Basic and superstructure - what is it?

Basic and superstructure - what is it?
Basic and superstructure - what is it?

In terms of anti-scientific, idealistic understanding of history, certain forms of consciousness, ideas, religious or moral concepts, legal or political theories act as the basis of social life. The social structure, economic relations and the development of civilization as a whole are thus declared to be dependent on them. However, at a certain historical stage, another doctrine was opposed to this concept. F. Engels and Karl Marx are considered its founders. The basis and superstructure in their concept were key concepts. Let's take a closer look at these categories.

base and superstructure
base and superstructure

General characteristics

The basis and superstructure of society are the basic concepts of historical materialism. At a certain stage of development, an appropriate economic structure is formed. He acts as a basis. At the same time, legal, political, religious, philosophical, artistic views andtheir respective institutions. They form a superstructure.


Any basis defines a superstructure. Feudalism had its own views and institutions, capitalism had its own, and socialism corresponded to it. The basis and superstructure are in a certain relationship. If the first is liquidated or changed, the second is corrected or disappears. Accordingly, if a new basis arises, the superstructure will appear after it.

basis and superstructure according to Marx
basis and superstructure according to Marx

The Meaning of Historical Materialism

Basis and superstructure (according to Marx) became the key links in the development of new theoretical thought. The concept of historical materialism is regarded as the greatest discovery. Its essence is as follows.

Base and superstructure are those vital categories, without which there can be no development of mankind. In this case, they appear in a strict order. First of all, people should drink, eat, have shelter and clothes. And only then they can engage in art, politics, religion and other things. The creation of immediate material goods that act as means of subsistence, and, accordingly, each stage of the development of an era or people form the basis. And state institutions, views, art, spiritual, religious ideas of people come out of it. And it is from the foundation that the rationale for the perception of the environment comes, and not vice versa.

basis and superstructure of society
basis and superstructure of society


For a better understanding of what is the basis and superstructure, consider the process of creating we alth. Itis the foundation of society. The instruments of production and all the people who put them into action have certain experience, skills for work, and form the productive forces. They, in turn, act only as one of the necessary aspects of life. Another aspect is formed by industrial relations. By creating we alth, people establish certain connections with each other. The production process can proceed only within the framework of these relations. Connections make up the economic structure of society - its real basis.

Forces and relations form two inseparable and necessary aspects of the mode of production. He, in turn, acts as the embodiment of their unity in the course of creating we alth. Its ideology, views, political institutions will mainly depend on the mode of production in a particular society. The prevailing method of creating we alth corresponds to certain dominant theories, forms of consciousness.

the basis determines the superstructure
the basis determines the superstructure

Social Revolution

The formed base and superstructure undergo certain changes. They are determined by the development of the social system, the improvement of the state system. When the productive forces change, the relations between people also change. Sooner or later this will lead to the transformation of the entire social structure. Marx said that at a certain stage of development, material forces come into conflict with production relations.

The last of the forms of development are transformed into fetters. In such a situation, a social revolution begins. When changing the economicfundamentals, with one speed or another, a revolution takes place in the entire superstructure. When considering it, one must always differentiate the material aspect from the political, legal, philosophical, religious and other ideological forms in which people are aware of the conflict that has arisen and are fighting.

karl marx base and superstructure
karl marx base and superstructure


The superstructure formed on a certain basis begins to have the opposite effect on it. The nature of this impact can be different. This will depend on the social nature of the base and the superstructure itself. The latter, in particular, can exert a progressive influence in the direction of a similar course of social development. Accordingly, it will contribute to the subsequent progress of the productive forces in society. This is the situation in the socialist model.

The superstructure can also act as a slowing down factor for the progress of productive forces and, accordingly, delay the development of society. Such a situation develops in the capitalist model. Under socialism, as adherents of materialism asserted, the progress of society is distinguished by a planned and conscious character. The policy of the Communist Party and the state served as the lifeblood of the Soviet way of life. Their role and importance is extremely high. The communist education of workers, the dissemination of scientific and political knowledge among the masses act as a powerful force that ensures the construction of communism.
