Everywhere there is a commercialization of life. There is still no such sphere where paid services would not be present. And all the companies that provide these services employ a huge number of people. We spend most of our lives at work, and everyone wants to work where they like, feel comfortable, and have the opportunity to realize their potential.
The life of modern companies in their field of activity, functioning in the commercial and non-commercial markets, successful performance in the competitive struggle depends largely on employees, whom the manager must effectively manage. Imagine a large mechanism that has many parts and starts working when you insert a battery or start one part. A battery or starting part is a leader who must provide his employees with comfortable working conditions appropriate for the tasks performed, find something that will make them work (ingood sense of the word "force") and inspire to complete tasks. This is where motivation comes into play. And in our time, it is the non-material motivation of the staff that is becoming increasingly important. But first things first.
Let's understand the terms, or the Basics of the Basics

First of all, you need to learn to distinguish two similar terms (and their derivatives) from each other - incentive and motivation. Very often, both top management and HR managers bring these concepts into one, believing that they mean the same thing. But it's not right. Stimulation of personnel occurs due to external influence, that is, productivity is increased with the help of external levers for activating employees, and most often with the help of material values. Motivation, in turn, comes "from within a person", that is, the tasks of motivating staff include creating internal motivating factors in a person's self-consciousness that will inspire him to perform work functions.
The difference between material and non-material motivation of staff

You can motivate employees with the help of tangible and intangible values. That is, this means that two large groups can be distinguished - material and non-material motivation of personnel. The second name of material motivation is economic. So many managers are still convinced that the most effective way to improve job satisfaction and productivity is towage. But in order to understand that this belief is erroneous, you need to consider the well-known pyramid of needs of Abraham Maslow. For those who have forgotten, we recall that according to his pyramid of human needs, they are of five types:
- physiological, they are also primary (needs for food, sleep, warmth, housing, sex, etc.);
- security (the need for a stable income, confidence in the future);
- social (the need for communication, a sense of belonging to a social group or organization, etc.);
- respect and recognition (the need to be an authoritative person, to have influence and success, etc.);
- self-realization and personal expression (the need to realize one's own abilities, talent, ambition, find oneself, etc.).
As you can see from this pyramid, only the first two levels of needs can be satisfied with money. Satisfaction of the next levels already affects the psychological and personal aspects of a person's life. Therefore, material motivation is effective only in the short term.
Methods of staff motivation

Every person is an individual, so it is not surprising that a large number of methods, tools, forms and ways of motivating staff have developed in the science of human resource management. Within the framework of the identified groups of motivation, let's look at possible methods of influencing employees in order to fully understand the difference. Methods of material motivation are divided into direct and indirect. Let's start with the first. Todirect methods include:
- Paying a certain percentage of the total profit is one of the most common methods of motivation. Most often used in relation to distributing leaflets, employees of call-centers, in the trade industry, etc.
- A bonus is a one-time cash payment. Here, the care of the management for each employee comes to the fore, that is, the employee gets the feeling that the company is following his success and celebrating what he has done. Here, of course, the company itself has to work harder to track the success of employees, but it's worth it.
- The method of material motivation, which works great in the West, but has not yet taken root in our country, is motivation with the help of shares and securities. This method is used for particularly distinguished employees, whose departure would be a great loss for the company.
- And, finally, the most obvious and easiest way to materially motivate employees is to increase wages. If a person has managed to transform into a team member, to pass the novice stage, and he copes well with his job duties and is ready to take on more responsibility, then you should encourage him with a salary increase.
As for indirect motivation, this includes vacation pay, the inclusion of a full social package in working conditions and sick pay, pension insurance, etc. That is, these are also methods that include economic support, but do not act directly.
Intangible motivation

