HR department is a complex of structural divisions of the company, which are specialized in the field of recruitment and personnel management. It is advisable to include management, specialists, as well as performers. This service is designed to manage employees within the approved policy of the enterprise.
HR activities

The main purpose of the personnel department is not only to support the interests of the company within its policy, but also to follow in its activities the labor laws in force in the country. The personnel service is called upon to implement programs that are periodically adopted both at the territorial and federal levels. The work of the personnel service, its structure, tasks and functions are quite closely related to the nature of economic development, as well as to the understanding of the head of an organization or enterprise of the role of employees in performing tasks and achieving the goals that the organization or production faces.respectively.
Historical aspect
It is worth noting that in the context of the orientation of the domestic economy towards the use of extensive methods, the personnel department was represented, as a rule, by a small number of employees included in the technical training (training) department, the personnel department and the business unit. The work of the service at enterprises of domestic importance was reduced to the hiring and, accordingly, the dismissal of employees, as well as record keeping. This is what reduced the personnel department to a secondary one, in fact only fulfilling the instructions of the head and certain orders, usually related to the recruitment of labor from outside.
Modern Department

HR service is a set of structural units designed to manage personnel. With the change in guidelines and tasks in the management of employees, the tasks of the personnel department, its structure and functionality have also changed. We are talking about the creation of a multifunctional unit at enterprises and organizations, as well as the coordination (organization) of the activities of all structural units in a common system for managing employees and production. Today, the presence of a personnel service in a company is a comprehensive solution not only to the problems of providing the structure with personnel, but also the main task in modern economic and market conditions. It consists in connecting the goals of production development with the needs of employees who realize these goals; in organizing the balance of the development strategy of the company (organization, enterprise) and the personnel employed in it.
Personnel management as a function

Employee management is not only a function of the organization's HR department. In accordance with various areas within their competence, other management entities, including line directors of production units, are directly involved in it. At the level of independent production in the company, the work of the personnel service for personnel management is, as a rule, of an operational nature. The division of functions between the management and the management of individual structures of production significance should be clear, completely excluding parallelism in activities. This allows you to increase the level of responsibility for the results of the work done.
HR functions

An employee of the personnel department in modern conditions should be in the general system of organization and subsequent coordination of all activities in the enterprise, which in one way or another are connected with the personnel. He is called:
- Control the implementation of personnel policy in structural units.
- Implement payroll controls for employees.
- Provide medical care for workers.
- Create a favorable social and psychological climate in the team.
- Provide social protection for staff.
Requirements for the HR department
Personnel service is a division endowed with a fairly wide range of functions. As it turned out,in addition to the standard functions that still exist in Soviet structures, today there are many new ones that we have listed above. It is important to note that the nature of the functionality being implemented and the problems being solved predetermine the specific requirements for the personnel department. Among them: the need to carry out research and development (for example, surveys conducted in order to identify the causes, factors and consequences in relation to certain aspects of labor relations), establishing contacts with territorial labor management structures, with the career guidance and employment department, colleges and universities, private institutions that specialize in the selection of employees. This is necessary to study the general situation on the labor market, competent selection of personnel, advanced training, training employees at a high level and creating a personnel reserve for the service.
What determines work efficiency?

You need to know that the effectiveness of the human resources department in a company depends on a number of factors. Among them, it is important to note the following:
- Structuring and specifying the functionality of each of the structural units existing in the enterprise. It should be added that the state personnel service can receive the highest rating in this regard.
- Interrelated activities of structural units directly within the personnel department.
- Organic connection between the activities of the department and the work of the economic and technical service within the company.
- Service staffing.
Department structure
Next, it is advisable to consider the composition of the personnel service. It is important to know that in the process of organizing a unit, structuring its composition, one must proceed from certain factors. Thus, the list of works that is associated with ensuring the effective management of employees is relatively standard for all organizations or enterprises. This means that their implementation is a necessary and sufficient condition for the implementation of managerial functions and tasks. It is worth noting that the fundamental formation of a state, private or municipal personnel service in modern times is not endowed with a generally recognized form.
Give an example

Consider the form of the personnel department, which can be used in the enterprise. We have a manager (director) for personnel. The following sectors are subordinate to him:
- Employment sector. It deals with planning, recruitment, interviewing, and analysis of the external market for specialists.
- Sector for advanced development and staff training. Here they are engaged in the creation of training programs and the organization of continuous education of employees, a system of professional and qualification advancement, and also carry out control functions.
- The pay and incentive sector. Employees analyze and evaluate the activities of specialists, develop tariff agreements, analyze and supervise social compensation.
- Sector of analysis and studyframes. Employees are engaged in the study and subsequent analysis of the quality of working life, the moral and psychological climate in the team, as well as internal communications.
- Sector of labor relations. Here, the development and ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the provisions specified in the collective agreement is carried out.
- Occupational safety sector employees develop medical programs, occupational safety courses and other activities of the corresponding plan.
What's more important?
Despite the sufficient level of effectiveness of an integrated approach to managing employees, in some companies the main goal is recruitment, in others - career planning, in others - remuneration and performance evaluation. An important role is also played by the methods and style of management of subordinates by the administration. In the process of designing the structure of the personnel department and organizing its subsequent work, it is worth remembering that the existence and functioning of a particular unit is justified only under certain circumstances. We are talking about the number of employees, the volume of management activities of a particular type, etc. In other conditions, this function can be performed by another structural unit or an individual official.
Professional qualifications
It is worth noting that the practice of division of labor that has developed over the years in accordance with certain functions, which are enshrined in the qualification directory of the positions of directors, specialists and other employees performing certainfunctions in the company, one way or another, provides for the following positions of performers and specialists in the management structure, primarily focused on people:
- Sociologist.
- Labor economist.
- Physiologist.
- Psychologist.
- Occupational safety and he alth engineer.
- Labor rationing engineer.
- Labour Technician.
- Personnel Inspector and so on.
It is important to note that today every second employee is an inspector who is busy with the execution of the work of the accounting and reporting plan. The analysis carried out by the researchers indicates that the educational level of personnel departments in Russian companies does not allow us to hope for the full and most effective implementation of the new tasks in the field of personnel management that they face.
Conclusion. Aspects of HR training in Russia

So, in the article, we analyzed in detail the concept, functionality, main tasks and structure of personnel departments both in the modern world and in the old days, established a number of differences and gave several relevant examples. It should be noted that at present, at small enterprises, the number of which in the Russian Federation is growing every year, there are no personnel departments as such. That is why there is a slightly different strategy in terms of training employees, because they must perform a fairly wide range of functions.
So, today Russian higher educationinstitutions actively train specialists in the specialization "HR Manager" on the basis of bachelors of economics or bachelors of management. According to the currently relevant concept of training such a manager, which was proposed by the State Academy of Management (Moscow), this should be an employee focused primarily on the implementation of legal, organizational, managerial, social, and psychological work in the management service. staff.
The personnel manager develops managerial decisions, after which - the technology through which he plans to implement them. This applies to the selection of personnel, its placement, all kinds of official movements, assessment of the activities of employees, certification, analysis of the socio-psychological atmosphere in the team, motivation and stimulation of the efficiency of the functioning of all departments, training and possible retraining of employees, creation of socio-economic programs related to the formation and stabilization of the team, studying the personal (business and professional) characteristics of employees and fully ensuring their career and professional growth, adapting new specialists to the company, as well as participating in the formation and further maintenance of the overall personnel strategy.