Battle of Thermopylae. A feat that has entered the centuries

Battle of Thermopylae. A feat that has entered the centuries
Battle of Thermopylae. A feat that has entered the centuries

The Battle of Thermopylae is a battle during the war between the Persians and the Greeks, which took place in mid-September 480 BC. e.

One of the most brutal battles in the history of antiquity took place ten years after Darius sent his ambassadors to all Greek policies with a humiliating demand for obedience and recognition of the power of the Persians. “Earth and water” was demanded by the envoys of the powerful Persian king, to which almost all the cities of Ancient Hellas agreed. Only the Athenians, who executed the ambassadors, and the Spartans, who threw them into a well with an offer to get what they wanted there - both land and water, did not want to show humility. King Darius undertook an expedition to the shores of Attica, but in the battle of Marathon the Persian army was defeated. After the death of the ruler, his father's work was continued by his son Xerxes.

battle of thermopylae
battle of thermopylae

From the many peoples of the vast empire of the Persians, an unprecedentedly large land army for that time was assembled and a powerful fleet was equipped. When the army of Xerxes set off to conquer southern Greece, the general GreekCongress decided to follow the advice of the Athenian strategist Themistocles to resist the invaders at the Thermopylae Pass, the narrowest point in the path of the army. The calculation was correct. But in order for the battle of Thermopylae to end with the victory of the Hellenes, it was necessary to gather a large army, which the Greek policies failed to do.

In mid-August, the Persian army appeared in front of the entrance to the gorge. The event, during which the feat of 300 Spartans was accomplished, was preceded by negotiations. King Leonidas of Sparta refused Xerxes' offer to surrender in exchange for freedom, new lands and friendly disposition.

300 spartans history
300 spartans history

The enraged Xerxes ordered the allied Greek army to lay down their arms, to which, according to Plutarch, he received a worthy answer: "Come and take it." The most combat-ready detachments of the Persian army, at the direction of the king, launched an assault. Thus began the battle of Thermopylae - the battle that became the most striking episode of the Greco-Persian wars. In ancient sources, researchers give conflicting data on the number of participants in the battle. The data of modern historians on the balance of forces of the opponents and the losses of the parties are presented in the table.

Battle of Thermopylae

Opponents Greek policies Persian Empire
Commanders Spartan King Leonidas Persian King Xerxes
Side Forces

At the beginning of the battle: 5200-7700 warriors (hoplites)

Third day: 500-1400 warriors (hoplites)

Approximately 200,000 warriors
Losses From 2,000 to 4,000 killed, about 400 captured Approximately 20,000 killed

For two days the Greek soldiers managed to repel the attacks of the Persians, but Xerxes managed to make a detour and surround the defenders of Thermopylae. The outcome of the last battle for the Greeks was a foregone conclusion, since it was impossible to defeat the enemy army, outnumbering hundreds of times. Hellenes could only count on a glorious death on the battlefield.

feat of 300 spartans
feat of 300 spartans

It is not known for certain how many hoplites took the fight along with the Spartan king. Ancient sources indicate that there were also Thebans (who surrendered) and Thespians, who died along with a detachment, which consisted of 300 Spartans. The story of the feat of heroes who gave their lives for the freedom of their native land has become a legend that has been educating and inspiring young people of all European countries for several centuries in a row.
