Applicants come to the university in different ways, choosing the speci alty "Economic Cybernetics". "Where to work, having received a diploma?" - Interested immediately about ten percent of them, the most perspicacious.

But most still think today. Many are guided by entrance exams (mathematics and language), others are seduced by the prestige of the Faculty of Economics, others are inspired by the sweet prospect of becoming managers (after all, the Department of Economic Cybernetics studies this process).
However, those who came to study in groups 0609 are immediately faced with uncompromising systemic education, which includes blocks of mathematical, economic, general education subjects.
Economic cybernetics as a subject of study
Without the right to relax, the foundations of future specialization and professional education are being formed in the first and second years. Economics, accounting, mathematical analysis, probability theory; all this -building blocks in the knowledge structure of a future bachelor or master.
And only from the third year for cybernetics students does the real entrance to the speci alty begin.
Students begin a serious study of computer disciplines, mastering real modern software tools used by economic cybernetics. The speci alty of a modern cybernetics specialist assumes possession of up-to-date software: Microsoft MSDN Academic ALLIance, application packages Statistica, CLIPS (expert programming system), VenSim, Xelopes (IPP for data mining), etc. The educational process involves continuous computer training of a future specialist. Modern methods of analysis make it possible to optimally solve management problems through a comprehensive assessment of the influence of various factors on the performance of the economic system.
Young people realize by the level of tasks they solve that cybernetics is not just a science of management, but a methodical and practical guide on how to manage economic systems of various complexity.
Analytical basis mastered by a cybernetics student
The Faculty of Economic Cybernetics is in demand due to the prospects of the profile profession of education. She is truly prestigious. After all, cybernetics was created at the intersection of computer science, economics and mathematics.

Knowledge of mathematics and computer science is a globally recognized tool for analyzing specific economicsystems: enterprises, firms, organizations, regions, industries) and the formation of technologies for managing them.
Students studying EC receive fundamental knowledge in the field of economics, programming, and mathematical analysis. They acquire the necessary analytical basis, characterized by the following sub-elements:
cybernetic modeling of economic and social systems, hierarchy of models;
skills of complex assessment of complex, hierarchical systems and subsystems, integral assessment;
· tasks of motivated classification;
management and control in organizational systems;
· optimization of information flows when solving control problems;
· correct perception of constructive information and entropy;
coordination of goals in hierarchical systems, building goals;
Management in hierarchical systems.
Thus, a person who uses the methods of economic cybernetics is a system analyst in demand both in anti-crisis management (the art of making the right decisions in difficult situations) and in the ability to predict the economic challenges themselves and their intensity.
Who can become a graduate of the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics
The set of knowledge and skills demanded in the labor market by graduates of specialized faculties is represented by economic cybernetics. Work in this speci alty ideally (with an active competitive labor market) today involves a fairly wide range of positions:
- bankingeconomist-analyst;
- IT and communications analyst;
- system analyst of the company (enterprise);
- network and database administrator;
- head of the financial and economic unit;
- head of IT department;
- teacher of computer science and IT;
- Deputy IT Director;
- director of a small science-intensive enterprise.
Applicants participate in competitions where economic cybernetics (an intellectual and creative profession) is welcomed among the general knowledge and skills of the candidate.
Employment distortions in a transitional society
It would seem that technologists who are able to set goals and achieve their implementation are waiting for the positions of system analysts, developers of economic information systems. In countries with a developed market system, yes, but in a transitional system, this list is much longer.

