Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Osipenko is a regional educational institution in the Zaporozhye region, which, meanwhile, occupies a leading position among pedagogical universities in Ukraine. There are 6 faculties in the structure of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, as well as an Economics and Humanities College.

Berdyansk State Pedagogical University traces its history back to the Berdyansk Men's Gymnasium, which began work on September 8, 1872. On August 19, 1876, a building specially built for the gymnasium, which today is the main building of the BSPU, hospitably opened its doors.
The men's gymnasium in Berdyansk from the day of its foundation worked according to the new, more progressive Charter (Statute) of the Russian Empire, approved in July 1871. The statute marked the implementation of the projects of the Minister of Education Dmitry Tolstoy to change the educational system. According to these projects, only classical gymnasiums gave the right to enter universities, while real gymnasiums of suchrights were forfeited.

Main Building
The building of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after. Osipenko is the historical heritage of the city. The driving force behind the construction project in the district Berdyansk gymnasium was the mayor K. P. Konstantinov. The zemstvos decided: if you build it, then build it in such a way that the educational building becomes the best among the gymnasiums of the entire Odessa educational district, which occupied the territory from Chisinau to Rostov.
The original plan, developed by Engineer-Captain K. Yale, was specially ordered and approved. The best contractors in the region are involved in the work. Advanced technologies and materials were used at that time, including the widespread use of cement.
In order to create the most comfortable conditions for learning, the project estimate was revised upwards several times. In particular, when the walls were being erected in full swing, it was decided to raise them a few more tens of centimeters in order to increase the number of cubic meters of air that fell according to the standards for each student. As a result, today's students of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after. Osipenko inherited from his ancestors very spacious premises, equal to the height of two floors of modern houses (more than 4.5 m).
According to the project, the building was designed for 500 high school students. In addition to 14 classrooms, the complex included spacious corridors, a church, a front hall with a staircase, a gymnasium, an assembly hall, a library, a drawing room, a physical office, director and tutor apartments, board rooms, services, a water pump and other facilities. Tot althe institution included 50 diverse rooms.

Learning process
Unlike the modern BGPU them. Osipenko, not only teachers were trained in the gymnasium. Among the functions of the educational institution was the issuance of certificates of passing exams for the title of teacher, pharmacy student, for the right to receive a class rank, etc. By the way, very high requirements were applied to students at that time. During the first 25 years of work, out of more than 5,000 students, only 257 people completed the full course of study! No wonder the profession of a teacher was not just respected, but honorable, because only a few managed to reach graduation.
In 1915, in connection with the events of the First World War, it was decided to provide, if necessary, the building of the Berdyansk Men's Gymnasium to accommodate the infirmary of the Kyiv Committee of the All-Russian Union of Cities. In 1916, a special scholarship was introduced at the gymnasium for children of St. George Knights.
Soviet power
The 20-30s of the 20th century in the history of Ukraine were full of fundamental changes, the breaking of old structures and the traditional worldview of the population. All this was reflected both in the educational system as a whole and in the BSPU. Osipenko in particular.
New times have come, and on the site of the gymnasium - in the "Red House" - pedagogical courses, a medical vocational school, an agronomic technical school, an agricultural school, a technical school began to operate. However, by the fall of 1922, only pedagogical courses and a technical school remained in the building.
April 5, 1924 in the spirit of the times participantsMeetings of the staff of pedagogical courses unanimously supported the proposal “to apply for the name of the educational institution Berdyansk 3-year pedagogical courses named after N. K. Krupskaya . In total, about 24 disciplines were taught, including:
- algebra and geometry;
- general worldview;
- physics and chemistry;
- natural we alth;
- Ukrainian language, literature;
- child and human psychology;
- The Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR and others.
In 1925, the Berdyansk Pedagogical Courses were renamed the Pedagogical College. A kindergarten operated at the educational institution.

Building an institution
In 1932, Berdyansk State Institute of Social Education was established on the basis of the Pedagogical College. As indicated in the documents, faculties operated in its composition:
- socio-economic;
- agro-biological;
- techno-mathematical;
- preschool.
Already in 1933, the Institute of Social Education was reorganized into the Berdyansk Pedagogical Institute with the same faculties. A year later, on its basis, a state teacher's institute was opened with historical, natural-geographical, physics-mathematical, literary and linguistic faculties.
Shortly after the start of the war, on September 10, 1941, the institute was evacuated to the city of Leninabad (Khudzhent) of the Tajik SSR. The activities of the educational institution in Berdyansk were formally resumed in October 1943 (after liberation), but in reality classes began in January1944.

Further development
On September 19, 1953, the institute was named after the Hero of the Soviet Union P. D. Osipenko. The same departments that existed earlier continued to operate: pedagogy, physics, mathematics, natural science and geography, Marxism-Leninism, physical education.
From 1958 to 1992, 14,300 students studied here, including 6,573 full-time students. Gradually, the Pedagogical Institute expanded its area, erecting new ones, as well as adding other, already existing buildings. The hostel of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University began its work.
New times brought new challenges. On March 19, 2002, the academic council, having heard the report of the rector "On the progress of the implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of the institute", decided: "Define as a priority task of obtaining the status of a university for BDPI." Soon the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 446 saw the light, according to which the Berdyansk Pedagogical Institute was liquidated, and the State Pedagogical University was created on its basis.
BSPU today trains future teachers at the following faculties:
- physics and mathematics, computer education;
- social communications, philology;
- physical education;
- humanitarian-economic;
- arts, psychological and pedagogical education;
- social, preschool, special education.

BGPU Admissions Committee
It is created for the admission of applicants for training. Term of officeis one year. The composition is approved by the order of the rector of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, who is its chairman. The commission works on the basis of democracy, transparency and openness in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the Rules for admission to the Belarusian State Pedagogical University.
The selection committee of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University begins its work in June. Applications for admission are accepted from 8:00 to 17:00 (from 12:00 to 13:00 - break), Saturday, Sunday, holidays are days off. The list of documents for various categories entering annually is published on the official website on the eve of the introductory campaign.