A person's career is determined by the education he received at school and in other educational institutions. High-quality, in-depth knowledge is provided by the Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University (BSPU) - a well-known university in the city of Blagoveshchensk. The people who study here today have a huge potential. They can become excellent specialists if they do not stumble along the way of life.
Historical path

The history of the university began about 90 years ago. In 1930, the Agricultural Pedagogical Institute was opened in Blagoveshchensk. Classes were initially held in a small area. The university was allocated only the 3rd floor of the former women's gymnasium.
Years passed, and the educational institution gradually developed. The number of students increased, new speci alties appeared, the material and technicalbase. For example, in 1940 the construction of a 4-storey dormitory was completed, in 1962 the construction of new buildings (buildings A and B) began.
All events of the past cannot be covered. The history of the Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University is quite rich. What happened earlier contributed to the formation of a good educational institution. Today Belarusian State Pedagogical University is an efficient university with special and scientific and educational laboratories, a scientific library, museums and actively using computer technologies in its activities. He pays a lot of attention to international activities. To streamline work in this direction, a special unit was created at the university - the Department of International Education and Cooperation.
Modern university

The official address of the Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University is Lenin Street, 104. This is where the main building is located. In total, the university has 5 main educational buildings. BSPU also owns an agro-biological station, a sports and recreation base, located in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Peschanoe.
Very many applicants are interested in the availability of hostels. BSPU has 4 buildings for non-residents to live. University dormitories are designed for 1950 places. All buildings are well equipped. There are household and shower rooms, rooms for recreation, self-training, organization and holding of cultural events.

Structure of an educational institution
StructureUniversity is represented by 10 faculties:
- historical and philological;
- physical and mathematical;
- natural-geographic;
- industrial-pedagogical;
- psychological and pedagogical;
- foreign languages;
- pedagogy and primary education;
- international;
- sports and physical education;
- upgrading skills and training.
Each faculty consists of departments. For example, the Faculty of Foreign Languages includes the Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching English and the Department of Oriental and Romano-Germanic Languages.
All existing faculties at the Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University are worthy structural units. They have prepared a huge number of highly qualified specialists for several decades of the university's work. Of all the departments, we single out the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education. Why is he unique? The fact is that no other university in the Amur Region has such a unit. The Faculty of Sports and Physical Culture of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University is the only place where you can get higher education in the field of physical culture and life safety.

Educational activities
BSPU in Blagoveshchensk prepares people for undergraduate programs. There are different directions, ranging from "administration and mathematical support of information systems" and ending with "philology". The direction "pedagogical education" hasa wide range of profiles - biology, chemistry, English, German, English, Chinese, preschool education, English, etc.
There are also magistracy and postgraduate studies at the university. A separate subdivision of the university is the lyceum. It invites children to study in grades 10 and 11 (humanitarian and natural science profiles). The lyceum employs BSPU teachers who use the latest methods of education, modern means and methods of teaching.
Admission to Bachelor's degree

A significant part of the city's graduates apply to the Blagoveshchensk Pedagogical University after graduation. Applicants are attracted by the fact that the university periodically proves its effectiveness.
There are certain conditions for admission to the Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University. School graduates enter the university based on the results of the Unified State Examination. Graduates of other educational institutions have the right to take entrance examinations at the university. These tests are usually tests. Absolutely all applicants, upon admission to “fine arts, additional education” (profile “pedagogical education”), perform creative drawing within the walls of the university on the appointed day. In some areas, physical education standards are required.
What awaits applicants after admission
Everyday life at the Blagoveshchensk Pedagogical State University is not only lectures, seminars, cramming textbooks. This is alsolife full of creativity, good deeds. Within the walls of the university, creative teams have been formed - an academic choir, choreographic, vocal, theater groups.
Many students:
- actively participate in campaigns to support children with cancer and in orphanages, boarding schools;
- participate in blood donation campaigns;
- helping animal shelters;
- are part of the Volunteer Corps of the 70th Anniversary of Victory (participate in events dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War, carry out the mission of instilling patriotism among students at the university).

Sports at BSPU
Applicants who love sports will not be bored at the Blagoveshchensk Pedagogical State University. The university has a sports club. He started working in 1964. Today, various sections have been created in the BSPU sports club - in skiing, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, athletics, and tourism.
Periodic competitions are organized at the university for all students. Traditional competitions are "Freshman", held in 7 sports (volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, cross, chess, shooting). Students show great interest in tourism. For those who wish, multi-day hikes and weekend hikes are organized annually.

BSPU in the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region, is an educational institution that givesthe opportunity not only to study, but also to develop in a creative, sports way. People who entered this university do not regret their choice at all.