On the territory of the entire post-Soviet space, Poland stands out due to modern ways and methods of teaching. Citizens receive education in Poland without fail, and they can choose the most suitable system for them or their children. In our article, we will try to reveal in more detail the entire path that students go through from kindergarten to obtaining a future profession.

Preschool education in Poland
Kids can start kindergarten at the age of three. The state took as a basis the system adopted in most European countries: up to the age of six, parents can take their children to preschool or stay at home with them, but from six to seven years the child is obliged to attend kindergarten in order to prepare for school. In the last year, kids are taught to count, read, prepare their hand for writing, play music and dance. Attend at this ageKindergarten is required not only by the Poles, but also by the children of refugees who are under the protection of the state. Preschoolers can get an education in Poland in the following institutions:
- In the municipal kindergarten. Interestingly, kids can stay here for free for up to five hours a day, and all subsequent time and meals are paid separately.
- At a public kindergarten. As a rule, children with disabilities are accepted here, as well as those who are brought up without parents.
- In a private kindergarten. Usually small groups function here, but several teachers work with children. However, not all parents can afford to take their children to such an institution, since the fees for staying in it are very high.

Primary school
Secondary education in Poland is compulsory, and the right to it is enshrined in the country's constitution. Not only children of citizens of the country, but also children of foreigners should go to school. The education system in Poland has a number of features:
- At the age of seven, kids go to the first grade and up to the third are immersed in the conditions of integrated learning. This means that classes are not divided into separate subjects (with the exception of physical education and music). All lessons except those mentioned above are taught by one teacher. At the request of parents, children can attend classes on ethics and study religion.
- The next stage is studying from the fourth to the sixth grade. During this period, subject teachers work with children, and at the end of the sixth grade, children passverification tests. I must say that the results of this exam do not affect the final grades or admission to the gymnasium. However, they are taken into account if the child is transferred to another school, especially if it has increased requirements.
From the age of 13 to 16, Polish students attend a gymnasium where they study the humanities, two foreign languages, mathematics and social science. At the end of this period, boys and girls take an exam, following which they are enrolled in the next educational institution. Secondary education in Poland can be continued either at a lyceum (it will take three years of study) or at a vocational school. After graduating from educational institutions, young people receive a matriculation certificate and choose a further path. So, they can enter a university, a post-high school, a technical school, or go to work.

Higher education in Poland
Like many universities in European countries, Polish universities overwhelmingly accept students without exams. However, some educational institutions reserve the right to introduce additional tests - tests in certain subjects or an interview. The most prestigious universities set limits for the admission of international students. You can also get an education in Poland in one of the private universities, and the quality of education in these educational institutions is in no way inferior to the state ones. Another additional advantage of paid training is the opportunity to undergo an internship at the enterprise in your field. Corresponding markin the diploma gives the graduate a competitive advantage over other young professionals.
Higher education in Poland for foreigners is always paid, but students can compensate for the costs through part-time work. In big cities, there are many part-time (part-time) jobs with quite decent salaries. It should be noted that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians have the opportunity to work without official permission during the summer months. The rest of the time they are required to fill in the Declaration of Employment and be officially registered at the local employment center. In senior courses, education in Poland can be combined with an internship at a specialized enterprise. Such work, as a rule, is decently paid and provides an opportunity to improve your knowledge and skills.

Post Graduate Studies
Many young professionals who have completed their studies in Russia seek to continue their studies abroad. Postgraduate education in Poland is an excellent opportunity for graduates with a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree to improve their knowledge in their field or get an education in a new industry. If desired, the student can choose a correspondence form of study for a period of one year. There are the following types of postgraduate education:
- Without awarding an academic degree - MBA (Business Administration) or advanced training.
- With a degree - a master's or doctoral degree.

Medical faculties
More and more foreign students come to the country to enter the medical faculty. This fact can be explained by the fact that the quality of education is at a fairly high level, and its cost is much lower than in other European countries. Medical education in Poland can be obtained by:
- A citizen who has a Pole's Card - such an applicant enters a university on the same conditions as any citizen of the country. Further, he has the same benefits and the possibility of obtaining a scholarship. Exams are held in Polish, and the applicant must show good knowledge in two selected subjects from the natural sciences. For example, it can be biology and chemistry. High grades allow students to easily transfer from one institution to another, if necessary.
- A foreigner on a government scholarship program - for this you need to pass exams at the Polish consulate. Those who can successfully pass the test will be able to study in the country for free and receive the status of an international student. Usually applicants are enrolled in the zero or first year of the medical faculty.
- Anyone on a paid basis is the easiest way, since in this case it is not required to take exams. However, applicants must provide a diploma with high marks and have a good knowledge of the Polish language. Also, foreign students have the opportunity to choose a program in English. Do I need to say that the applicant should know this language too?as best you can.

Warsaw Universities
Education at the capital's university has always been prestigious. If you decide to get an education in Poland, then pay attention to the following educational institutions:
- Warsaw University - offers students to choose one of twenty faculties, and foreigners - one of the many programs in English. Among the graduates of this university, five Nobel Prize winners stand out. This fact characterizes the proposed training from the best side.
- Warsaw Polytechnic University is considered one of the best not only in its country, but also in the world. The number of students studying here reaches 37 thousand a year, many of them combine their studies with research activities.
- Lazarsky University is a private university whose graduates are almost 100% guaranteed to find a decent job upon graduation.

Universities of Krakow
One of the most beautiful cities in the country has public private educational institutions. We will talk about some of them:
- The Krakow University of Economics is the largest in Poland in its field of study. It is chosen not only by citizens of the country, but also by students from more than 40 countries of the world. The fact is that the university makes it possible to obtain a double diploma with countries such as France, Germany, Spain and some others.
- Music Academy in Krakow - quite popular among creative peopleprofessions. Has his own recording studio.
- The Academy of Social Sciences in Krakow is a private educational institution that offers students a choice of 22 speci alties. The cost of education here is low, there is an opportunity to get a parallel education in the USA (thanks to cooperation with the American University Clark University).
As you can see, the education system in Poland is quite progressive and accessible. That is why studying in this country is chosen not only by citizens of the country, but also by foreigners. Low tuition fees, the opportunity to earn money and get a job after graduation, an uncomplicated enrollment system - these are just a few of the factors that attract students from many countries of the world.