School museums (photo). Features of the activity of school museums

School museums (photo). Features of the activity of school museums
School museums (photo). Features of the activity of school museums

Museum - a word derived from lat. museum, which translates only as "temple". This is a unique institution that collects, studies, preserves and demonstrates samples that show how nature, the human mind and creativity develop. Children are the most welcome visitors to museums. After all, it is in childhood, when the mind of a small person yearns to know the whole and immediately surrounding world, and it is worth introducing the child to culture. An unprecedented phenomenon of Russian culture can be called the creation of school museums aimed specifically at young visitors. We will talk about these organizations in the article.

School museum: definition of the concept

School museum is a kind of museum organizations of educational institutions, represented by a variety of profiles. These institutions can be attributed to departmental and public museums, pursuing educational, educational and cognitive goals. Managed by an asset of teachers and students, fully enter the systempublic education. Often the curator is a specialized state museum.

School museums began with interdisciplinary classrooms, where a rich fund of teaching aids, herbariums and other items collected by students - biographies, stories, minerals, rare photographs and objects. The phenomenon quickly spread in pedagogical activity, becoming an effective means of teaching and educating the younger generation.

school museums
school museums

The activity of school museums in Russia began in the 19th century - then they were created at noble gymnasiums. The next stage of their development - the twenties of the XX century, when the USSR experienced a boom in the creation of local history museums - many of them took root in schools. Celebrations of anniversaries related to the history of the Soviet Union in the 50s and 70s also led to the spread of this kind of museums.

School museums are created on the initiative of teachers, school graduates, students and their parents, bosses. The search, storage, study and systematization of the exposition are occupied by students here. The entire collection collected by them becomes part of the museum fund of the Russian Federation.

Today there are about 4800 school museums in our country, of which:

  • historical - about 2000;
  • military history - around 1400;
  • local lore - 1000;
  • other profiles - 300-400.

Goals of the school museum

School profile museums pursue the following goals in their activities:

  • Promoting skillsresearch activities in schoolchildren.
  • Support for children's creativity.
  • Building respect for local and global culture.
  • Cultivating respect for the past.
  • Formation of a sense of responsibility for the preservation of historical values.
  • Cultivating a sense of pride in the history of their Fatherland.
  • The emergence of students' sense of belonging to the past of the small Motherland, modern history.
  • Ensuring the relationship between the school and cultural institutions.

Activity Objectives

museums school photos
museums school photos

School museums, photos of which you will see throughout the article, strive to solve the following tasks assigned to them:

  • Educating the proper patriotic moods of the younger generation.
  • Introducing the child to the history of the family, region, country, the whole world.
  • Meeting the need of student researchers to write their own history.
  • Preservation and display of authentic historical documents and artifacts.
  • Filling children's leisure time with search and research work, studying the collected collection, preparing and caring for exhibits, participating in conferences and creative evenings.
  • Helping students to comprehend the beginnings of research activities, the formation of an analytical approach.
  • Contributing to the concretization and expansion of the knowledge of the children, gleaned by them from school textbooks and teachers' stories.

Working principles

Work of the school museumrelies on the following principles:

  • Systematic connection with school lessons.
  • Using all kinds of extracurricular activities: seminars, patronage of veterans, conferences, etc.
  • Engaging in scientific and research activities.
  • Creative initiative of schoolchildren.
  • Public relations.
  • Strict accounting of units of the museum fund, exposition.
  • Constant communication with state museums.

The social mission of school museums

Speaking about school museums and their role in local history work, let's touch on the social aspect of this activity - let's see what this organization can teach a child as a citizen, family member and society. So, what gives the student participation in the activities of the museum at the school:

school museums and their role in local history work
school museums and their role in local history work
  • Introduction to the problems and pride of the native land from the inside - through search and research activities.
  • Education of respect for the past, cultural heritage - through acquaintance with the deeds of ancestors.
  • Skills for independent living - participation in hikes, expeditions.
  • Features of a researcher - through search, analytical, restoration work.
  • Rehearsal of future social roles - in the Museum Council a child can be both a leader and a subordinate.
  • The role of a direct chronicler, document manager - schoolchildren write the history of their region with their own hands, collect funds, make up expositions.
  • Professionalcertainty - having tried on a real profession, the student can already decide whether he wants to devote himself to this area in adulthood.

Distinguishing features of the institution

school museums of military glory photo
school museums of military glory photo

Features of the activities of school museums stem from a certain kind of features that are characteristic only for this organization:

  • The work of such a museum is consistent with the educational objectives of the school.
  • Has a collection of authentic historical artifacts and documents.
  • Shows an exposition or several expositions, clearly divided by subject.
  • Has the necessary equipment, space for the exhibition.
  • The Museum Council is constantly functioning - active students who, under the guidance of teachers, conduct research activities, work with funds, take care of the safety and proper form of the exposition.
  • You can always catch the features of social partnership in the activities of an organization.
  • The educational and upbringing mission is realized through mass educational and exhibition activities.

What are school museums?

Each museum at the school has its own profile - a specialization of activity, filling the fund, which connects it with a certain science, discipline, culture, art, activity. The main groups are as follows:

  • historical;
  • science;
  • artistic;
  • theatrical;
  • musical;
  • technical;
  • literary;
  • agricultural etc.

Museum can also conduct complex work. An ideal example is local history. The children study both the nature and the culture of their region, city, district as a whole. It is important to note that museums of a particular profile can only focus on a certain phenomenon in their field. A historical museum can only study the history of a city or school, a literary museum can only study the work of unknown writers, a musical museum can only study ditties of a certain ethnic group, etc.

features of school museums
features of school museums

Talking about what school museums are, one cannot fail to mention monographic ones - dedicated to a specific object, person, event. This includes museums of the samovar, books, New Year, etc. School museums of military glory, photos of which you will also see in the article, are also monographic. They may be dedicated to home front workers, holders of the Order of Glory, etc. This also fully includes memorial (estate-museum, apartment-museum) and historical and biographical (dedicated to the life of a certain person) museums.

Funds of the museum at the school

As in museums of national importance, the funds of the school museum are divided into two components:

  • Main: museum items that correspond to the profile of the institution.
  • Auxiliary material: reproduction of the original collection (copies, dummies, photographs, casts, etc.) and visual material (diagrams, posters, diagrams, tables, etc.)
activities of school museums
activities of school museums

The fund may include:

  • tools;
  • products, finished goods production;
  • numismatics;
  • weapons, signs of military glory;
  • household items;
  • pictorial sources - works of art and non-fiction;
  • written sources - memoirs, letters, books, periodicals;
  • media library - textbooks, films, music library consonant with the profile;
  • family rarities and heirlooms, etc.

About the exposition of the museum at the school

The presence of an exposition is a key feature of absolutely any museum. Exhibits that reveal a certain object or phenomenon are combined into a thematic-exposition complex, the latter make up sections, which, in turn, represent the entire exposition.

what are school museums
what are school museums

Basically, when compiling the exposition, the historical and chronological principle is used - each part of it sequentially tells about an event, object and phenomenon. The most common methods for building exposure from collections of funds:

  • systematic;
  • thematic;
  • ensemble.

School museums are a special and unique component of the educational and educational process. She is able to achieve those goals, solve those tasks that ordinary schooling cannot cope with alone.