Now you can move on to the methods of non-material motivation of staff:
- Personal praise in public. We all like to be recognized for our accomplishments. Therefore, if a person did an excellent job with the task assigned to him, it is worth praising him in front of other people.
- Availability of career advancement opportunities. Employees need to be offered prospects, because if an employee does not see that he has a chance to grow professionally, then he will not give all the best. Does the leader need it? Probably not.
- Training and professional development. This method of non-material motivation of personnel involves closing gaps in the skills of employees, developing their professional abilities and talents. With this method, you can rally the team well.
- Congratulations on significant dates. Here lies such a moment as a simple attention to the personality of the employee. It is always nice when the individuality of an employee is appreciated. Attention to events occurring in the life of an employee (with an adequate degree of tracking) creates a special emotional bond between the employee and the company.
- Atmosphere and comfort. We are sure that you have seen the offices of giant companies - they are cozy, modern, divided into zones and provide space for employees. Free coffee for the company will not cost a huge amount, and will force many employees to work more efficiently.
- Maintaining corporate spirit. The organization of common events contributes to the development of communications within the company.
- Flexible scheduling is a very effective methodnon-material motivation. Every person is unique. And if you give someone the opportunity to sleep an hour more in the morning, and leave later than the rest, this can result in a big return on his part. After all, what can a worker who is sleepy all day do especially effectively? Of course, this refers to the types of work that are not tied to the time frame.
These are the main types of non-material motivation of staff. They operate most effectively in the system, which will be discussed later.
Creating consistency

Each company, for the most part, creates the conditions for its successful entry into the market. Yes, you need to find your target audience, be able to correctly operate the price, but besides this, you also need to be able to manage personnel. To achieve the fullest effect from the use of motivation, it is necessary to create a system of non-material motivation of personnel, which includes all the necessary elements for its proper functioning. There are some basic tips for implementing successful employee motivation in a company:
- When developing a system of non-material motivation of personnel, one must remember that it should help solve tactical, not strategic tasks. For example, if the ability to work in a team is important in your business, then it is worth spending money on organizing team-building trainings for employees.
- Developing incentive programs is not just for the most talented and money-making employees. Such workers as accountants, secretaries, production workers are manyinvest in production and organizational activities. Without them, companies might well not have the profit they make.
- The stage at which the company is located is also important when developing non-material motivation. For example, if your business is a small family business, then the most important role is played by enthusiasm, which in a large company will not be of key importance. When moving to further stages of development, when there are more employees, motivation programs should become more individual.
- It is necessary to choose the right tools for non-material motivation of staff. It is necessary to turn off subjective perception, because it often happens that what motivates you personally may not affect another person at all. For the correct choice of a non-material method of motivating staff, it is necessary to collect information about the real needs of employees. Yes, it will not be easy, but it is necessary to get the effect.
- You need to bring newness. People are tired of monotony, so once a year it is necessary to change and improve the non-material motivation of staff, namely programs. Otherwise, they become even oppressive.
How are things in Russia?

In our country, due to certain economic and historical processes, there have developed their own characteristics in the attitude of companies towards their employees. The features of the material and non-material motivation of Russian personnel include the following:
- predominance of material motivation overintangible;
- in material motivation, the most common method of motivation is the way to increase wages and bonuses;
- common application is the competitive moment between employees.
It should be noted that at the moment more and more foreign practices are moving into the Russian reality, adapting and starting to be applied by our managers and managers. Therefore, the prospects and development of methods of working with personnel are still ahead.
Specific and to the point

