In the framework of this article, we will consider a very broad concept that is relevant for spacecraft, and for aircraft, and for submarines, and for such an extensive structure as a city, metropolis. These are life support systems. We will directly analyze what exactly the concept means in relation to all its applications, highlight important distinguishing features.
General definition
Life support systems are complexes that help create comfortable, optimal, acceptable conditions for living, life, functioning of the crew, passengers, residents of any vessel, apparatus, object.
According to their purpose, they can be divided into smaller subsystems: air conditioning, sanitary, etc.

LSS on a spaceship
The life support system on a spacecraft during manned flights is that group of equipment, machinery, devices that allows a person to survive inconditions of space, keeps the crew of the aircraft alive.
Space flight is associated with a whole host of unusual conditions - ionizing radiation, full vacuum, radiant heat transfer. To transfer it, a person must be in a closed sealed compartment of the spacecraft. All conditions are created there to ensure the normal life and work of the astronaut on board. It is important to keep them stable throughout the flight.
Life-support systems supply the compartment with the substances necessary for the biological functioning of the astronaut. At the same time, they continuously remove human waste products.
Life support systems are also abbreviated as LSS. Their second common name is on-board systems of an aircraft spacecraft.

Supported indicators
Special life support systems regulate each of the following indicators:
- Total compartment pressure.
- Partial pressure of nitrogen.
- Partial pressure of oxygen.
- Partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
- Relative humidity.
- Air temperature.
- The temperature of the walls of the compartment in which the astronauts live.
- Oxygen consumption by the crew.
- Heat dissipation.
- Emission of carbon dioxide.
- Consumption of water and food.
- Isolation of excreta.
- Urine excretion.
- Metabolic water.
- Respiratorycoefficient.
- Hygienic water.

Main LSS on the spacecraft
Now let's consider which life support systems regulate the above indicators on a spacecraft:
- SKO - oxygen supply system. Provides oxygen supply to the living compartment atmosphere in the amount of 0.9 kg/day per cosmonaut. In addition, the RMS maintains the partial pressure of oxygen in the set range of values: 18-32 kPa.
- SOA - atmosphere purification system. It provides for the collection and subsequent removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of the habitable compartment at the rate of 1 kg/day per person. At the same time, it maintains a partial pressure of carbon dioxide of no more than 1 kPa, and ensures the purification of the atmosphere from harmful microimpurities that are released by operating equipment and people. SKO and SOA can often be combined into one large system - SOGS (a system for cleaning the gas composition of the air in the living compartment).
- SVO - water supply system. Its task on the spacecraft is to provide astronauts with clean drinking water in the amount of 2.5 kg/day per person. If at the same time the crew consumes natural food products containing water (up to 500 g/day), then the provision is reduced to 2 kg/day per cosmonaut.
- SOP - crew nutrition system. It should provide the astronauts with good nutrition. The diet contains fats, carbohydrates and proteins in their mass ratio of 1:4:1. total caloriesfood eaten by a person should reach 12,500 kJ per day.
- CPT - temperature control system (as well as the relative humidity of the atmosphere). On a spacecraft, it is usually combined with a STR - a thermal control system. Together they carry out the following: they remove the heat generated by a person from the living compartment (about 145 W per person per day), remove water vapor from the atmosphere emitted by astronauts during breathing (about 50 g per person per day), maintain the specified temperature of the atmosphere (18- 22 ° Celsius), relative humidity (within 30-70%), circulation of air masses in the compartment (0.1-0.4 m/s).
- SMS - waste disposal system. Provides collection and subsequent isolation from the atmosphere of both liquid and solid human waste products.
- SRD - means of pressure regulation. Maintain the total pressure of the atmosphere in the living compartment within 77-107 kPa. In addition, they control the tightness of the living compartment, compensate for air leakage from it.
All of the above life support systems work to meet the immediate physiological needs of astronauts in a closed compartment.

