Method is.. Methodology, application of methods, modern methods

Method is.. Methodology, application of methods, modern methods
Method is.. Methodology, application of methods, modern methods

Method is a very broad concept, applicable to almost every science and inextricably linked with research. However, it has a very precise definition. The history of the development of methods and methodology is divided into two periods, which will be discussed in more detail in this article. In addition, questions of classification and evolution of methods will be touched upon.

method is
method is


Essentially, the word "method" has two full meanings.

Firstly, a method is a way of theoretical research or practical implementation. In this sense, it is perceived by scientists. For example, empirical (that is, based on experience) or deductive method (from general to particular). It is worth noting that these examples are methods of cognition, which is only one of the areas of methodology.

Secondly, a method is a way to act in a certain way, an action option chosen by a particular person / organization, etc. For example, methods of management, control, manipulative methods.

It is also important to note that both values correlate with each other:thus, definitions begin with "way", which is a very general synonym for "method". Further clarification follows: the method of what exactly? These are the two important elements that make up the method.

types of methods
types of methods


Methodology is the doctrine of methods, which is an integral system of organization principles, as well as ways of building both theoretical and practical activities. This definition also contains the key to one general definition of the method.

That is, the method is what organizes the activity. But it is still customary to take as a basis two definitions delimited from each other, presented just above, in the previous paragraph.

Tasks and Features

The method must be related to reality, to the properties and laws that reality carries.

The need for the emergence of methods stems from the task of accumulating and transferring social experience. The early stages of cultural development already contained the rudiments of methodology. But only when the need to formalize the rules and norms of activity was clarified, they began to develop it in a conscious and purposeful way.

social methods
social methods

Historical development of methodology as a science

Methodology has long been included in the context of natural-philosophical and logical concepts. Moreover, it represented the philosophical foundations of scientific and cognitive activity. Therefore, first of all, the definition of the method as a way of cognition arose.

From thispoint of view, different philosophers at different times classified methods in their own way. For example, before the spread of German classical philosophy, only two types of methods were distinguished: rationalistic and empiricistic. But the limitations of these directions were subsequently criticized. The nature of the methodology itself also remained unclear: from mechanical to dialectical. After analyzing the structure of the doctrine, Kant singled out constitutive and regulative principles. Some categories were studied and introduced by Hegel.

However, under the gun of philosophy, the methodology could not achieve specificity, remaining a set of points of view.

Twentieth century: reforming ideas about methodology

In the twentieth century, methodology began to cover a specialized field of knowledge. In addition, she was given a specific direction: internal movement, that is, the mechanisms and logic of knowledge.

Methodology began to correspond to differentiation.

application of methods
application of methods


The following types of methods are distinguished:

  • General, which have their own classification. Dialectical and metaphysical methods are known.
  • General scientific, the classification of which is based on the levels of knowledge - empirical and theoretical.
  • Private scientific, or specific, tied to specific areas of science in which they are used or from which they originate. In other words, the basis for this type is the application of methods in various areas or the development of methods by these areas. This species has the widestrange of examples. So social methods are directly related to sociology and society, and psychological methods are based directly on the laws of psychology.

Methods and techniques

The method differs from the methodology primarily in less specification. The second is, so to speak, a ready-made algorithm, an instruction for actions. The same method may be applicable in different cases, while the techniques are mostly highly specialized and developed for specific circumstances.

modern methods
modern methods

Evolution of methods

The evolution of methods is easy to follow on the example of the Institute of Medicine, or rather, diagnostic research.

Modern diagnostics are improving due to progress and deepening of scientific knowledge. Apparatus and devices are now provided that were not available at least fifty years ago.

It can be said that modern methods have been greatly influenced by such an invention of mankind as a computer. And not only as an implementation of some developments, but also for analyzing data that helps to identify logical connections that were not noticed before, reform methods, and adjust them to the current realities of life.

Method is a universal tool, technique, the most important element of any field. Methods progress along with scientific knowledge. The structuring of methodology in the twentieth century has contributed to the fact that development has acquired an extensive character.
