Business communication is subject to many rules that prohibit participants from going beyond etiquette and in any way violating centuries-old formalities. Talking among friends, old colleagues or students is another matter. There you can easily hear not only original slang expressions, but also nicknames. This cultural feature helps to establish closer relationships and at the same time serves as a marker for anyone who enters an established social group for the first time.
Simple etymology
It's not for nothing that native speakers hear a "call" in the word under study. The original concept from Old Slavonic, which formed the basis of the term, was called. From him, in the east of Europe, several related verbs appeared, which are translated:
- call;
- call.
Imply a name. The functions that the nickname performs become clear. This is a colorful naming of a person or an attempt to attract his attention with the help of a unique sound marker. The Lithuanian žavė́ti is also called related:
- bewitch;
- enchant.
Because the speaker seems to define and / or sets certain characteristicsinterlocutor through a capacious name, even if unpleasant. In military and prison traditions, this is a way of quickly transmitting information about a particular person.

Clear rules
It is impossible to control the process of getting an addition to a first name with a last name. It depends only on your character and ability to stay in public, what nickname will be given by others. It does not always appear, but when it occurs, it becomes a reflection of the real qualities of the carrier. And therefore it will be easy to tell new acquaintances about some important event from your life or about the key features of nature. Most often taken as a basis:
- derivatives from real F. I. O.;
- external features;
- character;
- habits;
- hobbies, etc.
These nicknames may or may not be pleasant - depending on the circumstances. If the nickname causes internal protest, you can take comfort in the fact that it will be known only to a narrow circle of people. And it is not customary to make this public, it is considered impolite. However, there are royal exceptions.

Daily communication
Psychologists recommend developing a strict line of conduct. If at least once you respond to an unpleasant name change, this nickname will begin to be fixed. But the complete disregard for any bad treatment brings a favorable outcome closer. In addition, there is an opportunity over time to reverse the negative interpretation, to ennoble the so-called drove. At official meetings and with strangers to mentionit should not, so as not to show bad breeding and disrespect.
On the other hand, everyone can have dozens of personalized add-ons: for work, in the family, when communicating with loved ones, from schoolmates, within a different team. Absolutely normal situation, not a reason to be upset!