The percentage of probability that a student who has received a diploma in the speci alty "Economic Cybernetics" will become a manager or an economist is much higher. Who can work? The answer will be the real employment statistics of the best graduates of one of the universities.
Ie 32 people - excellent students - 13 became economists (managers), 7 - engineers (programmers), 2 - scientists, 6 - top managers (administrators); 2 - IT specialists of Western companies; 2 - project coordinators.
Obviously, economic cybernetics is a speci alty that correlateswith the level of development of productive forces in the state. Naturally, the employers of a country whose exports account for more than 90% of mechanical engineering and computer technology products (the level of Germany, Japan) will make a significant demand for cybernetics specialists. And employers from countries whose export share of mechanical engineering does not exceed 5% (the current level of the former CIS countries) to a greater extent offer specialists - cybernetics the positions of economists.
Natural positioning of cybernetic economists in the labor market
Is this correct in terms of scientific and technological progress? After all, it was precisely as a forge of new managerial personnel, experts in technology, that economic cybernetics was in demand by the time. “Who can work after graduating from the relevant faculty?” - this question reasonably worries applicants. Unfortunately, the national economy places few direct orders for cybernetics graduates. But that doesn't mean that they don't exist. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, cybernetics graduates have to act on the basis of the principle “saving the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves”. Rethinking the above statistics on the employment of excellent students, we have formulated several winning strategies for them to date:
Project Manager;
· head of a small science-intensive enterprise (he is able to perform the role of a project manager in one person, and this is his strength);
· IT specialist working in the market of foreign IT companies;
career abroad.
Why are theywinning? The answer is simple. A cybernetic specialist, following them, as they say, “kills two birds with one stone”: he develops in his main speci alty and receives a decent salary.

The prerequisite for this is real, because the course of study in the direction of "Economic Cybernetics" really corresponds to the trends of scientific and technical progress. The direction of the university educational process is beyond doubt - it is the formation of a new generation of top managers who have both deep economic knowledge and modern technologies.
Characteristic features of the work of cybernetic economists
Indeed, to achieve breakthrough business performance, one should:
- deeply understand the economic process itself, and the technologies for its implementation and accounting;
- reformat the above processes into programmable blocks;
- create (allocate) adequate hardware;
- create highly effective procedures (program) that exclude duplication of information;
- train specialists operating the cyber system;
- make a pilot project, improve efficiency;
- establish an effective tracking system;
- launch the cyber system for mass use, periodically carry out motivational activities for staff.
Project management of the banking system as a field of activity in the speci alty EC
For mathematical economists today, one of the real areas of activity is project managementin banking.

Currently, when the process of optimizing banks is taking place, economic cybernetics is really in demand in them at the project level as a field of technological knowledge. How to work in the banking sector for bachelors and masters of cybernetics? Project managers and members of the project team in the central offices of banks (there are no such positions in the periphery). A banking project is always specific: it is designed for a specific subject area.
Many projects are regularly implemented in the field of corporate, retail, small and medium business, office work. To promote them, permanent departments and departments are created in the staff of banks. Typically, a project leader, manager, and project team are involved in the implementation of the project. The latter also includes representatives of the relevant line departments of the bank, in which the future cyber system will operate.
Features of working on a banking project
The life cycle of such a project consists of three phases: pre-investment, investment and post-investment. First, the concept of the project is justified, during which the goals, financing are commensurate, the feasibility is substantiated and planning is carried out. The development of the project determines the list of works, assignment of performers, schedules, design estimates, necessary contracts with suppliers and contractors. This is followed by the execution and completion phases, respectively. The project cycle ends with the operational phase, whenwhich achieves manageability, reliability, control, feedback.
In the development of the banking sector, small (targeted) projects and megaprojects are practiced (consistently achieved goals of an international, national, regional, intersectoral nature in the implementation of many coordinated small projects). Economic cybernetics can solve the most diverse tasks in the banking sector. There is no need to look for reviews of successful projects. They immediately catch the eye by the success of the bank, by the way customers go there…
For clarity, we will give an example of a small project. A powerful bank attracted many enterprises and organizations to payroll card projects. The first goal was achieved - an increase in liabilities on card salary accounts.
The second step is the centralization of payroll. This task is solved in the form of project implementation. It involves professionals who are versed in IT technologies, operational and accounting card accounting. They develop methods for creating a cyber solution for a project task using banking technologies for transferring and protecting information, the method of relational tables, and experience in creating optimal software interfaces for performers. The created technology is preliminarily tested on a pilot project involving one or more directorates of the bank.
Logistics in terms of employment opportunities
However, trade and logistics also show demand for projects created and implemented by cybernetics. At present, the transitional type of the economy of Russia, Ukraine determinesgrowing demand for software development. Moreover, among the most promising - work on the profile of EC. At the same time, the demand for the skills of mathematical modeling of economic processes by employers is growing. Such conclusions were reached by the international agency CareerCast in 2014.

