How to write a review: rules and guidelines

How to write a review: rules and guidelines
How to write a review: rules and guidelines

The value of reviews is hard to overestimate. This is a good job for those who write texts, and useful information for potential buyers. However, for reviews to be truly useful, you need to know how to write them correctly.

how to write a review
how to write a review

Development of the term

To understand how to write a review, you need to understand what it is. First of all, a review is a short summary, one might say, a synopsis of the text. Reviews are used to draw attention to the release of a product. For example, after reading a review about an exhibition, a person can decide whether to go to it or not.

Using the review, the reader will be able to understand whether the information written on several dozen pages of a magazine will be useful to him. An overview is a short summary of a large text. The easiest way to understand the difference is with an example: when entering the Academy, an applicant submits his thesis. As a rule, in order not to read the entire work, professors are asked to write a review in order to understand whether it is worth opening the folder at all. A well-written review can be the key to the success of the whole work, and first of all it is worth logically assessing the general topic of the article, then confirming it with arguments that will encouragereader to study the whole text.

how to write reviews
how to write reviews

Using reviews

Such texts are used quite widely now. A review can be used in the description of a blog or an article on the site, it can represent a product or a book.

People now trust visual and printed information. Before buying a product, the consumer re-reads a lot of articles about it, watches videos and reviews, and only after that decides whether this product suits him: this is why every copywriter should know how to write reviews correctly. For example, a student needs a book reader. To understand how good it is, it is not enough just to look at the appearance. Many shortcomings are revealed only in the course of work, and the buyer is guided by the reviews of other people, reads articles. What can motivate him to such a detailed study of the product? Of course, a good review. Therefore, reviews and reviews can be classified as selling texts.

how to write a review article
how to write a review article

A few rules

There are rules about how to write a review article. First of all, you need to study the product that will be discussed well and remember that a review is not a personal review. After reading the source document or watching the video, you need to come up with the structure of the review. When deriving the results from the knowledge gained, you need to highlight the main points and write them down in order to focus on them. Each product has both advantages and disadvantages: both of them should be reflected in the review. If there is not enough information to review, various pointscan be checked with the customer.

Information analysis

All the information received from the sources must be analyzed. If contradictions are found, and this is possible even in the best text, it should be clarified in other sources or with the customer himself, and obviously unreliable facts should be separated. All this will help to make the overview clear and easy to read.

Here are some more rules about how to write reviews. The key point in the work is the definition of the goals set by the article. The most weighty facts must be highlighted, and the article should really talk about the problem that is reflected in the review. The text must be written clearly. If the source material is aimed at a specialized audience, then a certain number of terms are allowed in the review. If the topic is more general, do not overload it with complex structures.

how to write a literature review
how to write a literature review

The headline is our everything

A good title is one of the keys to success, this is another rule of how to write a review. Three types of headlines are classic: descriptive, affirmative and interrogative, although some time ago negative headlines such as "Don't buy this jacket" became popular.

This name was used in an advertising campaign for an American brand. During the grand sales on Black Friday, with the help of this name, the creators tried to draw attention to environmental issues. It is not known if they have had any success with this, but sales of jackets of this model have doubled.

The type of title can be chosen by analyzing the key in which the article is written. For example, she can talk about what a person will receive in this case, ask about solving problems, or describe something. This is followed by an introduction, in which you can give a link to the main material. The introduction can be written in any way, but it must be interesting, hook the reader, otherwise he will not read the review. You can add a personal impression of the product, but only in the third person. The introduction should not exceed 20% of the total volume of the review.

how to write a literature review example
how to write a literature review example


As a rule, not only copywriters, but also students are faced with reviews. You can learn how to write a literature review from your supervisor or at general consultations, but not everyone has the opportunity to go there, and even more so with distance learning. There are two main types of lithoviews. The chronological approach implies the presentation of materials in the order of their historical development, the key points are considered in the order in which they occurred, weighty hypotheses, alternative and conflicting currents, and the contribution of the author of the hypothesis to the overall picture of what happened are also indicated. The logical approach includes subsections that describe the object of study, characterize its relationship with other areas of practice and science, and its significance.

Not an abstract, but an analytical nature of the work will tell you how to write a literature review. An example of good work is the ability to link data from various sources with the goals of yourresearch. It is important to be able to identify and show problem areas in the general mass of information on a given topic, for example, contradictions in the opinions of scientists or aspects that are not well developed. All this should be in the review.
