At the mere mention of a harem, images of mysterious and beautiful oriental women arise in my head, who could conquer a man with one look. Despite the fact that, in fact, the concubines were slaves, they were treated with dignity. There were many women in the Sultan's harem, but there were also favorites - those who were lucky enough to give birth to sons to the Sultan. They had a special respect and honor. The Sultan's harem was divided into three groups. In the first one there were already middle-aged concubines, in the other two - very young ones. All women were trained in the art of flirting and literacy.

The third group consisted of the most beautiful and expensive concubines, who gave their company not only to sultans, but also to princes. When the girls got to the palace, they were given a new name (usually Persian), which was supposed to reflect their essence. Here are some examples: Nerginelek ("angel"), Nazluddamal ("coquette"), Cheshmira ("girl with beautiful eyes"), Nergidezada ("daffodil-like"), Majamal ("moon-faced").
Until the XV century in the Ottoman Empire it was customary to have, in addition to the haremalso legal wives, usually foreign princesses became them. Marriage was necessary to increase power and support from other states. The Ottoman Empire grew and gained strength, there was no longer a need to seek support, so the family was continued by the children of the concubines. The Sultan's harem replaced and supplanted legal marriage. The concubines had their own rights and privileges. The Sultan's women never needed anything, they could leave their master if they wished after nine years of residence.
Those who left the palace were given houses and dowries. These women were called palace women and had respect in society, they were given diamonds, fabrics, gold watches, everything that was necessary for home improvement, and a regular allowance was also paid. However, most of the girls did not want to leave the sultan's harem, even if they did not become favorites and did not receive the attention of the master, they became servants and raised younger girls.
Suleiman's love for Roksolana-Hyurrem

Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was a worthy ruler, warrior, legislator and tyrant. This man was diversified, he was fond of music, wrote poetry, knew several languages, loved jewelry and blacksmithing. Under his reign, the Ottoman Empire reached its greatest heights. The character of the ruler was contradictory: severity, cruelty and ruthlessness were combined with sentimentality. At the age of 26, Suleiman began to rule the Ottoman Empire.
During this period, the numerous harem of the Turkish Sultan replenished with a concubine from Western Ukraine. The beautiful girl's name was Roksolana, she had a cheerful disposition, so she was given the name Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, which means "cheerful." The beauty immediately won the attention of the Sultan. At that time, the beloved woman was Mahidevran, who, jealous, scratched the face of the new concubine, tore her dress and ruffled her hair. When Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska was invited to the Sultan's bedchamber, she refused to go in this form to the ruler. Suleiman, having learned about the incident, got angry with Makhidevran and made Roksolana his beloved woman.
There was a rule in the harem that a concubine could have only one child from the Sultan. Suleiman was so in love with Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska that he gave her five children and refused to meet with other women. In addition, another traditional rule was violated - he married, so this was the first legal marriage of a sultan and a concubine in the history of the Ottoman Empire. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska was the most significant person in the palace for 25 years and had unlimited power over her husband. She died before her lover.
Suleiman's last love

After the death of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, the ruler flared up feelings for only one more concubine - Gulfem. The girl was 17 years old when she got into the Sultan's harem. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska and Gulfem were completely different. The last love of the Sultan was a calm woman, despite her unprecedented beauty, Suleiman was attracted to her kindness and meek disposition. He spent all the nights only with Gulf, while the rest of the concubines were insanely jealous, but could not do anything about it.
This sweet and calmthe woman decided to build a mosque. Not wanting publicity, she did not say anything about this to the Sultan. She gave all her salary to the construction. Once the money ran out, the girl did not want to ask her lover for help, because it was below her dignity. She took funds from another concubine, who agreed to give her salary for a few nights with the Sultan. Suleiman was surprised to see another in his chambers, he wanted to share a bed only with Gulfem. When for several nights her beloved referred to the disease, and another concubine came to replace her, Suleiman became angry. The insidious rival told the master that the nights with him were sold for a salary. The eunuchs in the harem of Sultan Suleiman were ordered to whip Gulfem with ten strokes of the rods, but she died from such a shame even before punishment. When the ruler found out the true reason for the act of his beloved, he grieved for a long time and regretted that he had not talked to her before the punishment was imposed. The mosque was completed by order of Suleiman. A school was built nearby. Gulfem was buried in the garden of this small küllie.