Let's recall at least the dispatching system for managing a fixed-route taxi, simultaneously covering several cities. It is developed and maintained by IT companies, which, by definition, require carriers of the speci alty “economic cybernetics”. A subsystem for the operational accounting of drivers on routes, laying a route, classifying customer calls, working in parallel with the communication system, taking into account the receipt of funds, generating reports …
Order acceptance for the dispatcher is automated. The price of the service is calculated centrally, taking into account the length of the route and the tariff. The dispatcher sees the work of his colleagues in parallel with his work. A user-friendly interface allows the dispatcher to quickly navigate. Orders are divided into three categories:
· “hot”;
Programmatically from the category “pre-orders” after 30 minutes go to the category “hot”.
The taxi dispatch service is just one example. Today, cybernetics, implemented in proprietary software and hardware products, links state institutions, key enterprises of industries, geographically dispersed network networks into a single controlled mechanism.shops, pharmacies, gas stations, etc.
Demand for retail chains of EC specialists
Graduates of the faculties of "Economic Cybernetics" are functionally in demand in the "headquarters" of network trading companies. Why? Judge for yourself: it is estimated that effective network trading companies are able to capture about 90% of the market. It is clear that this requires investment. But that's what brains are for! Let's imagine the real problems of network trading, its main links:
Consolidated, logistically sound purchases of goods at the best prices;
Increase profitability through strict regulation of the work of a single central warehouse of a grid company;
Constant monitoring of minimizing the use of office space and optimizing inventory through the efficient operation of transport;
· optimization of the control apparatus.
Thus, considering the economic system of a network company, we really see the demand for skilled labor in the speci alty we are studying.

What hinders the advancement of mathematician economists today, determines their place mainly in auxiliary, highly specialized sectors of the economy (after all, the social mission of such an activity as economic cybernetics is leveled by the latter)?
Prospects are still ahead. The reason is mentality: in conditions of stagnation and crisis, when management is carried out mainly in "manual"mode, the boss is more often an administrator in style of management than a technologist. Let's be honest. The priority of paternalistic leadership leads to the fact that cybernetics specialists often find themselves in an unenviable position - "I see everything; I understand how to do it, and I can not influence anything." Their vision of problems is always secondary. Primary are the directives of the leadership.
A significant problem is the absence in the state of an effective program to attract young professionals in the industry. As a result, gourmet employers set a bar that is unbearable for graduate students: work experience in their speci alty. But no experience! There is knowledge, and the personnel officer is unable to adequately assess it. And no one will ask a cybernetics graduate who came to get a job the questions that are his forte - on factor analysis and adaptive control. Accordingly, his employment will not correspond to the speci alty. And the knowledge of software products is forgotten, and programs become obsolete, and the effect of education is reduced … There really is something to think about …

We have to admit that economic cybernetics in our country is the profession of the future. (Isn't this the reason for the "brain drain"?) Its heyday and, accordingly, the maximum demand for masters in cybernetics is ahead, when investors pour into the post-Soviet countries, when creativity becomes the norm, when the doors of domestic "Silicon Institutes" open wide for young daring people. Dolin" when in honor atappointment to a position will not be kinship, connections, party membership, but the ability to creatively and effectively manage economic structures of varying complexity.
The reason is in macroeconomics. Sufficient and highly effective investments are needed in the sectors that determine the production potential. We need transparent control over the spending of funds and decent remuneration of personnel involved in projects. We need leadership competition in the right sense of the word.
Efficiency of investments is, unfortunately, the scourge of countries in transition. They built an uncountable number of financial schemes that enrich the oligarchs and form shadow financial flows. Unfortunately, justice here has not yet spoken its weighty word…