list of legumes. Lupine is called northern soybean, given the high protein content, which is about 30-48%, and fat with a share of up to 14%. Lupine beans have long been used as food and animal feed. The use of this product as a green fertilizer helps not to degrade the environment and grow environmentally friendly products. Lupine is also used for the needs of pharmacology and forestry.
Bed beans
This is one of the most ancient cultures of world agriculture. In Europe, it is grown mainly as a fodder crop. Grain, green mass, silage and straw are used for feed. The protein in beans is highly digestible, making them a highly nutritious food and a valuable component in the production of animal feed.
Common peanuts
Compiling a list of legumes that are especially popular, it is impossible not to mention peanuts.

The seeds of this plant are considered very useful, which contain a fatty oil used in a wide variety of industries. It is thanks to him that peanuts are in second place among legumes in terms of nutrition. Its fruits contain about 42% oil, 22% protein, 13% carbohydrates. Most often they are consumed in a fried form, and the vegetative mass is fed to animals.
These vegetables are veryvaluable and nutritious. Many people believe that eating legumes can lead to rapid weight gain, but this is not entirely true. Despite the fact that they are quite high in calories, all the elements contained in these products are of plant origin, so they do not carry any harm if not combined with the consumption of other high-calorie foods. Above is not the whole list of legumes suitable for human consumption, in fact there are many more. And this means that even the most sophisticated gourmet will find the look that he will like.