Each area has its own characteristics of motivation. Consider an example of motivation in a specific business - a restaurant. Material and non-material motivation of the staff in the restaurant has its own interesting features. For example, material motivation is based on wage variability:
- Available salary (preferably hourly). Many restaurateurs mistakenly believe that it is enough for restaurant employees to have only a percentage of income from sales. But, remembering Maslow's pyramid of needs, they need to know that they have a mandatory income.
- Percentage of personal sales. Interest in selling certain foods and drinks gives a plus not only to the employee in the form of an increase in wages, but also to the restaurant in the form of profit.
- Tipping - and only personal. Shared tips reduce motivation to work and can even become a breeding ground for conflict among workers.
Fixing the staff motivation program
Only from the attitude of the mostit depends on the company whether the provision on non-material motivation of personnel (a sample will be given below) will become just a formal document or a real effective tool. By default, it consists of 10 sections:
- General provisions. It says what the document is for and where it is used, the main concepts used, the conditions for which it can change, etc.
- Terminology. In this section, the designation of each term is prescribed to clearly indicate what exactly the company understands under each definition with which it operates.
- Corporate policy in the field of non-material motivation. This section is usually devoted to the goals, priorities and basic principles on which the personnel motivation system is built.
- Goals. Here it is already specifically indicated why the rules of the motivational program are being developed. Quality indicators can be included in the position as they will help you understand whether the goals stated in the section above are being achieved. These can be calculated (expected) results of the implementation of measures for non-material motivation.
- Indicators of the effectiveness of non-material motivation. They are usually included in order to further simplify the assessment of the implementation of motivational activities, whether they work or not.
- Principles of construction and implementation of motivational programs. This section indicates exactly how employees will be motivated in practice, for example, methods and tools.
- Regulations of the work of the personnel management department with the Regulation on intangiblemotivation. This section is necessary in order to determine who is responsible for the development of employee motivation, feedback and program modernization.
- Requirements for heads of departments applying the norms of the Regulation on non-material motivation.
- Resource planning procedure. The development of a motivation program and its activities are not free for the company, so it is worth planning cash flows.
- Responsibility and control. It is important to monitor the implementation of the motivation program, the use of forms of non-material motivation of personnel, what should be added and what should be excluded. This requires people whose duties will include these functions.
Examples of Russian reality
Let's consider an example of non-material motivation of the personnel of the Moscow construction company "SKM Group". The company has a common practice such as providing a 15% discount on the purchase of real estate (this can be a house or an apartment). In 2012, the company established the "Personnel of the Year" award. In total, there are four nominations in this award - an employee can become the "discovery of the year", "innovator of the year" or "stability of the year", as well as the last nomination - "career of the year". The nominees are usually judged by the heads of the company's holding lines. The assessment is also carried out by the heads of departments. The winners receive valuable gifts as a reward. Another common means of motivating staff is vacation at the expense of the company.

Almost everyonea person in our country knows the company "Oriflame", which sells cosmetics with the help of consultants-representatives. One of the main motivational tools at the initial stage of work in this company is the provision of a discount on the purchase of branded products. Promotion in the company is built by inviting new consultants, and then different valuable rewards are offered at each stage of the career.
The Perm company "Valen" also successfully uses various forms of employee incentives in its work. According to the advice of almost every book on the non-material motivation of personnel, the company annually holds the competition "The Most Valuable Employee of the Year". Every employee has a chance to win, because everyone can bring something of real value to the organization.
Examples of foreign practice
An interesting example of Finnish companies. There is an interesting tradition at Finnish manufacturing enterprises - to inform the next shift about the results of the work of the previous ones. In addition, shifts now personally hand over cases to each other. Another aspect of the impact on employees is the incentive to lead a he althy lifestyle. Entire programs are being developed to improve the he alth of workers. Equality of personnel is practiced, as well as the involvement of new employees in the selection. It is common when the head of the office has a workplace in the same room with his subordinates. This principle contributes to the development of interpersonal communication.
Another giant in the application of non-financial motivationIt's the well-known McDonald's. Firstly, it is the ability to build a flexible work schedule for yourself, as well as a loyal attitude towards all restaurant employees. Also, this network is characterized by rapid career advancement if a person stays in the company for more than six months.
Google Internet Corporation is famous not only for its well-equipped offices and entire corporate infrastructure, but also for the fact that the company has the opportunity to work from home once a week without coming to the office. In order to relax your head if you still work in the office, the company has installed table tennis tables, as well as game consoles.
Thus, we can conclude that the non-material motivation of the staff is an important part of the success of the company. The work of employees should not be underestimated, and promoting a comfortable working environment helps to increase productivity and job satisfaction.