The Battle of Chaeronea took place almost two and a half thousand years ago. However, her memory has survived to this day. Moreover, some points still cause controversy between historians and archaeologists. And the interpretation of the battle causes heated discussions in Greek and Macedonian society (Slavic Republic of Macedonia). A new powerful state arose on the world map, which was to change the course of history.

It was also under Chaeronea that the famous Alexander the Great first showed himself.
In the 350s BC, the Macedonian kingdom is gaining strength. Greek culture still dominates the region. At this time, Hellas itself was greatly fragmented. There are several absolutely independent city-states, the so-called policies. Moreover, each such state, even in itself, is a serious force on the peninsula. They had a very effective tax collection system, various social institutions, their own army. Each city could raise both a regular army and a militia. At the same time, conflicts between policies quite often occurred. As soon as some civil strife took place in one, immediately others usedweakness of a neighbor and strengthened their positions. The Greeks were active in trade with both the east and the north. However, almost everyone except themselves was considered barbarians and ignorant fools. Hence the slow spread of culture.
Rise of Macedonia
Macedonia was a more centralized power. Power was held in the hands of the oligarchs, over whom stood the king. Bloody clashes regularly took place for the throne.

Practically every king of Macedonia was killed. The military played an important role in the country. The culture can be described as Greek, but local ancient traditions have been preserved. These small differences were immediately noticed by the Greeks. They treated the Macedonians with contempt, considering them to be relatives of the barbarians. At the same time, Macedonia itself gradually became the dominant power in the region. Gradually, she conquered Pangea. In these lands there were a huge number of gold mines. Tsar Philip II conceived the expansion of the state and was preparing to conquer the Greek lands.
Advance south
The wars between Macedonia and Hellas were nothing new and had been going on long before that. However, it was under Philip that the threat of the conquest of Greece arose. Also, due to the small difference in cultures and almost completely identical religion, there was a threat of assimilation. This fact was perceived by some prominent politicians of Hellas as positive. For example, Isocrates believed that the strong centralized power of Macedonia could save the fragmented society of policies. But for the most part, rulersStates did not consider an alliance with Philip something promising, they were ready to give him a decisive rebuff.
In 338, the Macedonians went on a campaign to conquer the policies of Hellas.
Side forces: Macedonians
The Battle of Chaeronea left many questions, the answers to which different historians give in different ways. One of these is an estimate of the number of troops. In those days, it was common for various chroniclers to exaggerate the number of soldiers for greater drama, epic, or for other reasons. The most accurate number of Macedonian troops is thirty thousand people. A trip to Boeotia was planned for a long time. Approximate generals, as well as the son of the king, Alexander, were aware of him. From a young age, his father taught him the art of war and devoted him to all his affairs. The basis of the Macedonian army was a regular army, recruited from their own and vassal lands. Each unit was led by Philip's standard bearers.

They were armed mainly with spears, long swords and shields. Rawhide armor or chain mail was used as armor. A huge role in the battles of those times was played by cavalry. Horsemen were the military elite in any lands. In addition to thirty thousand foot soldiers, the king took with him two thousand horsemen.
Side forces: Greeks
Regular Greco-Macedonian wars contributed to the development of a special strategy in the event of a Macedonian invasion. City-states did not have large regular armies. During the offensive, the militia was convened. Every citizen was obliged to master the art of war, and in which casefight on the battlefield. The most common connection of the Greeks were "hoplites". This is heavy infantry. They were armed with a three-meter spear, a heavy shield, and a small sword. Light armor, bracers, and a deaf helmet were used as armor. The hoplites advanced in phalanx. There were about 250 people in each detachment. They attacked in formation, slashing and pushing back with their shields. In some cases, hoplites had another throwing spear - a dart. He threw himself just before the attack.
Military training took place over the course of two years. The Battle of Chaeronea significantly changed the tactics and weapons of the hoplites in the future.
Preparing for battle
The Macedonian army was personally led into battle by King Philip. The Battle of Chaeronea was to be the first real test of the new army. The army moved rather slowly to save strength. Even a day before the main battle, the forward detachments had already reconnoitered the area. The Greeks managed to take a comfortable position. On the one hand, the flank of their troops was covered by the river, and on the other, by a hill. The Greeks brought with them about 30,000 soldiers. They were mostly hoplite citizens, as well as mercenaries.
The vast majority of warriors were heavy infantry, extremely dangerous in close combat, but very slow in maneuvering. The people were predominantly from Athens and Thebes. Also, the legendary "Holy Detachment from Thebes" arrived to protect Hellas.

This is a unit of three hundred selected warriors, the retinue of the ruler and the best units in the policy.
Philip didn't haveas many heavy infantry as the Greeks. So he developed a special tactic. The Athenians were famous for their fury in battle. It was extremely difficult to break their morale. However, heavy armor quickly exhausted the soldiers. Therefore, the commander took with him a large number of peltasts. These are ancient Greek light warriors. They were armed with throwing spears and light leather shields. At the same time, they fought without armor. The peltasts did not rush into the thick of the battle. They threw darts at the enemy from a distance. In addition to them, the Macedonians also had slingers. These soldiers did not require practically any weapons, except for special bags. Stones were placed in them, with which the slingers threw the enemy with the help of a special rope - a sling.
A. Macedonian led the right flank of the troops - the cavalry.

The Battle of Chaeronea began on August 2nd. Troops lined up within sight. Philip led the phalanx. The horsemen and the maneuverable right flank were commanded by A. Macedonsky, the son of Philip, who at that time was 18 years old. The Greeks stood on a hill, because it is easier to attack from it. The Macedonians lined up on the plain. The Greeks were commanded by Hores, Proxenus, Stratocles, Theagenes and other famous personalities.
The Greeks were the first to attack. As usual, they hoped for a numerical and qualitative superiority along the line of contact. A few minutes after the first signals to attack, the parties grappled in a fierce battle. The coalition army of policies kept a tight formation and pressed the enemy.

Stubborn battles have begun along the entire front of the battle. Most often, they were won by those who could keep a single formation and push the enemy with a wall of shields, periodically striking. Due to this nature of the battle, all forces were constrained and deprived of the ability to maneuver. Alexander the Great was supposed to change the outcome of the battle. The Battle of Chaeronea seemed to have been won by the Greeks. They fiercely fought and pressed the Macedonians. And then Philip gave the order to retreat. The forward detachments began to retreat and tightly closed formation.
The Greeks, seeing this, were furious. Shouts were heard: "Let's drive them to the heart of Macedonia!" Hoplites rushed after them. However, the persecution broke the traditional order. The king was aware of these consequences, because he used similar tactics in battles with the Thracians. As soon as the Greeks broke their formation, the peltasts and slingers began to throw spears at the attackers. At this time, Alexander with the cavalry managed to break through the enemy troops and put the Athenians to flight. The failure of the flank meant an attack from the side and encirclement, which the hoplites could not resist. They began to run, throwing down their shields. And to lose a shield was a great shame for a warrior. This is how the expression "come back with a shield or on a shield" appeared.

According to Diodorus, about a thousand Greeks fell in battle, twice as many were captured. The Sacred Detachment from Thebes was completely destroyed. He did not retreat, and the Macedonians threw darts at the Greeks. CityChaeronea was occupied by the royal troops on the same day. The way to mainland Greece was open. After the defeat of the union of cities under Chaeronea, Macedonia almost doubled on the map of Europe. The cities-policies were conquered and pledged to pay tribute. Also, mainland Hellas swore allegiance to the Macedonian king (except for Sparta). In the year of the Battle of Chaeronea, the world first learned about Alexander the Great.