CPSU: deciphering the abbreviation of the name of the party that played an important role in the history of our country

CPSU: deciphering the abbreviation of the name of the party that played an important role in the history of our country
CPSU: deciphering the abbreviation of the name of the party that played an important role in the history of our country

The background of this reduction dates back to the century before last. It all started with small circles of socialists who were persecuted within the Russian Empire. All this resulted in a powerful and well-organized mass party, which in the final was called the CPSU. The decoding of this abbreviation is sufficient, simple and means the ideological and geographical component. However, first things first.

KPSS decoding
KPSS decoding

The rise of socialism

The nineteenth century is generally very rich in various kinds of protests against the government for political and civil rights. This battle was started by the Decembrists, and then taken up by numerous university circles and public organizations. The ideas of socialism were actively promoted and promoted during the reign of Alexander II. The liberal-democratic mood of the majority of society was fertile ground for the development of the ideas of liberalism and social-democratic views. Populism also contributed to the spread of socialist ideas in the vast expanses of Russia. The organization "Earth and Freedom" purposefully engaged inpopularization of the ideas of socialism in our country. All these organizations were, so to speak, the forerunners of the huge and influential CPSU. The decoding of the word sounds like the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. However, before its occurrence was still quite far away. In the 80s of the nineteenth century, Georgy Plekhanov founded the first Russian organization that stood on the positions of socialism and Marxism, to which communism was later equated with minor modifications.

CC KPSS transcript
CC KPSS transcript

The vicissitudes of the formation of socialist organizations

However, the "Emancipation of Labor Group" was not numerous and did not enjoy great influence among Russian socialists. Georgy Valentinovich intensified his activities and got acquainted with similar groups from Kyiv and Minsk, on the basis of this activity he met with V. I. Ulyanov. Initially, the views of both leaders of the socialist movement coincided, and by mutual efforts they did everything possible to ensure that these groups and cells scattered throughout the cities and towns of the Russian Empire formed into one party. What happened at the founding congress in Minsk, this is the very party on the basis of which the CPSU will be formed in the future with ideological and personal changes. The deciphering of the party created in 1898 differed significantly from the usual CPSU, when it was formed it was called the RSDLP, which means the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

Ideological and organizational differences

However, this was not the only metamorphosis that took place with the name of the party. As mentioned above, the founding fathers of the new political institution, Georgy Plekhanov and Vladimir Ulyanov, subsequently diverged quite far in their views on the future of Russia, its reorganization and methods for carrying out these transformations. This resulted in open skirmishes between the supporters of the first and second leaders, and then was reflected in the organizational order of the party. Already at the next congress (after the founding one), the party was divided into the Mensheviks, headed by Plekhanov, and the Bolsheviks, headed by Lenin, but the external unity of the party was still preserved until 1917. Nevertheless, ideological and methodological differences led to Lenin's withdrawal from the main printed publication of the party - the Iskra newspaper. The split within the party grew more and more, Plekhanov and his supporters stood on moderate social democratic positions, choosing reform as the main method of transformation, and the Bolsheviks were distinguished by radical attitudes and recognized violence in the form of a proletarian revolution as the main method of social change.

ChK KPSS decoding
ChK KPSS decoding

Creation of the Russian Communist Party

In April 1917, a long overdue event took place. The Bolshevik faction finally dissociated itself from the RSDLP, which was based on the moderate Mensheviks, and created its own RCP (b), which would form the basis of the future CPSU. The decoding of this new Bolshevik organization accurately characterizes its ideological views and is as follows: Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Clarification with the letter "B" in bracketsmore emphasized the difference between the party and the classical Western European teachings of social democracy and even communism, Lenin made some changes to the concept developed by Karl Marx, adapting it to Russian realities, but this was not the final name of the party. Already after the victory in the armed uprising in October 1917, the RCP (b) again changed its name, thereby wishing to emphasize its universality and becoming the ruling party. Since 1925, it became known as the CPSU (b), and this name was already transformed in 1952 into the CPSU. The deciphering of the name of 1925 has changed only slightly, the word "Russian" was replaced by "All-Russian", and everything else remained unchanged.

The irony of the people and the official abbreviation

deciphering the word kpss
deciphering the word kpss

Like any other political organization, it had governing bodies, which also received an abbreviation. In our case, this is the Central Committee of the CPSU, the transcript sounds like the Central Committee of the Party. During the presidency of Yuri Andropov, who had previously been the head of the State Security Committee, the people jokingly renamed the main body. He was called the Cheka of the CPSU. The decoding of this name was ironically interpreted as the KGB committee of the party. And security officers were called employees of the state security of the USSR. Thus, deciphering the word CPSU shows us the historical evolution of the name, the change in ideological concepts and the expansion of the influence of this political institution.
