Independent is How do we experience independence in life

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Independent is How do we experience independence in life
Independent is How do we experience independence in life

Independence is, first of all, the right to choose. However, the concept is not limited to choice. Independence implies the complete absence of outside influence. We strive for this, but often do not realize the consequences of gaining full independence.

Independence in the family

Very often the struggle for freedom becomes a stumbling block in the problem of fathers and children. In most families, a child from an early age strives to gain a certain independence. Even the simple request to buy a yellow jacket instead of a green down jacket is an expression of this desire.

independence as isolation
independence as isolation

In the family, the meaning of the word "independent" is strongly associated with the ability to choose, to make decisions independently. Moreover, this applies not only to relationships between generations.

Independence at work

Man is a bird whose wings have been cut off. He wants to fly forward, cutting through the space around. In many ways, this desire comes into contact with the material security of oneself and loved ones.

To have a high standard of living, you need to earn enough money. But, working without pleasure, it is difficult to do so. Working under the guidance of various bosses of different levels, it is almost impossible to feel independence. Since the system assumes strict compliance with instructions without the right to choose.

independence at work
independence at work

However, you should not think that people who have their own business are fully independent at work. There will always be a person who has the right to give instructions to others. "Independent" is a relative concept, since it does not have an absolute, ideal form of expression. We can only talk about a certain freedom.

That is, in work, as in a family, an independent person is one who has the right to choose, has the ability to make decisions independently. But the complete independence of a single person is unattainable, as it is influenced from different sides: family members, employers, government agencies and much more.

Independence in the State

The question of state independence is the most difficult to answer. Although it seems that everything is simple. For example, in the Republic of Belarus, in Israel and many other countries there are holidays called Independence Day.

A state can be considered independent when it has the ability to independently, without being under pressure, determine the form of government, the system of authorities, the relationship between the state and the individual. An independent state protects the legal aspect of the existence of the country, ensures its integrity and independence. There is also the concept of mutualindependence, which means the independence of regulation of internal and external public relations.
