Speci alty "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products": where to study, who to work

Speci alty "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products": where to study, who to work
Speci alty "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products": where to study, who to work

The review article will discuss the specialization called "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products." What exactly do students study, what skills and knowledge do they acquire, where can they go to work and where to study?

Entrance exams and admission conditions

To enter a university, you will have to pass passing exams. The main subjects for admission are:

  • Russian language.
  • Chemistry or mathematics.
  • Biology.

Before entering the institute, it is worth clarifying the entrance exams, as the subjects for which the exams are taken may differ in each university.

technology of production and processing of agricultural products
technology of production and processing of agricultural products

The applicant must have documents that confirm the secondary (complete) or secondary vocational education of the state standard.

Budget places

Budget places are not providedin all universities. Where there is an opportunity to receive free education, there is a limit on the number of places.

There are 180 budget places at the Don State Agrarian University, and only 2 such places at the Khakass branch of the Krasnoyarsk Agrarian University with state support.

To get a state-funded place in the speci alty "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products", you need to get a passing score when passing the entrance exams.

Almost every institute offers a place in a hostel.

What is the speci alty

Based on the fact that the world's population is increasing, and everyone needs food for life, it can be concluded that specialists in such a field as "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products" are very relevant.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in this specialization, it will be possible to improve the quality of products. High quality is highly valued in the market, which should stimulate the creation of first-class products.

agricultural institute
agricultural institute

After graduating from the Agricultural Institute, the graduate will understand issues related to the suitability of the soil for sowing seeds on it and growing them, properly organize the storage, production and processing of raw materials and agricultural products (livestock and crop production).

biochemistry of agricultural products
biochemistry of agricultural products

Graduates will be able to devote themselves to scientific activities or go to work inpublic or private organization.

Where to apply

There are more than 60 agricultural institutes in Russia. This specialization is offered at all universities.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by the Orenburg Agrarian University with state support, the second - by a Moscow institution - the Russian State Agrarian University of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev, and the third - Kuban Agrarian University.

The choice of educational institutions where you can get the speci alty "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products" is large. Acquired academic degree - bachelor. Visitors from afar can arrange a place in a hostel and calmly receive knowledge. True, to begin with, it is worth clarifying whether there are any available.

Training period

The term of study on the basis of grade 11 varies from 4 to 5 years depending on the form of education (correspondence, part-time and full-time).

Some universities offer distance learning.

After graduation, the student defends his bachelor's thesis and takes the state exam. The last, the state exam, is at the discretion of the higher education institution.

Main disciplines

Subjects that are important at the time of learning:

  1. Genetics and reproduction of farm animals.
  2. Plant physiology.
  3. Biochemistry of agricultural products.
  4. Standardization and certification procedure for agricultural products.
  5. Morphology and physiology of agriculturalanimals.
  6. Microbiology.
  7. Radiology of the agricultural area.
  8. Agriculture with the basics of soil science and agricultural chemistry.
  9. The main directions in the mechanization and automation of technological processes in agriculture.
  10. Feed production.
  11. Chemistry.
  12. Gene and cell engineering.
  13. Veterinary basics and others.
term of study on the basis of grade 11
term of study on the basis of grade 11

Also, while studying at the university for this speci alty, students study the economics of the agro-industrial complex, law and life safety.


Studying at the institute, a student must undergo an internship without fail. The main places of practice (educational and industrial) can be:

  • Businesses.
  • Research institutes.
  • Firms.
  • Chairs and laboratories of the university.
agricultural production technologist
agricultural production technologist

A stage (section) of educational practice for obtaining the speci alty "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products" is allowed for research design of the student.

Acquired knowledge and skills

After the university is completed, the graduate will become a qualified workforce with the knowledge and skills that are necessary and highly demanded in the labor market in the modern world. Will be ready to carry out not only production and technological activities, but also analytical, commodity research, research andorganizational and managerial.

Acquired skills during training:

  • The ability to implement technologies in the world of microbiology to create fertilizers, also calculate the required dose of fertilizers for a particular plant.
  • Sustainable use of agricultural equipment for processing raw materials.
  • Veterinary care and disease detection for both animals and plants.
  • The ability to evaluate at the genetic level a cultivated plant variety and animal breed.
  • Carrying out marketing activities, developing a business plan for the processing and production of agricultural products.
  • Do laboratory analysis of samples.
  • Personnel management.
  • Must have knowledge related to the production and processing of products, the origin of plant and animal - to navigate the laws, decrees and regulatory materials.
  • To have knowledge of the principles and effective ways of organizing, managing and planning the production and processing of agricultural products (livestock and crop production).
  • To have knowledge and be able to use it, to calculate the possible efficiency of production, processing and sale of plant and animal raw materials.
  • Apply GOST when doing your work in the agricultural industry.
  • The ability to do statistical processing of the results.

And this is not yet a complete list of skills that are acquired by mastering the speci alty Technology of production andprocessing of agricultural products.”

morphology and physiology of farm animals
morphology and physiology of farm animals

Who can go to work

Familiarizing yourself with some of the acquired skills, you can guess that the choice of professions is quite wide. For example, you can list several positions for which it will be possible to find a job:

  • Agricultural production technologist.
  • Marketer.
  • Lab assistant.
  • Appraiser.
  • Commodity manager.
  • Diagnostician
  • Barista.
  • Procurer.
  • Foreman.
  • Leadership position.

There is an opportunity to get a job in other speci alties: in enterprises for the manufacture of plant or animal products. Qualified personnel can find work at bakeries, dairies, meat processing plants, various laboratories, independently organize a farm and establish food production, also organize the storage and sale of goods in a distribution network and with a complete production cycle.

Thanks to the knowledge gained during training in the speci alty (state standard numbered 35.03.07), a graduate can open a private production of agricultural products or go to work for a state or private enterprise.

places of practice
places of practice

This profession is relevant and in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Career growth is possible in this profession. A specialist without experience in Moscow receives an average of 25,000 - 35,000 rubles, whilethe demand for a professional with experience increases and, naturally, the salary increases.

After graduation, promising students are given a job at an enterprise with which there is an agreement with this educational institution, or there is an opportunity to get a job at the university itself.

Should I continue studying

For more in-depth knowledge of this specialization, you can continue your studies after receiving a bachelor's degree. After improving knowledge in the field of storage technologies and production of agricultural products in the magistracy, which will take 2 years, it will be possible to find a job of choice: in the gardening industry, in the department of environmental protection, in the plant protection service, or to devote oneself to science.

If you choose the latter, after graduating from the master's program, you can go further - to enroll in graduate school and doctoral studies.

Depending on the educational institution, while continuing education in the magistracy, practice can take place both at domestic enterprises for the production of agricultural products and at foreign ones.


Everyone knows that Russia is a country with great potential in the field of production and cultivation of agricultural products. Large territories that are free and waiting in the wings to be used for the benefit of mankind. Farms, various enterprises for the storage and processing of food raw materials need qualified personnel to increase productivity and improve the technological process.

Thanks to the acquired knowledge in the fieldtechnologies of agricultural products, the correct use of modern high-tech tools and the ability to identify defects, inaccuracies and other defects, you can significantly improve product quality, increase yields and rationally use skills so that only high-quality raw materials enter the market.