For many graduates, students and applicants, the question is acute: where to go after receiving a diploma of higher education. Let's talk about what the Faculty of Economics and Enterprise Management can give, what you can do yourself in order to realize yourself as a successful specialist in the future.
Let's say a word about the speci alty

When studying this speci alty, attention is paid to the ways and methods of managing an enterprise or optimizing the processes that take place on it. An important role is played by the application of the latest developments in economic science, combined with the means of automating production processes. To increase efficiency, graduates receive a whole range of knowledge - from the basics of accounting and labor economics to political economy, microeconomics and enterprise economics.
It also provides training in English (or another of your choice), computer literacy and the ability to carry out calculations using software. An integrated approach prepares people who can successfully handle paperwork as well as managementteams. These, of course, are slightly different categories, because in such things a lot depends on the personal qualities of a person, but the fact that the university provides knowledge that is useful in such areas of activity is indisputable.
Who can work?

A fairly wide range of work in various positions and in various fields opens before graduates of this direction. After all, although economics and enterprise management are broad in scope, who to work with, the university rarely gives a clear and understandable answer. But the prerogative is to work in such areas and in such positions:
- Economist.
- Middle or senior manager at national economy enterprises.
- Employee of the credit and financial sector.
- An official from the tax service and other authorities;
- Officer in the Department of Foreign Economic Relations.
The most popular and demanded position from the presented vacancies. You can work at almost any more or less large enterprise, because everywhere you need to take into account economic documentation. You can work as an assistant accountant, senior accountant, economist, secretary, adviser. A wide enough range to realize oneself, besides, there is a potential for career growth.
Mid-level manager of an industrial enterprise

The question may arise as to what about lower-level managers? These are consideredpeople directly managing production processes: heads of construction teams, shift supervisors, foremen. Middle managers are people who can lead various departments that collect control information, as well as make decisions about the need to supply or allocate resources throughout the enterprise. As a practical example, the following positions can be given: head of the supply department, head of the personnel department, in some cases - production shops (provided that they do not have up to several hundred workers). By the way, the economics and management of a machine-building enterprise or another similar complex industry may have preferences for you in the future. The fact is that in order to successfully manage a department, it is necessary to delve into all production processes, and if everything is carried out according to the plan, the manufactured products meet technical standards, there are no industrial injuries, the discipline is in order, we can say that an increase or transfer to another company for a good salary it's only a matter of time.
Senior manager of an industrial enterprise

Under the top managers understand the people on whose decisions the development of the enterprise or the whole company depends. To obtain such a position, you must be a professional with a sufficient amount of experience. As an example, we can cite the positions of the head of the shop, production (provided that the size of the shop is measured in thousands of workers), directorenterprise or board of directors (in large companies), as well as their deputies.
It should also be borne in mind that the speci alty is quite promising in terms of starting your own business. After all, in the process of learning, a person receives potentially necessary knowledge that will be useful in starting a business and in organizing production processes. Although it is impossible to say that university knowledge is not enough to the full extent: additional self-education and a test in business will help you become the owner of your own business. Economics and management at an industrial enterprise or other industry will be of primary importance at first, because at first it is not possible to hire a high-class manager, and you will have to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practice for your own benefit.
Working in financial institutions

One of the most popular areas of work after studying at the university, which is not surprising - given the popularity of the banking sector in the country. The range of positions held is very wide: from a loan officer and financial consultant to the head of the department (which does not look like a fairy tale, given their size and prevalence). But since the job is extremely dependent on the ability to get along with people and negotiate with them, then you will need such skills accordingly. For successful interaction and career advancement, initiative and diligence play an important role. Work in the credit and financial sector is one of the most attractive within terms of potential career growth, not least due to relatively high staff turnover.
Fiscal Authorities

This includes the authorities involved in the collection of taxes and fees - primarily the tax and customs services. From the point of view of earning income, they are not the most attractive, but if during your studies you did not manage to accumulate work experience, at least such a mark in your work book will not hurt you. Having work experience in the future will make you look more attractive in the eyes of potential employers. And sociable people who acquire certain connections in these services (especially in the tax service) in a year or two are extremely valued when hiring in other areas.
Working at enterprises associated with foreign partners
Knowledge obtained in the courses of macroeconomics and international economics should be enough to have a basis for interaction in the international market. Specificity requires quite a lot of additional knowledge (like a good command of English, German, French), as well as the ability to navigate in an unfamiliar environment. Punctuality is also extremely important both within the company and when working with partners.
Work in this direction is often accompanied by business trips abroad and the opportunity to travel around the world. In addition, there is an opportunity to establish yourself at the international level and receive an offer from an international company,the attractiveness of which will be in a solid salary and career opportunities. And given their specialization, economics and management at an enterprise by industry can have ample opportunities for you to implement: for example, today you work in metallurgy, tomorrow in chemistry, the day after tomorrow - in light industry.
The importance of practice

But without what it is difficult to get a good position, it is without work experience. Therefore, at the slightest opportunity to earn extra money - take it when you are still studying at the university, even if the employment will be 1 day a week - the main thing is to officially. Experience is gained over the years, so after graduation it will be easier to get a job. In addition, many companies and enterprises have special formal employment programs for students. Let the work go from the lowest levels, with due diligence, you will be able to move up the career ladder even before graduating from the university. Remember that the speci alty "economics and enterprise management" provides certain advantages, and the employer, focusing on your performance, will decide on further cooperation, promotion or dismissal.