How to apply to a school in first grade. Documents for the first class

How to apply to a school in first grade. Documents for the first class
How to apply to a school in first grade. Documents for the first class

Yesterday the kids played in the sandbox and went to kindergarten. But school time has come. In this article, we'll talk about some of the questions parents may have about attending school, and how to apply to a school in first grade.

At what age do children go to school

Children between the ages of six and a half and eight can begin primary general education, but not later, if a medical examination does not reveal any contraindications to study. In some cases, the administration of the educational institution may allow the enrollment of children earlier or later than this age, depending on each specific situation.

apply to school in first grade
apply to school in first grade

Also, parents can choose at their discretion the future place of study (school, lyceum, gymnasium), as well as the program that will be taught.

The order of admission of children to the first grade

When enrolling children in the first grade of the school, parents are offered 2 options:

  1. Determine the child in the school of residence. In this case, the enrollment takes place inpriority order.
  2. You can choose another school to your liking. In this option, parents are provided only with "free places".

Admission to the first class at the place of registration or residence

The city educational department (GORONO) issues an order or an administrative act on assigning schools, gymnasiums or lyceums to the territorial sections of the city or settlement.

This order can be found on the websites of schools. From the order, parents will be able to find out which school their house “belongs” to, and even then apply to the school in the first grade.

first grade school
first grade school

After determining the school number for which the place of residence is assigned, applicants must submit an application along with documents between February 1 and June 30. The required list of documents in this case will be as follows:

  • School Application.
  • Certificate or any other document certifying the place of residence of the future student.
  • Passport or identity document of the applicant.
  • The original birth certificate of the future first grader.

The application must be officially registered by the school administration, and within 7 days after the submission of documents, an order is issued to enroll the child in school in the first grade.

The administration of the educational institution is prohibited from collecting any additional information about parents: for example, a certificate of wages from work, a certificate of residence, etc.

School denied admission tofirst class at the place of registration…

According to the law, the school is obliged to accept all first-graders living in the area assigned to it. When assigning territories to schools, the approximate number of future students is taken into account.

But it may also happen that the number of applicants who applied to the school in the first grade will be greater than the number of places in this educational institution. Then, in priority order, those children whose parents submitted applications before everyone else will be enrolled, that is, the date of application is important. And if there are no free places, the school has the right to refuse admission to study. In this case, parents or representatives can contact the local educational authorities, where they will be helped to place the child in another school.

statement to school principal
statement to school principal

Admission to school for vacant places

If parents, say, chose to teach their child another school that is not fixed at their place of residence, then for this category there is a procedure for admission to available vacancies. Free places are the places left after completing the classes. In this case, the application to the school principal is accepted by the administration from July 1 until the start of classes, but no later than September 5. In some cases, schools begin accepting applications for vacant places earlier than July 1 - the corresponding announcement can be found on the school website.

school application
school application

The list of documents submitted by the applicant will be the same as when enrollingat the place of residence. But the child's registration document is not needed.

If parents really want their offspring to go to this particular school, you can look like preparatory courses there, and then convince the director that the child is very used to the school and teachers and will be very worried when parting.

Competitive selection and tests for vacancies

When a child is enrolled in the first grade, the school does not have the right to conduct any competitive tests or tests - testing is carried out only by specialized educational institutions that have permission to do so. But in the best and most prestigious schools with kids, upon admission, they can conduct an interview at which parents can be present. The duration of the interview should not exceed 30 minutes.

Nuances of admission to school of foreign citizens

Citizens of another state, or stateless persons who currently reside in Russia and want to enroll their children in first grade, have the full right to free general education. In this case, they need to provide the following documents:

  1. Apply to school in first grade.
  2. Provide an identity document of the applicant (passport or international passport).
  3. Birth certificate (original) of a son or daughter, a certified copy can be provided.
  4. Document allowing the applicant to stay in Russia.
  5. A document that confirms the relationship between the applicant and the child.
how to write a school application
how to write a school application

Write an application to the school upon admission to the first grade

How to write an application to school? An application or appeal to the head of the school is an official legal document of unlimited duration, in writing which should follow some generally accepted ground rules:

  1. The text of the petition should only be written by hand with a ballpoint pen. Template printed text is not allowed - in case of dispute, parents will be able to refuse to voluntarily submit an application not written by their hand.
  2. It is necessary to respect the margins and indents of the text, as well as to ensure that there are no grammatical errors.
  3. The text is beautiful, legible and meaningful.
  4. The application must include all information about the future student and his parent.
  5. And at the end of the application, the signature and date must be present, under which the signature and seal of the director will be put in the future.

Rules or nuances of making an application

You can take the application form to the school or the template directly at the school or gymnasium, as well as ask your question on the spot.

There are some rules to keep in mind when applying for admission to the first grade:

  • The appeal is written in the name of the director, you should not forget to also write the name of the educational institution and its address where it is located.
  • The text must contain all the information about the parent submitting the application - full initials, date and year of birth, address of residence and phone number at whichthe applicant can be contacted.
  • Next, in the middle of the line, the word “statement” is written.
  • The text of the statement itself begins with a red line. It contains all the complete information about the child - name, surname, patronymic, date of birth and age, place of residence, preschool training, medical contraindications, etc.
  • At the end must be signed and dated.
school application form
school application form

Do I need to pay money

Schools do not pay tuition. But when enrolling children for study, parents are asked to make a contribution to the needs of the class or school. Usually parents do not object to "voluntary donations". But if collecting money is too much for some, they can apply to the prosecutor's office.

Schools are not allowed to offer to make an entry fee before enrolment, as this would already be considered a bribe.

If the school insists on paying for some extracurricular or additional classes, parents have the right to demand the conclusion of an agreement on the paid services provided. But you need to remember that applying to a school has nothing to do with money.
