Worldwide, US universities are considered the most prestigious. The level of education that students receive allows them to successfully build their careers not only in the territory of the United States itself. Students with US university degrees are welcome to any country in the world.
Harvard University
The most famous and expensive university in the world. It has been on the list of the best universities in the United States almost since its inception. Its graduates occupy high political positions, achieve heights in business and culture. Harvard is located in Massachusetts, in the town of Cambridge. The cost of education, together with living expenses, can reach sixty thousand dollars a year.

The foundation date of the leader of the list of US universities is 1636. It bears the name of patron John Harvard, who bequeathed his entire library and part of the property. An interesting fact in the history of the university is that at the beginning of its existence, in the seventeenth century, a fund was organized on the territory of this US university to support research and development.

Learning process
As a rule, most people believe that studying at a US university of the level of Harvard is only available to a select few who have the means. However, this is misleading. The university provides material support to almost half of its students. Before admission, you need to submit an application, which will indicate the amount that a student can contribute for a year of study, based on the financial capabilities of the family. This also sums up the income that the student receives as a result of a summer part-time job. And based on the numbers received, the scholarship committee makes its decision.
Harvard has seven departments: Science, Mathematics, Humanities, Biology, Physics, Engineering, and Computer Science. The university accepts everyone who wants to study, if the basic conditions for submitting documents that differ from the generally accepted ones are met. You must provide two references from teachers, pay a down payment of $75, pass all exams successfully, and have good grades in the last six months of schooling. After graduation, the university guarantees employment assistance.
While still at school, parents and children are wondering how to enter a university in the United States, how to prepare for exams, and most importantly, which temple of science to choose. If you have a mathematical mind, feel free to choose the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This is the second strongest education and popularity among all US universities.
The history of the establishment of the educational institution is very interesting. To begin with, it must be said that the institute was formed fortwo days before the outbreak of the Civil War, April 10, 1861. The idea to found the Institute belonged to Philosophy Professor William Barton Rogers, who later became the President of the Institute. The university moved to the city of Cambridge in 1916 and differed significantly in teaching methods. The main focus was to immerse students in the practical study of science. For one hundred and fifty years, MIT has led the way in the ranking of US universities that train engineers.
The institute offers 46 core disciplines and 49 additional ones. There are five schools: architecture, management, social sciences and arts, science and engineering.
The Institute has one peculiarity. It is called the most selective institution of higher education in the world, because no more than ten percent of all applicants enter here. In addition, a fee of $75 is required just to get papers reviewed.

Tuition fees in the US are high by all international standards. However, in return, students receive unique knowledge, the opportunity to use the most modern laboratories and scientific sites, libraries and leisure facilities. These include Stanford University, which is a world leader in research, high technology and IT. Many billionaire business executives we know today came from Stanford.
A feature of studying at Stanford is training inquarters, as in school, while other US universities practice semester education. For students with low family income, there are various programs where the university covers almost all of the student's expenses.
Stanford has a huge scientific and economic base. Almost 700 buildings house hostels, sports sections, laboratories equipped with the latest technology. There is even a shopping mall.

Princeton University
Princeton means high standards of education and demanding students. The university has a broad base. It manages one hundred and eighty buildings that are used for classrooms, dormitories, research laboratories.
Princeton University is famous for its democratic approach to applicants and does not require particularly high school performance. There is no minimum threshold for admission to this educational institution. This is its feature. However, do not think that getting into Princeton is easy. Despite all the democracy, out of a hundred percent of applicants, only ten percent fulfill their dream.

Yale University
The university was founded in 1701, but its history began several decades earlier, in 1640, when a small group of clergymen from the colonies proposed to organize an educational institution where students could receive new knowledge and get acquainted with new traditions. The university was originally called"collegiate school". He bore this name for almost eighteen years, until one of the businessmen - Eli Yale - did not give her an impressive amount for development. After that, the school was renamed Yale.
The main areas of study at the university are arts, social sciences, humanities, medicine, applied sciences and engineering. To get into Yale University, you need to follow a few rules:
- provide a copy of the school certificate translated into English if the applicant is a foreigner;
- minimum score in English - 7;
- The score for admission varies among departments, but this does not mean that it should not be high.
For Russians, US universities have the same requirements as for any other country. Of the 100 percent of applicants, only 7 percent are enrolled as Yale students.

