Churila Plenkovich is an epic hero, an extraordinary handsome man who is aware of the degree of influence on women of his outstanding appearance. He is not famous for heroic deeds, like the famous Russian heroes, he does not perform feats for the sake of saving the fatherland or any person. The story about him boils down to love adventures. There are only three epics about Churila, although they are told in different versions, and an erroneous opinion is created about their greater number.
Russian epics
Bylina is a folk epic song that tells about significant events or the heroic deed of a Russian hero. In epic stories, historians see the events that took place in Russia in the period from the 10th to the 13th centuries. The work was performed by a singer-storyteller, often accompanied by a gusel accompaniment.
In the center of many epics stands the figure of the Prince of Kyiv, Vladimir. Churila Plenkovich also lives near Kyiv. The bylina tells about the events taking place in the same region.
In every epicthere is a description of either a terrible battle or a fun feast - two events that could be described colorfully and excitingly for a simple listener.

There are well-known Russian heroes whose strength and loy alty to the Fatherland are described by epic storytellers. These are Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and other heroes loved by the people. There are other, visiting heroes, the attitude towards which, judging by the plots of epics, is far from unambiguous. For example, Churila Plenkovich or Duke Stepanovich.
Story No. 1. Acquaintance of Prince Vladimir with Churila
This epic is called differently, but we are talking about the same events in which Churila Plenkovic participated. The summary of the epic is as follows: complainers come to the feast in the palace of Vladimir, who ask to punish their offenders who attacked peaceful fishermen and took away the entire catch. The prince just shrugged it off. A second group of peasants appeared with a complaint about the people who had taken away all the game they had caught. The prince did not listen to them. The third group began to complain about encroachments on the prince's property: “… They snatched the bright falcons and caught the white gyrfalcons …” The prince was surprised: “Who is so insolent?”. It turned out that Churila, a very rich man, lived nearby, seven versts from Kyiv. “The first gate to the courtyard is gravelly, the second is crystal, the third is tin.”
The prince, taking with him his heroes, boyars, princes, went to see the miracle. They are met by Churily's father, old Film. Opens the gates to the courtyard, such as Bermyata told about. Here the hero Churila Plenkovich drove up. Well done went downinto his cellars, took out stocks of furs, brocade, gold treasury from there and gives everything to the prince.

Vladimir called the hero to his service, he did not disobey and ended up in Kyiv. Apraxia once looked at his curls and accidentally cut her hand. The gossips noticed this and began to chat. And the woman began to ask her husband to transfer the handsome man to bed. Vladimir did not like it, and he sent Churila from himself back home.
Story No. 2. Bylina about Duke Stepanovich
In the story about the boastful Duke, Churila participates only in a small episode. Duke, a visiting hero, came to Kyiv to the prince with a message. On the way, he was loudly surprised at the poverty of Kyiv, boasted of the luxury of his Indian court. At the table, he scolded food and treats, arguing that in his house the food was tastier. He showed off his dresses and outfits.

Could not stand this local dandy Churila Plenkovich, who was rightfully considered the first handsome man in Kyiv. He called Duke Stepanovich, but not to a fair fight, as is customary among real heroes, but to competitions in panache and horse racing. The visiting hero won: clothes were brought to him every day on a horse from India, in a race across the Puchay River, his horse was also stronger. And the ambassadors, seeing the Duke's court in India, reported to the prince that if Kyiv and Chernigov were sold, then the money would only be enough for paper to compile an inventory of the we alth of the visiting hero.
Story 3. Churila's death
Being in the prince's service as a "caller for feasts", Churila Plenkovich saw the beautiful Katerina, his wifeold Bermyata Vasilyevich. When her husband went to church, Katerina let a handsome young man into the house. I sat down to play chess with him. But since her head was spinning, and her thoughts were about something else, she lost three games to Churila, and only 200 rubles. Then she threw the board, grabbed the young man by the hands and led him to her bedchamber.
Hay girl ran to the church and told everything to the owner. Churila and beautiful Katerina die in each other's arms, and Bermyata marries a traitorous maid.
The name of the hero
On the origin of the name Churila, researchers have not yet come to a consensus. Some argue that this is a derivative of Dzhurilo or Tsurilo, and Academician Veselovsky is inclined to believe that the old Russian name Kirill was distorted in this way.

The patronymic of the hero is also not easy. Plenkovich is the son of Plenka. But the fact is that at first there was no father in the epics, only the patronymic of the son sounded. Researchers believe that it arose from the characteristics of the hero himself. Schap - dandy, pinch - flaunt. And Churila's patronymic was at first Schaplenkovich, that is, Shchegolevich. Then it was transformed into Plenkovich, and then the image of the hero’s father was formed in the eyes of the people.
Image of Churila
What was the visiting hero Churila Plenkovich like? Positive or negative character? He is a handsome man, and from his beauty all women immediately lose their heads. He is red tape, does not miss a single girl's glance, not a single flushed cheek.
He even differs in some humanity among the heroes of Prince Vladimir, at least inattitude towards women. All his thoughts are about them, all his dreams are connected with them. Critics note that in the epics there is not a single rude or vulgar expression in the descriptions of the hero himself and his dates with women. There are suggestions that the cycle of epics about Churila was written for female performance.
Novgorod origin of the hero
Trying to trace the life of the hero, the researchers came to the conclusion that he lived seven miles from Kyiv for only a short time. Most likely, Churila Plenkovich, whose biography has interested historians, is a specific prince. But where?

His we alth, which amazed Prince Vladimir and his squad; warriors of the hero who dared not only to take prey from hunters and fishermen with impunity, but also to beat them; the large number of his troops, whom Vladimir was frightened at the very beginning of his acquaintance - everything speaks of Churil as a native of the northern lands of Russia. These are the principalities that separated from Kyiv, which became independent, surpassing Kyiv in strength and we alth, but not having that power.
It was suggested that epics about Churil Plenkovich are the result of Novgorod folk art. The insignificant role of the Kyiv prince, who was sincerely frightened by the hero’s squad, mistaking it for the Golden Horde, who could not protect his subjects from robberies, suggests that Churila is a Novgorodian. It was there that the princes could behave in this way.
Not every family was allowed to own such we alth that Churila and his father owned. Significant capitals, rich courtyards, numerous servants- this is also characteristic of the Novgorod princes.
Beating the subjects of Prince Vladimir, hosting in his possessions - this is also the norm of behavior for Novgorod at that time. "Latin stallions" under the riders, Churila's boots "German cut", buttons on Churila's fur coat - a golden "apple", covered with ornaments, allude, according to experts, to Novgorod life.

Even nature, although it takes place in Kyiv, reminds the Russian north in the stories about Churil. On the day of the Annunciation, when Katerina's husband left for church, powder falls, that is, a young snowball, on which the traces of Churila are clearly visible. Yes, and he drives up to Katerina's house on a sleigh and in a fur coat. Of course, these are northern paintings.
Churila Character
Description of his appearance takes up most of the story. The hero does not perform any deeds for the glory of the Fatherland, he does not smash enemies, he does not protect the weak. He is proud and enjoys his beauty. A dandy - this harmless, but eloquent characteristic goes through all the epics about him. He appreciates his beauty, cares about appearance, dress, surroundings. What is the fact that the hero makes the servant wear a “sunflower” behind him, that is, an umbrella from the sun, so as not to spoil the color of the skin. Harmless and some kind of funny hero turned out.