Additional LSS on the spaceship
In addition to the main ones, other means are also presented on the spacecraft. Here are the life support systems that can be distinguished in this complex:
- SSBO - means of sanitary and household support. They are designed for two purposes - this is to ensure the personal hygiene of the crew (shower,washing) and satisfaction by astronauts of everyday household needs: fresh clothes, bedding, tools for sanitary cleaning of compartments.
- СЗ - personal protective equipment for astronauts. First of all, there are emergency rescue models of space suits, breathing masks that provide protection for the crew in emergency conditions - in the event of a fire on board, depressurization of the compartment, and so on. Also, these are models of protective suits designed for man to go into outer space and work in such conditions.
- Medical and biological support facilities. These are various devices and tools for medical control of the crew, medicines, exercise equipment for physical training.

LSS on airplanes
The life support system here is considered to be a complex of aggregates, devices and stocks of substances that provide normal living conditions for the crew and passengers of the aircraft throughout the flight. Since the human body can function normally only within small deviations from earthly values, the main task of the LSS is to provide conditions for functioning and life activity at any altitude that are as close as possible to earthly ones.
Among the important functions of LSS here are the following:
- Maintaining normal pressure values in the cabins, as well as the rate of its change.
- Maintaining the normal values of temperature, relative humidity, speed and air consumption in the cabins,as well as the partial pressure of oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases.
- Cleaning the air from harmful micro-impurities.
- Protection of the crew and passengers from the harmful effects of noise, solar radiation, etc.
Private and collective LSS in aircraft
The LSS complex, therefore, is aimed at ensuring the functioning of all systems of the human body (maintaining heat exchange, gas exchange, etc.), as well as the conditions for maintaining the normal working capacity of crew members. To solve all the above problems in aircraft, two types of life support systems can be thought out:
- Collective. These are LSS of multi-seat cabins, passenger liner cabins.
- Customized. The group includes LSS of cabins of single-seat aircraft, special detachable capsules.
One of the most effective ways today to maintain the efficiency of the crews of a number of aircraft preparations, the necessary conditions for ensuring the life of passengers of civilian airliners, are pressurized cabins with SCR - air conditioning systems.

LSS on submarines
Life support systems on submarines are a set of tools that ensure the vital activity of the personnel of the submarine at the time of its being under water. Usually include the following:
- Systems for removing excess carbon dioxide from the air.
- Removal of harmful volatile microimpurities from the atmosphere of each of the compartments.
- Air supplyrequired amount of oxygen.
- Maintaining a comfortable air temperature, removing excess moisture from it.
- Collection and subsequent disposal of human waste.
- Providing the crew with sufficient fresh water, adequate rations, etc.
The role of LSS on submarines has especially increased recently. This is due to the fact that there are more and more new models of submarines that can stay under water for a longer time.
City life support system
Here, LSS is understood as a complex of urban planning, economic, medical and preventive, social and household activities. All of them are aimed at neutralizing or smoothing out the negative impact of the environment on the life of the population. Maintaining high working capacity of citizens, maintaining satisfactory he alth and social well-being indicators are also considered important goals.
The creation of city life support systems will be especially relevant in the economic development of territories with extreme conditions for living and attracting citizens to work there under a contract for an indefinite period. The SJO here will take care not only of the employee himself, but also of his family, who decided to move.
The life support system here should cover not only the time a person stays in the city, but also the period before it (vocational training, medical and psychological selection, providing the family with social amenities during the absence of the breadwinner) and after the expiration of the contract (providing employment forspeci alties, luxury housing, etc.)

Refrigeration, cryogenic life support systems
And the last aspect of the concept we are analyzing. Today, the speci alty "Refrigeration, cryogenic equipment and life support systems" is becoming quite popular in the labor market. This is due to the fact that such units are the basis of production for many modern enterprises. The area requires constant improvement, the development of new technologies, the emergence of innovative technologies, creative ideas.
Training areas
All of the above and are able to provide the employer with young professionals studying in the direction of "Refrigeration and life support systems." During training, they directly learn the following:
- Theoretical foundations of the speci alty.
- Computational and experimental work with objects of scientific research.
- Solution of problems in the field of cryogenic and refrigeration technology.
- Design, create and use new units.
- The use of information technology in their activities.
- Project management basics.
- Organization of marketing analysis.
You have seen that life support systems are quite a multifaceted concept. It is relevant both for a submarine, a spacecraft, and for a city, equipment in production.