Columbia University
This university is the oldest educational institution in the famous "Ivy League". The university is located in New York, and its main building is located in a prestigious quarter, in Manhattan. On the campus of the university there are some of the best laboratories, a library, a chapel, and just outside the gates the life of the metropolis is in full swing. The history of the university begins back in 1754, when everyone knew it as King's College, which had a significant impact on the political and social life of America.
One of Columbia University's strengths has been andmedicine remains. This is a priority. Among medical universities in the United States, he takes an honorable first place. And it was in this educational institution for the first time in history that a doctoral degree was awarded in this industry.
Columbia University is one of the most selective in the country. Entering here, you need to be ready to provide the admission committee not only with a certificate stating that you have a secondary education. You need to provide documents on grades for the previous four school years. And it is desirable that they be good, as the university management pays increased attention to student performance. You also need to stock up on two letters of recommendation from teachers, write an essay in English and write a motivation letter. In some cases, the applicant is invited for an interview.
University of Pennsylvania
This university was founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1740, he was also its first president. However, at first it was a school, then a college, and only after that a university. From the first days of its foundation, the university was famous for its strong research, which did not stop with the onset of the war, but only intensified. It has implemented many scientific projects, most of them in the fields of medicine, physics and economics.
Five Pulitzer Prize winners and four Nobel Prize winners have graduated from the university. To enter the university, you must provide a complete package of documents:
- certificate with translation into English, if the applicant is a foreigner;
- test results, general and subject;
- Your writing test scores must be above average.
The university administration has always been interested in the extra-curricular interests of students, so when applying, it will be very good if you add your portfolio about your social life.

University of Michigan
The University of Michigan is world renowned for its unique discoveries in medicine and chemistry, physics and astronomy. Having opened its doors in 1817, the university increased its scientific and economic part several times. At the beginning of the twentieth century, departments of dentistry and architecture were opened here. In 1854, it was here that the first observatory, the Detroit Observatory, was built.
At the University of Michigan, students can enroll in any of 250 programs. For admission, you need to pass exams for knowledge of the English language, as well as tests for written speech. To this are added letters of recommendation from teachers, a school certificate and a progress scale. All documents must have a copy in English certified by a notary.
University of Chicago
This institution of higher education is called research. It is famous for its professional schools: medical, business, law and sociology. Thanks to him, such expressions as "Chicago School of Economics", "Chicago School of Law" appeared and carry weight. These names in absentia speak of a high level of training of specialists and make you think in advance about how to enter a university in the USA.
The university wasorganized after John Rockefeller, the world's first billionaire, contributed a significant amount of money to the city's budget to create a new university. It has always been a place of concentration for scientists who made their brilliant discoveries even during wars. In the twentieth century, the university gained wide popularity in the world after several of its graduates became Nobel laureates.
At the university there are several schools of different directions, respectively, the list of documents will vary slightly. Mostly this concerns the passing of subject examinations. The main package of documents should contain high school diplomas, English proficiency tests and a check for the registration fee for 75 dollars.
University of California
This educational institution was founded in 1919 in Los Angeles. Mathematics, engineering, medicine, and the humanities are taught here. Upon admission, you must provide a diploma or certificate of secondary education translated into English, an essay in which you need to tell about yourself and your goals. Also attach the results of the English language tests and the results of the subject tests. The cost of education per year is approximately 62 thousand dollars.
Washington University
The largest on the West Coast. It has the largest number of foreign students. Opened in 1861, but experienced difficult times. It had to be closed several times, then opened again. Here students can choose a speci alty among 280 programs. And this is perhaps the only university in whichyou can apply online. You can apply for an online internship on the official website. The package of documents is standard - payment of a fee of $ 75, tests for knowledge of English and subject tests.

New York University
The University is working in such areas as: medicine, chemistry and economics. The cost of education is about 45 thousand dollars a year. Upon admission, you must pay a fee of $ 70. The main list of documents: tests for knowledge of English, a certificate of secondary education with translation into English. A prerequisite is a motivation letter in which you need to tell about yourself and your plans related to the university. You can also attach additional certificates, diplomas or certificates related to social or scientific life.