Phraseologisms are stable combinations of words that convey one common meaning. There are more than one and a half thousand such expressions in Russian.
The value of such phrases is that they reflect the unique realities of the language. Interest in set expressions encourages students to delve into their history. This contributes to the motivation for learning, broadens one's horizons, and increases the intellectual level.
Phraseologism "daily bread" has an ambiguous meaning. The interpretation of this expression affects the main aspects of human life: material and spiritual.
The meaning of phraseologism "daily bread":
Vital things you can't do without.
This interpretation is about the material. Often "daily bread" is called food, water, medicines and other things without which you can't.
Example: "… the role of a great exile who earns his daily bread with labors …" (From the book "My Diamond Crown" by the Soviet writer Valentin Kataev).
daily bread meaning of phraseologism -
Necessity, value.
This is a different meaningphraseologism "daily bread", which affects just the spiritual side of life. This expression refers to any cultural or universal values, without which the existence of people will be inferior, and their condition will be unsatisfied.
Example: "When we talk about the aesthetic: … This is our daily bread" (From an article by K. Kobrin and O. Balla "From the entomology of meaning to the literature of open possibilities".
If we convey the meaning of the phraseologism briefly, "daily bread" is a necessity.
This set expression disappears from the colloquial speech of modern people. This is a natural process in any language, when words, phraseological units, idioms or catch phrases gradually fall into disuse.
If you have noticed, in modern speech it is more common to hear the word "bread" in the same meaning. So often in a metaphorical way they talk about earnings. For example: "You need to study well! This is your future bread!".

The departure of some expressions from speech is due not only to the fact that they or their components become obsolete, as happened with the word "daily". The reason is also the fact that any language strives for economy. Why talk a lot when you can convey the meaning in one word? This is how the language "thinks".
The expression is rooted in the history of early Christianity. In the Gospel of Matthew, it means "food". Hence the meaning of the phraseologism "daily bread".
This line from the biblical prayer "Our Father" is known to every Christian. But not everyone knows what the word "daily" means. And linguistic research is being carried out on this issue.

Pastor Pavel Begichev analyzes different meanings of the word "daily" in his blog on the LIVEJOURNAL website.
Interpretation of the adjective
- Bread "essential". This is one of the most common interpretations. It implies a product without which we cannot exist. This version is weak due to the fact that the word "essence" refers to philosophy, while the disciples of Christ were ordinary people who did not have such vocabulary in their everyday life.
- Bread "heavenly". When translating the Bible from Greek, the researchers suggested that the product was called "the essential", that is, being above the essence, bestowed on people from heaven.
- Bread "daily". This option was proposed by another apostle - Luke. This interpretation has been criticized and is also not accepted by modern scholars.
- Bread "future". This translation is the most convincing. Thus, believers ask for today's work to give them food tomorrow (i.e. in the near future).

The meaning and origin of phraseologism "daily bread" are closely related. This is a fixed expressionis metaphorical. At first, only food was called daily bread. Soon the meaning expanded, and this word began to refer not only to food, but also to financial resources. Now spiritual needs are also called that - something that a cultured person cannot do without.
The meaning of phraseologism "daily bread" can be conveyed by words and expressions similar in meaning. The neutral words "earnings", "food", "food", "need" will serve as a replacement.
Obsolete synonyms include "food", colloquial - the adjective "required", "feeding". A phraseological unit similar in meaning is "a piece of bread".
You can replace words with synonyms depending on the context, on the style of the text, and also to avoid repetition.
Examples from the literature
Phraseological units are the "face" of Russian culture, its national we alth. This is how the Russian critic V. G. Belinsky spoke about them. Literature as part of Russian culture is a field for the study of set expressions.
Check with examples from written sources the meaning of the studied phraseological unit:
Quote from A. Rybakov's book "Heavy Sand": "How to earn your daily bread?".
Phraseology is used in the meaning of "need".
- "For us immigrants, these books are more than our daily bread." This is a quote by V. Zak for the Russian Musical Newspaper. Here the phraseological unit expresses the spiritual needman in literature.