The history of smoking has very deep roots. Archaeological excavations carried out in places where signs of the existence of ancient civilizations were found found evidence of smoking. Perhaps not tobacco, but other plants. But the process was based on the inhalation of smoke from the burning of dried herbs or leaves. Images of smoking pipes were found in Indian temples, in Egyptian burials, inhalation of the smoke of burning plants is described in ancient Chinese literature.
Despite the breadth of tobacco use, some researchers believe that the history of tobacco smoking begins in North America.

Columbus discovered America…
Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the American continent, confident that he sailed to India, called in his notes the indigenous people he met as Indians, which they remained even afterdiscovered mariner's error. So, in his diaries there is a description of a plant that the natives twist into a tube, set fire to one end and inhale the smoke. There are different opinions about who brought tobacco to Europe, but the fact that in 1492 Columbus "discovered" the custom of smoking and recorded this fact in writing is beyond doubt.
When parting, the Indians gave Columbus some dried leaves. Some historians claim that he threw the gift overboard, others argue with them. But even if he brought the gift to his native shore, this is not distribution. A few leaves are not enough to get even a few countrymen used to tobacco.
But in Columbus' team there were people who tried the smoking process first among Europeans. Rodrigo de Jerez decided to demonstrate his ability to smoke in Spain. The Inquisition, declaring him an accomplice of the devil blowing smoke through his mouth, imprisoned him for seven years. A cruel page in the history of smoking.
Tobacco promotion in Europe
After the path to America was laid, the Europeans began to actively explore the continent. Mostly they were representatives of Spain and Portugal. Tobacco found its way to France, but the attitude towards this plant was far from unambiguous.
The history of the spread of tobacco smoking mentions the name of Andre Theve, a French monk who was a member of the second expedition to the American continent. It is he who is credited with the "economic" approach to a new plant for him. Leaving for his homeland, he took not a bunch of leaves, but seeds, which says something else.perspective vision scale. Previously, he studied the processes of growing, drying and storing leaves, and also described the physiological sensations of a person who tried smoking for the first time and after addiction.

Teve was an excellent storyteller, and Queen Catherine de Medici, who suffered from migraine, listened to his travel stories with pleasure. Prepared theoretically, she tried snuff, which another of her subjects, diplomat Jean Villeman Nico, brought from Portugal. Medici tobacco helped. After such an advertisement, of course, the whole court became addicted to the "Queen's Powder".
Enterprising Jean Nico, not being a doctor, compiled a whole list of diseases from which the plant supposedly cures. The later discovered alkaloid contained in tobacco was named after him nicotine sewing l.
Industrial scale…
The history of tobacco smoking in the world made a breakthrough in its development after the idea was formed that money could be made from the distribution of tobacco. In 1636, the first tobacco factory was established in Spain to produce cigars. It was state property. Following the example of the first manufacturer, in subsequent years all countries tried to keep the right to produce tobacco products in their hands, that is, to monopolize it.
The word cigarette, like the product itself, was born in Seville. Factory workers, in order to earn extra money, collected leaf scraps, crushed them, wrapping them in thin paper. It turned out to be a small cigar. Theophile Gauthier,visiting the production in 1833, came up with a name for such a product.
The sale of tobacco products was generating huge profits, which led to the opening of manufacturing factories, as well as speci alty stores in both Europe and America.
What contributed to tobacco use?
If we talk about the history of smoking briefly, it should be noted that the First World War caused a new round of development of the tobacco industry. From 1914 to 1918, tobacco products were introduced into the mandatory military diet of all countries of the world and all branches of the military.

The Second World War repeated the previous story. Cigarettes, along with food, were included in the soldiers' daily rations. In addition, tobacco factories sent "humanitarian aid" in the form of their products to the front lines. As a result, the entire male population that fought returned from the war as heavy smokers.
But the biggest push for tobacco use came from cinema. In foreign, and later in domestic cinema, "cool" characters expressed any emotions by lighting a cigarette. How could you resist imitating?
Ambiguous attitudes towards tobacco smoking
The history of tobacco and smoking knows many sharp turns in relation to this habit. It ranged from the strictest prohibitions with the death pen alty to encouragement and outright propaganda.
At the beginning of the 16th century, the attitude towards this addiction was sharply negative. The Inquisition punished people, accusing them of being in touch with the devil. A hundred years later in Spain andIn Italy, even the priests became addicted to tobacco. Pope Urban VIII issued a decree in 1624 in which he threatened to renounce the church to violators of the smoking ban. It was a terrible punishment.

