Why are flights to the moon stopped? There was no answer to this question for many years. But the study of the satellite of our planet was carried out quite successfully. More than one expedition has landed on the surface of the moon. What happened? Why did the two states suddenly stop all developments in this direction, while closing projects and suffering heavy losses?

Maybe it's all fiction?
Has anyone been to the Earth's satellite? And if so, why did countries stop flying to the moon? As the Americans stated, the first expedition was sent in 1969, or to be more precise, on July 20. Neil Armstrong led the astronaut team. At that time, Americans were simply jubilant. After all, they were the first to set foot on the surface of the moon. But many doubted it.
The reason for the disputes of skeptics were numerous photographs and recordings of conversations between the expedition representatives and the Earth. However, at that time it was quite difficult to fake any pictures. Not to mentionequipment and laser reflectors that were left on the lunar surface for further study. Some speculate that the technician was delivered by an unmanned module.
Prove that someone visited or did not visit the surface of the Earth's satellite, it is almost impossible. In addition, many documents are still classified.

Closing lunar programs
So, why did the work on the exploration of the moon stop? This happened three years after the first landing on the surface of a small planet. In this area, all developments were completed already in 1972. Since then, there has been no information that a person was able to land on nearby space bodies. As a result, there was a feeling that scientists abruptly switched their attention to something else, while closing all programs related to space exploration.
As a result of this turn, people just flew around our planet for 40 years and controlled everything. But during this time, science and technology have stepped far forward. Many interesting and at the same time amazing devices and devices were created. It is for this reason that questions arise: why did all countries stop flying to the moon and what caused the closure of all lunar projects?

Political situation
This is the first reason why the flights to the moon are stopped. Do not forget that at that time there was a race between the two large states for the opportunity to be the first to launch a rocket into space. The decisive event in this battle wasapplication of nuclear reactions. The possibilities that came with such a discovery were not only exciting, but also terrifying. In addition, there was no clear leader in this race. Both the USSR and America paid much attention to space flights. The Soviet Union is the first state to send a man into space. If the USSR achieved such an opportunity, then why did the flights to the moon fail? Why did they stop before they even started?
America was challenged. In turn, NASA has put in a lot of effort to make a retaliatory move. The sensational flights to the moon are not just an achievement. This is an attempt to show its superiority over the whole world. Perhaps this was the reason for the closure of the program. After all, other states did not have enough funds to go further than America in their developments. So is it worth the state to spend its forces and funds further?

Country economies
Of course, there is another reason why flights to the moon have been stopped - the economies of countries. A lot of financial resources were allocated by the states for the development of spacecraft, as well as for their launch. If the surface of the Earth's satellite could be divided, then its territories would become a tasty morsel for many we althy people.
However, after some time, an agreement was created, according to which absolutely all celestial bodies are the property of mankind. Any space exploration should have been carried out only for the benefit of all countries. It follows that the allocation of large financial resources to programs forspace exploration simply will not benefit. And the state that allocated the money simply will not be able to develop. As a result, there is simply no special meaning in high costs. After all, you can take advantage of the achievements of other countries.
Production area
Not so long ago it was more expedient to re-equip any enterprise to meet the needs of the state. Now it is simply impossible to launch rockets with certain parameters just because there is nowhere to do this. In any case, the re-profiling of an enterprise is a rather complicated process.
The problem in this case is not only the financial side of the issue. The reason lies in the lack of the required number of trained specialists. The generation that worked on the lunar program has long since retired. As for new employees, they are not yet so experienced. They do not have all the knowledge in this area. But flights to the moon do not forgive mistakes. Their price, as a rule, is the lives of astronauts. It is for this reason that it is better not to fly to the moon. And why they stopped is not hard to guess.

Besides the above reasons, there is another, more fantastic one. Many assume that the astronauts encountered an alien life form on the Moon. Of course, not everyone can accept such a truth. It is for this reason that many documents and photographs obtained during the expeditions were classified and were not made public for a long time. However, speculation somehow still leaked to the masses. Besides, it's hard to explainabrupt cessation of all flights to the moon. And its dark side has not yet been explored, and humanity can only guess what is hidden there.
There is speculation that the astronauts received a kind of warning not to visit the moon. It is for this reason that scientists have worked hard to study the surface of a small planet.
What scared the astronauts
Not so long ago it became known that the last Apollo expedition was accompanied by several aircraft that were obviously not created on Earth. This fact was kept secret for a long time. However, during the flight, some radio amateurs were able to catch the crew's conversations with the base. As a result, it became known about incomprehensible phenomena occurring on the moon.
During the expedition, strange craters filled with boulders were discovered on the surface of the satellite, which could move without anyone's help. In addition, near the landing site, the astronauts discovered a vehicle that also had an extraterrestrial origin. Some structures and pits with smooth edges were found on the Moon, and next to them - monoliths with the same shapes. This suggests that someone just cut them out. However, even modern technology does not allow this.

In conclusion
In fact, more than 500 anomalies and unexplained phenomena have been discovered on the Moon. To study all this, a separate group of scientists was created. A lot of pictures were taken, which confirm that incomprehensible flying objects and independently moving objects are stillexist. Almost any document can be found in the NASA archives. But this is possible only if its exact number is known. So it turns out that the documents and photographs were declassified, but it is not possible to see them. Maybe an extraterrestrial civilization is the reason why the flights to the moon are stopped?