How to properly format the list of used sources

How to properly format the list of used sources
How to properly format the list of used sources

If you are a student, a student or a graduate student, then you probably come across quite often with the writing of various scientific articles, abstracts, final works at the end of the year, diplomas. At the end of any work it is necessary to indicate the list of sources used. For information on how to arrange it correctly, read our article.

The list of used sources is a description of all books, journals, scientific papers, dissertations, monographs and electronic resources that were read and analyzed during the writing of the work. In some cases, the list of references is given increased attention, because it gives an idea of the fundamental nature of research in scientific work.

It is forbidden to include in the list of used sources any literature that is not referenced in the text. Be careful when designing the list, because this is an important part of your work.

list of sources used
list of sources used

Bibliographic data

When using literature, you must enter alldata in the list of sources used. The design in this case has clear requirements. All source information is given in the following order:

  • Author or authors of a literary source. If there are many authors, then only the first three are indicated, or you can replace the huge list with the phrase “Edited by (surname and initials of the main author).”
  • Name.
  • Information about the edition, if the book (monograph, textbook) was reprinted.
  • City where the used source was published.
  • Publisher name.
  • Year the source was published.
  • Total number of pages.

In the list, the entry will be designated as follows:

Nikolaenko G. V. Methods of teaching audit: Textbook. - 2nd ed., add. - Moscow: Higher. school, 2009. – 452p.

You should also repeat all punctuation marks exactly.

Formation of the list of used sources

list of used sources
list of used sources

Be sure to ask your supervisor how exactly you need to arrange the sources in the list, as there are several options.

  • Alphabetic. The most common way to write a list. All sources are listed alphabetically depending on the author's last name or title.
  • Chronological. Often used when writing works on historical topics. All sources are listed in chronological order by publication date.
  • By sections. You can group sources by type. For example, regulations, documents, books, monographs, articles in journals, electronic sources. Within each group, the list of sources used is formed in alphabetical order.
  • In order of mention in the text. This option is suitable for small jobs. Each source is assigned a number that is equal to the reference number to it in the text. If a link in the text to a certain source is indicated several times, then only the first mention is taken into account.

Each new source of information must be written from a paragraph. The number is indicated by Arabic numerals followed by a dot.

registration of the list of used sources
registration of the list of used sources

If you include an Internet resource in the list of used sources, be sure to indicate the full title and author, article or book that you are using. Also write in square brackets that this is an electronic resource. Well, in conclusion, include a link. An example of an electronic source entry looks like this:

Vlasenko V. Accounting of fixed assets: [Electronic resource]. 2010-2011. URL: (Accessed: 2013-18-04).

Do not use as an Internet resource pages whose address or content may change. It is not recommended to link to forums, blogs and articles whose content is regularly edited (for example, Wikipedia data).
