Successful selection of management methods guarantees the team production success for a long time. However, emerging management technologies recommend discarding outdated methods or combining them with new ones in a changing business strategy.
What is the art of leadership?
Management in any field of human activity is based on a large theoretical and practical foundation. Scientific studies show that it is more successful where the leader has the following skills:
- studying and accounting for the structure of production, its specifics and patterns of functioning, as well as the workforce;
- analysis of the current state of internal and external relations;
- use, combination and variation of active methods of organizing production and human resources;
- applying methods to predict and control management results.
Scientific approach to one's own activities, the ability to recognize one's ownmistakes, to reveal the nature of production successes and failures are inherent in a new type of leader. These qualities are an indispensable element of the art of management.
While the activity of management is an art, those who practice it will achieve the best results if they understand and use the science underlying this art. When the importance of efficiency and effectiveness of group cooperation is recognized in any society, it can be safely said that management is the most important of all arts.

The manager is constantly looking for new areas of work for the enterprise, ways to organize and control them. In addition, he must necessarily form a workable and responsible team of performers.
Control functions
The existence of any enterprise is impossible without communication links between its structural links and without mastering management methods. These are prerequisites for the accurate and timely performance of managerial functions:
- Planning. It is based on an accurate analysis of the current state of affairs in production: the availability and quality of materials, equipment, human resources, working conditions, relations with external partners, existing and possible difficulties, etc. As a result of planning, the goals of the entire enterprise and its individual structural units are formulated, selected means and methods of their achievement. The plan can be adjusted if new positive ideas and opportunities arise or unforeseen obstacles arise,changes in operating conditions.
- Organization. It consists in the distribution of tasks, responsibilities, powers for the implementation of the planned plan between individual members of the team and its divisions (formal and informal). Each performer must clearly understand the goals of his activity, its content and place in the overall labor process, means, methods for fulfilling the duties assigned to him.
- Positive motivation of performers. The goals of the management will not be achieved on time and in full, if there is no material or internal, psychological interest of the performers in this. The manager must be well aware of the needs of his subordinates and satisfy them in exchange for high productivity and quality of work, based on the possibilities of production: material rewards, incentives for conscientious work in the form of vacation vouchers, moral encouragement, promotion, etc.
- Control function. The forms and terms of control (intermediate, final) are entered by the head into the work plan of the enterprise when it is drawn up. This allows you to compare the results of activities with the planned ones and identify those causes that lead to a decrease in productivity, labor quality, an increase in costs, etc.

Control functions are interconnected. The manager must be able to find one correct solution from many of his options, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.
Management methods, their classification
Successful implementation of managerial functions leads toachievement of the set goals. At each stage of activity, the manager must correctly choose specific ways to solve production problems.
Management methods - these are the ways of moving towards the desired result through the impact on its participants. Their choice depends on what specific function the manager is currently performing, what controls are available to him.

The system of management methods is a large number of options for their use in various combinations and depending on the goals. Their classification is made according to different criteria: by scale, areas of use, goals (for example, developing, stimulating), management functions, objects (individual, group). In addition, they are theoretical and practical, direct and indirect, general and particular are widely used.
The choice of methods of leadership should not violate the rights of its objects, offend the personal dignity of people.
Organization and Administration
Organizational methods of management are means of regulating industrial relations, that is, administration. They are built on discipline, coercion to perform duties is not excluded. Used in operational management and development of promising solutions:
- organization and stabilization methods determine the structure of an enterprise or organization in accordance with the law: departments, workshops, positions - charter, regulation, accounting rules, etc.;
- normalization of their interactions - an order,order;
- instructing process participants in accordance with established production requirements - job descriptions, orders, recommendations.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the use of management organization methods is an obligatory component of the activity of a leader at any level. It is carried out through scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the execution of orders, orders, instructions, established standards and rules.
Economic methods
These are effective ways to stimulate the personal interest of each employee in the results of his work and the work of the entire team. Encouragement of conscientiousness, honest attitude to work, personal discipline and organization, useful initiative most often occurs in the form of bonuses, wage increases, valuable gifts, vacation vouchers, loans with a reduced interest rate, life and he alth insurance, etc.
The essence of economic methods is to create an effective mechanism of work by influencing the economic interests of workers and economic counterparties with the help of prices, wages, credit, profits, taxes and other economic levers. (Fundamentals of Management: textbook / edited by Doctor of Economics, Prof. V. I. Korolev.- M.: Master: IIFRA-M, 2011, 620 p.)
Thus, economic management methods are ways to develop industrial relations and encourage people to actively participate in technical improvemententerprise and increase its economic competitiveness.
Psychological aspects of management
Administrative and economic methods must necessarily be supplemented by methods of individual, group, collective educational influence, focused on the moral and ethical norms and rules adopted in society.
Socio-psychological methods of management are ways to activate the social behavior and consciousness of the employees of the enterprise. Their choice requires taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, intra-group relations and connections in the team, already established traditions. Some of them require encouragement and development, others, on the contrary, correction. The purpose of these management methods is to create such working conditions under which a person develops a desire for the most creative professional expression.
The choice of means of influencing the members of the team at the stage of its formation is determined by the fact that people have not yet adapted to new working conditions and requirements. Therefore, they are used to inform them as much as possible about the goals of their joint activities, rules of conduct, requirements for the organization of labor, etc. An analysis of the process of forming a team will identify its leaders and outsiders, active and passive workers.

Gradually, as the culture of relationships develops, the leader should use methods to encourage and support business properties, personal qualities of people - approval, a positive example, demonstrating a respectful attitude. importantis an example of tactful behavior, cultural and friendly speech of the leader himself.
The most effective management method is a combination of moral and material incentives for conscientious and responsible employees. But one cannot but take into account that in some cases these may be methods of punishment for unsatisfactory results of work, unethical behavior in a team, for violations of discipline. Their choice ranges from a verbal reprimand to a motivated dismissal. In any case, rewards and punishments must be fair in the eyes of subordinates.