In England, at first, only sailors used tobacco, but soon the court of Elizabeth I became fond of smoking. W. Raleigh, a courtier and at the same time a navigator, became a supplier of addiction to high society. James I, who ascended the throne in 1603, was a fierce opponent of such a hobby, and the first research work "Protest to Tobacco", written by him personally, appeared. When Raleigh, on death row for plotting against the Crown, was asked about his last wish, he asked for a pipe of tobacco. From here, rumors spread about his execution for smoking. By the way, England introduced the fashion to smoke a pipe.
By the end of the 18th century, despite the hesitation of opinions "it is possible - it is impossible", tobacco was already smoked in all countries of the world.
It's Russia's turn…
"Smoke" - the same root with the word "smoke", which means smoke, stench. The stinking potion first comes to Russia under Ivan IV the Terrible. It arrived along with the English ships caught in a storm. It is not known for certain how the Russian tsar, who was quick to punish, treated smoking. But under his rule, smoking did not spread.
The history of smoking in Russia, its mass use begins under the Romanovs. The addiction to tobacco becomes so widespread that Mikhail Fedorovich in 1649 in the “Cathedral Code”, the first set of Russian laws, personally made an entry: “Tobacco is prohibitedsmoke, drink and store” (poor people drank tobacco tincture like tea). As punishment, they flogged, pulled out the nostrils, sent them into exile.

Under Peter I, at first, the attitude towards tobacco was negative, smokers were fined. But when he returned from a trip to England in 1698, where he himself tried pipe smoking, his attitude and, consequently, the history of smoking took a sharp turn. In 1716, the first tobacco plantation appeared in Russia, tobacco consumption began to gain momentum. All kinds of tobacco were in use: snuff, pipe and infused. Since 1844, cigarettes have become popular in the country. This is a new era of the tobacco business in Russia.
A. F. Miller's factory, the first tobacco production, received huge incomes thanks to extensive advertising. All cigarette factories were originally owned by foreigners. In order to keep up with fashion, women also became addicted to smoking, making the cigarette a symbol of equality. Manufacturers immediately responded to new consumers. Ladies' cigarettes are on sale.
Speeches for and against
"A boy who smokes may not worry about his future, he has no future" - the first anti-tobacco slogan, which appeared in 1915.
In the 20th century, a negative attitude towards smoking at the level of state power was shown by Germany. Hitler did not tolerate tobacco smoke and was an implacable fighter against this bad habit. During his reign, the number of smokers in the country decreased by 23%. This result was achieved thanks towork of the propaganda machine.

Post-war research that scientifically proved the harm of smoking led to the introduction of filter cigarettes. Manufacturers still claim that it reduces the harmful effects of tobacco on he alth. And consumers still believe it.
But in order to increase the market, a variety of methods have been used. The history of smoking has taken on a cynical tone. After men and women, children began to get used to the process of smoking. In adolescence, I so want to be like idols! On the screens in adventure films, which school students go to many times, "cowboys" appeared in droves, both literally and figuratively. But in the mouth, in the hands, in the teeth, almost all the time, everyone had a cigarette or a cigar.

The "pro-smoking" ad used every possible and impossible option. Cigarettes have appeared on TV shows, on sports posters, on gift wrappings. By the way, specialists worked hard on the packaging of the cigarettes themselves to make them more attractive.
Tobacco control today
The history of smoking goes around and around like a circus pony. Today the world wants to be he althy. Inner conviction is the most important thing in any business. There is no smoking ban, but a lot of restrictions make this process devoid of pleasure.
Today, every Russian smoker, buying a pack of cigarettes that have risen sharply in price, finds on it a warning from the Ministry of He alth about the dangers of smoking withcreepy illustrations of diseased organs. Smoking is prohibited in almost all public places, and there are catastrophically few areas designated for this process. You can't smoke a cigarette in the street. The smoker is forced to take a few quick puffs while hiding.
But he doesn't feel comfortable at home either. He has no right to smoke out the window, on the stairs, on the balcony, vigilant neighbors do not want to passively inhale acrid smoke.
Those who find the strength to quit addiction - honor and glory. The rest, according to Russian tradition, are forced to break the law several times a day.